Sidney Powell Vindication

In terms of what?

New York Fraud?

January 6 Riots?

Espionage Act violatons?

Sexual Assault?

Electoral College Fraud?

Trump Organization Tax Fraud?
It's hard to keep track of what he needs to be vindicated about.

All fiction drummed up by nasty Marxist Democrats using lawfare.
No. Allegations require some degree of substantiation in the initial complaint.

If you don’t know this, you should.

Here’s a reference from one of the cases that was dismissed:

View attachment 987238

It’s one thing to be an arrogant ass, it’s another to be an arrogant ass about something you’re ignorant about.
Again, no. You remain wrong. Where a case is dismissed on procedural grounds, the things you’re bleating about become irrelevant.

If you ever figure out to know what you’re talking about, send yo a flare.
Again, no. You remain wrong. Where a case is dismissed on procedural grounds, the things you’re bleating about become irrelevant.

If you ever figure out to know what you’re talking about, send yo a flare.
The decision is a real barn burner. It goes through every reason the case is dismissed, which includes the failure to state a claim. Their lack of any factual support for their claims is why.

The relevant precedent was cited. You ignored it.

Because youre a weak moron.
The decision is a real barn burner. It goes through every reason the case is dismissed, which includes the failure to state a claim. Their lack of any factual support for their claims is why.

The relevant precedent was cited. You ignored it.

Because youre a weak moron.
The precedent doesn’t alter a thing I said.
And you know it, moron.
dimocraps are lying scum. Just look at what's going on now. They defend Sponge Brains Shits Pants' stealing of the 2020 election, swear to Gott In Himmel that they're innocent, pure as the driven snow......

Then they turn around and, without even blushing, cancel out 14 million dimocrap scum voters, pull a coup on Sponge Brains Shits Pants and undemocratically install Kamaltoe as the dimocrap scum nominee.

Talk about brazen. dimocrap scum are equal opportunity thieves. To you dimocrap scum voters -- Don't you idiots get it yet?

They stabbed Jews in the back. Their most loyal voting bloc for decades. They're in the process of stabbing Black MEN in the back. They stabbed Blue Collar workers in the back years ago. Now, you're just a 'Basket of Deplorables' to them. To you College Pukes that took out tens of thousands of dollars in loans for your fuckfest away from home that dimocrap scum promised to pay for -- How's that working out for you??

They stabbed Sponge Brains Shits Pants in the back and if Kamaltoe don't work out, they'll stab her in the back at the convention. You can COUNT on that.

Right now, she's not campaigning for president, she's campaigning to keep her job.

Do you not remember all the talk about replacing HER as Joey Shits Pants VP?? Seriously???? Remember?

Do you scumbag dimocrap voters think you're that special that the DNC won't tab you in the back when they see you as holding them back or a rival faction becomes more powerful?

Who's next? The DISGUSTING FILTH in the Media? Hollywood? Academia??

Some groups of people deserve to die out.

Since you love to quote Mencken, here's one for ya

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." --H.L. Mencken

Which, of course,. occurred on November 8th,. 2016.

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