Let's Post Every Public Attack From Angry Liberals To Illustrate What's Really Going On In America

And here's another Democrat inciting violence with his inflammatory rhetoric:

Joaquin Castro: Trump’s Emergency a ‘Power Grab,’ ‘He’s Trying to ‘Undermine Congress’
Joaquin Castro: Trump's Emergency a 'Power Grab,’ ‘He's Trying to 'Undermine Congress' | Breitbart
Friday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) discussed the House Democrats’ resolution he wrote to block President Donald Trump’s emergency declaration on the U.S.-Mexico border to secure the funds to build a wall.

Castro said, “I have said this is a matter of a Constitutional power grab by the president. This president has sought to undermine the legitimacy of the Judiciary and now he is basically going after Congress.”

He added, “I think that if we allow him to do it this time, this will not be the last time he tries to undermine Congress and take power from the United States Congress.”

Sooooo....let me get this straight; Protecting us from a foreign invasion that we all know is taking place is a "Power Grab"?????
Okay, when are all of the Mexicans going to be interned in camps????
And here's another Democrat inciting violence with his inflammatory rhetoric:

Joaquin Castro: Trump’s Emergency a ‘Power Grab,’ ‘He’s Trying to ‘Undermine Congress’
Joaquin Castro: Trump's Emergency a 'Power Grab,’ ‘He's Trying to 'Undermine Congress' | Breitbart
Friday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) discussed the House Democrats’ resolution he wrote to block President Donald Trump’s emergency declaration on the U.S.-Mexico border to secure the funds to build a wall.

Castro said, “I have said this is a matter of a Constitutional power grab by the president. This president has sought to undermine the legitimacy of the Judiciary and now he is basically going after Congress.”

He added, “I think that if we allow him to do it this time, this will not be the last time he tries to undermine Congress and take power from the United States Congress.”

Sooooo....let me get this straight; Protecting us from a foreign invasion that we all know is taking place is a "Power Grab"?????
Okay, when are all of the Mexicans going to be interned in camps????

What a snowflake you have turned out to be. This is "inflammatory rhetoric"...holy fuck dude, how do you find the courage to walk out your door in the morning if this triggers you?
Liberals have been complaining for years that whites have been the oppressors......when in fact Democrats OF ALL RACES have been. They all seem to justify their rage on some imaginary aggression in their collective minds that tells them it's okay to physically assault someone over their race or their political/religious beliefs.

The latest is from a drunk Brazilian immigrant who attacked a man wearing a MAGA hat. She claims that seeing a red hat was a form of bullying. So what does she do? She becomes a bully.

The point should be, if you hate bullies....don't be a bully.
Another good what if is......what if this turns bad, and the person who is attacked becomes the attacker? What I fear is eventually somebody is going to lash out and end up getting killed.....and I also fear that this is the reason for this in the first place. It's part of the Democrat plan. GET PEOPLE KILLED.

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows

A Massachusetts woman upset that a patron at a Mexican restaurant in Cape Cod was wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat was arrested for allegedly assaulting him.

Rosaine Santos, a 41-year-old immigrant, from Brazil living in Falmouth, was charged with disorderly conduct, assault and battery after a confrontation at Casa Vallarta” Mexican restaurant last Friday.

According to police, Santos was upset that a man – later identified as 23-year-old Bryton Turner of Mashpee – had the audacity to wear the iconic red hat at the Mexican eatery, Boston 25 reported.


California restaurant owner refuses to serve people wearing MAGA hats
Fox & Trends with Carley Shimkus.

Turner told police that he was minding his own business when Santos started yelling at him because of his hat. Annoyed by the woman’s antics, he pulled out his phone and started recording her.

In the video, Santos is seen walking behind him and hitting his hat off his head.

“That’s the problem – the problem with American these days, people are just ignorant,” Turner said in the video.

When police arrived at the restaurant, Santos reportedly told them that Turner should not be allowed to eat at a Mexican restaurant because of his support for President Donald Trump, who is pushing to building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

As police escorted Santos out of the restaurant, she allegedly took another swipe at Turner.

“I had a little bit to drink maybe that’s the reason that I couldn’t walk away but being discriminated for so many times in my life, I just had to stand up for myself,” she said. “He’s not a victim. I am the victim. I have been bullied, OK?”​

Lets post every attack from angry Conservatives to show whats going on in Amerca.

What do the stormtroopers call the rebels....

You dirty cheerleader scum.

The thing is they turn out to be a Jesse moment.

Is this a Jesse moment...

Coast Guard Lieutenant Arrested in Alleged Domestic Terror Plot
Nothing happened, but a liberal loon did shoot up republicans praticing for a baseball game.
Gabby Gifford is waving at you.
Man wearing MAGA hat assaulted while walking downtown Tucson

TUCSON – Jonathan Sparks is passionate about his political beliefs, but he said those beliefs were attacked while he was walking around Tucson.


Jonathan Sparks was assaulted while wearing a MAGA hat & holding a Trump sign.
“And oh was it painful. My ankle was just hanging there,” said Sparks.

As Sparks walked downtown, a man attacked him from behind.

“I felt a very strong grasp on my hat. It pulled me back and grabbed a lot of hair,” Sparks said. The assailant jumped onto my ankle from behind and so not knowing my ankle was broken into four pieces, I turned around to grab and take the hat back. My hands latched onto the hat.”

According to Sparks, they both fell to the ground.

“Then I heard the words Hitler, Nazi and Trump. He was shouting things like that,” Sparks said. “He came over the top of me and over and over again, he hit me.”

People nearby ran over and pulled the attacker off of Sparks. They held him down until police arrived. Tucson Police Department said the man was arrested for assault.

“I was making a statement that I personally believe that Donald Trump is a fantastic president of the United States,” Sparks said. “I think that intolerance to his ideology was the flame.”​
Liberals have been complaining for years that whites have been the oppressors......when in fact Democrats OF ALL RACES have been. They all seem to justify their rage on some imaginary aggression in their collective minds that tells them it's okay to physically assault someone over their race or their political/religious beliefs.

The latest is from a drunk Brazilian immigrant who attacked a man wearing a MAGA hat. She claims that seeing a red hat was a form of bullying. So what does she do? She becomes a bully.

The point should be, if you hate bullies....don't be a bully.
A good what if is......what if this turns bad, and the person who is attacked becomes the attacker? What I fear is eventually somebody is going to lash out and end up getting killed.....and I also fear that this is the reason for this in the first place. It's part of the Democrat plan. GET PEOPLE KILLED.

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows

A Massachusetts woman upset that a patron at a Mexican restaurant in Cape Cod was wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat was arrested for allegedly assaulting him.

Rosaine Santos, a 41-year-old immigrant, from Brazil living in Falmouth, was charged with disorderly conduct, assault and battery after a confrontation at Casa Vallarta” Mexican restaurant last Friday.

According to police, Santos was upset that a man – later identified as 23-year-old Bryton Turner of Mashpee – had the audacity to wear the iconic red hat at the Mexican eatery, Boston 25 reported.


California restaurant owner refuses to serve people wearing MAGA hats
Fox & Trends with Carley Shimkus.

Turner told police that he was minding his own business when Santos started yelling at him because of his hat. Annoyed by the woman’s antics, he pulled out his phone and started recording her.

In the video, Santos is seen walking behind him and hitting his hat off his head.

“That’s the problem – the problem with American these days, people are just ignorant,” Turner said in the video.

When police arrived at the restaurant, Santos reportedly told them that Turner should not be allowed to eat at a Mexican restaurant because of his support for President Donald Trump, who is pushing to building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

As police escorted Santos out of the restaurant, she allegedly took another swipe at Turner.

“I had a little bit to drink maybe that’s the reason that I couldn’t walk away but being discriminated for so many times in my life, I just had to stand up for myself,” she said. “He’s not a victim. I am the victim. I have been bullied, OK?”​

I think there is a group that has already done this list...I can't remember which one, but it is long and typical of left wing hate and violence....
And here's one of the people that is guilty of inciting violence:

Maher: Trump Is Inspiring Terrorism with His ‘Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder’

Friday on HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher and his panel, which included former interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile, so-called GOP strategist Rick Wilson, Bernard-Henri Lévy and former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), blamed President Donald Trump for terror threats that have flared up recently.

Maher tied alleged terror threat Christopher Hasson, who he referred to as a “moderate among Republicans,” to Trump.

“How many times does this have to happen before we realize that these guys are the ‘Son of Sam’ killers and he is the dog that they are listening to?” he said.

The “Real Time” host went on to diagnose Trump with mental illness.

Maher: Trump Is Inspiring Terrorism with His 'Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder' | Breitbart
There is sooo much of it going on don't you know, that the left wing media consistently get caught in making the hate stories up.

The left have now of course sloughed off the gay negro attack story, the way they sloughed off the Covington boys story.

Now, on to their slave masters and crafty talkers to guide them back to their fucked up hatred.

Then again, I do certainly hate them far more than they could ever hate Trump or a proud Trump voter like me.

Trust that.
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So, we have a country of 325 million people and we have 5 stories of "angry liberal attacks"...damn it is a national emergency!
No kidding. Some moron yelling at someone is EXACTLY like a killer stock piling weapons and planning a massive terrorist attack on journalists and Democratic legislators
The media piled it on.....and it literally blew up in their collective faces.

Man wearing MAGA hat assaulted while walking downtown Tucson

TUCSON – Jonathan Sparks is passionate about his political beliefs, but he said those beliefs were attacked while he was walking around Tucson.


Jonathan Sparks was assaulted while wearing a MAGA hat & holding a Trump sign.
“And oh was it painful. My ankle was just hanging there,” said Sparks.

As Sparks walked downtown, a man attacked him from behind.

“I felt a very strong grasp on my hat. It pulled me back and grabbed a lot of hair,” Sparks said. The assailant jumped onto my ankle from behind and so not knowing my ankle was broken into four pieces, I turned around to grab and take the hat back. My hands latched onto the hat.”

According to Sparks, they both fell to the ground.

“Then I heard the words Hitler, Nazi and Trump. He was shouting things like that,” Sparks said. “He came over the top of me and over and over again, he hit me.”

People nearby ran over and pulled the attacker off of Sparks. They held him down until police arrived. Tucson Police Department said the man was arrested for assault.

“I was making a statement that I personally believe that Donald Trump is a fantastic president of the United States,” Sparks said. “I think that intolerance to his ideology was the flame.”​

police charged the guy with robbery, seems it had nothing to do with a hat...
These "attacks" are happening everywhere. They come in different forms....either verbal or physical attacks, but attacks non the less. Is this Russia, or is it America???

So, we have a country of 325 million people and we have 5 stories of "angry liberal attacks"...damn it is a national emergency!
No kidding. Some moron yelling at someone is EXACTLY like a killer stock piling weapons and planning a massive terrorist attack on journalists and Democratic legislators
How about a leftwinger blasting at away at Republican members of Congress and wounding several of them?
So, we have a country of 325 million people and we have 5 stories of "angry liberal attacks"...damn it is a national emergency!
No kidding. Some moron yelling at someone is EXACTLY like a killer stock piling weapons and planning a massive terrorist attack on journalists and Democratic legislators
How about a leftwinger blasting at away at Republican members of Congress and wounding several of them?
WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!!!!:disbelief:
Liberals have been complaining for years that whites have been the oppressors......when in fact Democrats OF ALL RACES have been. They all seem to justify their rage on some imaginary aggression in their collective minds that tells them it's okay to physically assault someone over their race or their political/religious beliefs.

The latest is from a drunk Brazilian immigrant who attacked a man wearing a MAGA hat. She claims that seeing a red hat was a form of bullying. So what does she do? She becomes a bully.

The point should be, if you hate bullies....don't be a bully.
Another good what if is......what if this turns bad, and the person who is attacked becomes the attacker? What I fear is eventually somebody is going to lash out and end up getting killed.....and I also fear that this is the reason for this in the first place. It's part of the Democrat plan. GET PEOPLE KILLED.

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows

A Massachusetts woman upset that a patron at a Mexican restaurant in Cape Cod was wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat was arrested for allegedly assaulting him.

Rosaine Santos, a 41-year-old immigrant, from Brazil living in Falmouth, was charged with disorderly conduct, assault and battery after a confrontation at Casa Vallarta” Mexican restaurant last Friday.

According to police, Santos was upset that a man – later identified as 23-year-old Bryton Turner of Mashpee – had the audacity to wear the iconic red hat at the Mexican eatery, Boston 25 reported.


California restaurant owner refuses to serve people wearing MAGA hats
Fox & Trends with Carley Shimkus.

Turner told police that he was minding his own business when Santos started yelling at him because of his hat. Annoyed by the woman’s antics, he pulled out his phone and started recording her.

In the video, Santos is seen walking behind him and hitting his hat off his head.

“That’s the problem – the problem with American these days, people are just ignorant,” Turner said in the video.

When police arrived at the restaurant, Santos reportedly told them that Turner should not be allowed to eat at a Mexican restaurant because of his support for President Donald Trump, who is pushing to building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

As police escorted Santos out of the restaurant, she allegedly took another swipe at Turner.

“I had a little bit to drink maybe that’s the reason that I couldn’t walk away but being discriminated for so many times in my life, I just had to stand up for myself,” she said. “He’s not a victim. I am the victim. I have been bullied, OK?”​

Lets post every attack from angry Conservatives to show whats going on in Amerca.

What do the stormtroopers call the rebels....

You dirty cheerleader scum.

The thing is they turn out to be a Jesse moment.

Is this a Jesse moment...

Coast Guard Lieutenant Arrested in Alleged Domestic Terror Plot
Nothing happened, but a liberal loon did shoot up republicans praticing for a baseball game.
Gabby Gifford is waving at you.
Shot by an indepentdent? Keep digging.
Lets post every attack from angry Conservatives to show whats going on in Amerca.

What do the stormtroopers call the rebels....

You dirty cheerleader scum.

The thing is they turn out to be a Jesse moment.

Is this a Jesse moment...

Coast Guard Lieutenant Arrested in Alleged Domestic Terror Plot
Nothing happened, but a liberal loon did shoot up republicans praticing for a baseball game.
Gabby Gifford is waving at you.
Shot by an indepentdent? Keep digging.

Feel free to provide the official party affiliation of each of the people in each of these stories.
The thing is they turn out to be a Jesse moment.

Is this a Jesse moment...

Coast Guard Lieutenant Arrested in Alleged Domestic Terror Plot
Nothing happened, but a liberal loon did shoot up republicans praticing for a baseball game.
Gabby Gifford is waving at you.
Shot by an indepentdent? Keep digging.

Feel free to provide the official party affiliation of each of the people in each of these stories.
Well we know the guy that shot up the baseball field was a democrat, but it doesn't really matter there are crazy people on each side. The thing with me, is the media only hypes up the things supposidly done to liberals. Look how they twisted the story about the maga hat kid.

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