Let's Raise The Voting Age -

Let's institute an IQ test to weed out the people too retarded to vote...
Let's out law militant atheists and militant religionists from voting.

The trend is to lower the voting age. MSNBC is an advocate for it. Why do you suppose that is?

"FairVote supports expanding suffrage to 16 and 17 year olds in municipal elections. All evidence suggests that cities will increase voter turnout by allowing citizens to cast their first vote after turning 16. The reason is simple. Many people at 16 and 17 have lived in their communities for years and are taking government classes in high school. That combination results in more people exercising their first chance to vote if they are 16 or 17 than if they are unable to vote until they have left home and school.

FairVote played a vital role in Takoma Park, MD extending municipal voting rights to 16 and 17 year olds in 2013. The results in Takoma Park have been incredibly positive, affirming the growing amount of research (see list below) indicating several benefits of lowering the voting age. In 2013, Takoma Park 16 and 17 year olds voted at twice the rate of voters 18 and older. Residents also support the measure. In an exit poll of an April 2014 Takoma Park special election, 72% of participants supported keeping voting rights for 16 and 17 year olds in city elections.

Hyattsville, MD, with FairVote’s support, followed Takoma Park’s lead andadopted 16 and 17 year old votingin January of 2015. Watch 15 year old Sarah Leonard speak with MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki about expanding suffrage in Hyattsville below."

FairVote.org Lowering the Voting Age
Omigod! How wrong-headed can anyone be?

The voting age was reduced to 18 for basically two reasons (a) Republicans felt guilty about the fact that people where old enough to be drafted and have to go to Vietnam, yet not old enough to vote, and (b) Democrats are always looking for "low information," easily influenced voters, and this played right into their hands.

Originally, voters were required to be 21 years old, men, and property owners. While offensive today, this was quite logical in colonial times. Women generally had no interest in political or financial matters, played no role in the running of the family farms and businesses. And with no income taxes, only property owners had a vested interests in the political and government affairs of the times.

Also, at that time, the true start of "real life" was about fourteen years of age. That was when you had your confirmation or bar mitzvah, and started working full time on the family farm or business, or if you were fortunate enough, it's when you went to the university. For women, as soon as they had their first period, they were in full-scale preparation for marriage and keeping a home.

By 21 years of age, people at that time had several years of real life experience.

Today, adolescence (i.e., the absence of real life experience) is extended through the time when the person achieves financial emancipation, which may be well into the person's 20's.

It is exceedingly unwise to give the vote to hordes of people who have never had to make a rent payment, buy their own groceries, or pay the full panoply of life taxes (income, sales, real estate, etc). Further, it is manifest that the entire public school system as well as our system of colleges and universities, is geared to indoctrinate the people/students with minimal life experience (by teachers also having minimal real life experience) into an ideology that is only barely consistent with actual Constitutional principles and objective reality.

I say, have the IRS provide Voter's ID cards: you only get one when you have paid at least $1,000 in the past year in Federal Withholding Tax.

And nobody can vote if they are still covered by their parents' health insurance.

Age is irrelevant.
"Although brain development is subject to significant individual variation, most experts suggest that the brain is fully developed by age 25. For some people, brain development may be complete prior to age 25, while for others it may end after age 25. The mid-20s or “25” is just an average age given as checkpoint for when the brain has likely become mature." At What Age Is The Brain Fully Developed

Twenty-five seems about right.
Omigod! How wrong-headed can anyone be?

The voting age was reduced to 18 for basically two reasons (a) Republicans felt guilty about the fact that people where old enough to be drafted and have to go to Vietnam, yet not old enough to vote, and (b) Democrats are always looking for "low information," easily influenced voters, and this played right into their hands.

Originally, voters were required to be 21 years old, men, and property owners. While offensive today, this was quite logical in colonial times. Women generally had no interest in political or financial matters, played no role in the running of the family farms and businesses. And with no income taxes, only property owners had a vested interests in the political and government affairs of the times.

Also, at that time, the true start of "real life" was about fourteen years of age. That was when you had your confirmation or bar mitzvah, and started working full time on the family farm or business, or if you were fortunate enough, it's when you went to the university. For women, as soon as they had their first period, they were in full-scale preparation for marriage and keeping a home.

By 21 years of age, people at that time had several years of real life experience.

Today, adolescence (i.e., the absence of real life experience) is extended through the time when the person achieves financial emancipation, which may be well into the person's 20's.

It is exceedingly unwise to give the vote to hordes of people who have never had to make a rent payment, buy their own groceries, or pay the full panoply of life taxes (income, sales, real estate, etc). Further, it is manifest that the entire public school system as well as our system of colleges and universities, is geared to indoctrinate the people/students with minimal life experience (by teachers also having minimal real life experience) into an ideology that is only barely consistent with actual Constitutional principles and objective reality.

I say, have the IRS provide Voter's ID cards: you only get one when you have paid at least $1,000 in the past year in Federal Withholding Tax.

And nobody can vote if they are still covered by their parents' health insurance.

Age is irrelevant.

"It is exceedingly unwise to give the vote to hordes of people who have never had to make a rent payment, buy their own groceries, or pay the full panoply of life taxes (income, sales, real estate, etc)."

You could have saved yourself some typing if you'd just said Democrats.
That's why the government assistance is so high in red states?

Context, fellows, context.
If you can go to war and vote at 18, you should be able to buy a beer at 18.......like you used to.
No draft no need for an 18 year old limit. Once a draft comes back, then lower the age limit.
If you can go to war and vote at 18, you should be able to buy a beer at 18.......like you used to.
No draft no need for an 18 year old limit. Once a draft comes back, then lower the age limit.

Doesn't matter if there is a draft or not. If they have enough fuzz on their nuts to enter into contracts, join the military and die for their country and vote in elections, they are old enough to buy a beer. If 18 is too young, then it's too young for all those other things......which it isn't.

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