Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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It was the greatest...if not THE greatest, the GREATEST of our time. '

you guys just can't stand it can you. What about all the lies Joe has told, told that night, lost his cool, lost his place, lost his mind and damn near lost his footing if not for jill holding his hand and walking him down the stair like a toddler. ..for all to see. WHAT a show of strength. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
It was the greatest...if not THE greatest, the GREATEST of our time. '

you guys just can't stand it can you. What about all the lies Joe has told, told that night, lost his cool, lost his place, lost his mind and damn near lost his footing if not for jill holding his hand and walking him down the stair like a toddler. ..for all to see. WHAT a show of strength. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

Biden lied too. But I showed a lie Trump peddled in response to the nonsensical claim he didn't lie.
Here's one of the many, MANY articles calling for fossil Biden to end his campaign...........................

Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race.​

I watched the Biden-Trump debate alone in a Lisbon hotel room, and it made me weep. I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime, precisely because of what it revealed: Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election. And Donald Trump, a malicious man and a petty president, has learned nothing and forgotten nothing. He is the same fire hose of lies he always was, obsessed with his grievances — nowhere close to what it will take for America to lead in the 21st century.

Biden's knuckles are swollen from arthritis.

Biden also looks like he's pissed off.

An angry scowl on his face when Trump is talking.
They trained Biden to say LIAR LIAR so as soon as his mic is on. he just has to say that. The anger comes from him unable to yell LIAR when Trump is speaking.
They trained Biden to say LIAR LIAR so as soon as his mic is on. he just has to say that. The anger comes from him unable to yell LIAR when Trump is speaking.
He calls Trump the liar when HE claimed no troops died under his watch in Afghanistan (maybe he meant to say “when they took the bodies past me, I CHECKED my watch), and that the Border Patrol endorsed him?!
Not so much. They're neck & neck in the polls.

Majority of voters think Biden is cognitively unfit to serve as president: poll

Poll finds 72% of registered voters doubt Biden’s cognitive abilities​

By AndreaVacchiano Fox News
Published June 30, 2024 7:11pm EDT

The Dems are between a rock and a hard place. The only way they can force him out is to declare him mentally unfit to serve as president, and that means he has to step down NOW - not January. And nobody wants Affirmative Axtion Cackles to assume the role.

But if they don’t act to remove him, he won’t go willingly. They will be locked into a Stage 5 dementia patient as their nominee, who is only somewhat lucid between 10 am and 6 pm.

Majority of voters think Biden is cognitively unfit to serve as president: poll

Poll finds 72% of registered voters doubt Biden’s cognitive abilities​

By AndreaVacchiano Fox News
Published June 30, 2024 7:11pm EDT

You fail. The question wasn't do Americans think Biden is cognitively fit to serve as president. The question is, Between Trump and Biden, who does America want to be president.

And among the 3 polls taken since the debate, Trump holds a slim lead, 45.7% to 44.3%.

What Biden’s schedule will be 7 months from now:

8:00 am - the aide comes in to wake him up, help him get dressed, and then serves him breakfast in his kitchen

9:00 am - 11:00 am - watch TV, although can’t really follow too much

11:30 am - 12:00 noon - is escorted to the exercise room for “aerobics,” which consists of sitting in the chair and moving his feet around, to pleasant music

Noon - 1:30 pm - Lunch in dining room

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm - sits outside, gettimg fresh air, and dozing off

3:00 - 4:00 pm - naptime

5:00 - 6:00 pm - dinner in dining room

6:30 - 8:30 - escorted to in-house theater to watch movie, and escorted back

9:00 pm - aide helps him undress, washed up, and into bed

9:30 pm - bedtime

Come to think of it, this might be close to his schedule NOW!

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