Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.
No, it's because a buncha Nazi wannabes wanted to get together and show how tough they are. Turns out not very.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

Knock Knock

Lee was a traitor

Confederates are traitors

They tried to destroy America.

Saving traitor confederate memorabilia is like keeping Nazi stuff or WWII Japanese stuff.

Unless you hated this country and you were a terrible racist, why would you keep such crap?

Did the CSA jail the free press that disagreed with them? Why no!

It was Lincoln that did that.

Any particular tidbits from there that are relevant to your argument?
On March 21, 1861, Stephens gave his famous Cornerstone Speech in Savannah, Georgia. In it he declared that slavery was the natural condition of blacks and the foundation of the Confederacy. He declared that relative to the U.S. Constitution, "Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."[22]
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.
Do you protect history by chanting "Jews will not replace us!"? Do you protect history by bringing clubs and shields and guns? So you protect history by waving swastika flags? Was that a responsible protection of history?
Does protection of history involve driving down counter protestors?

Why is it terrorism when folks are driven down in Nice, New York and Columbus, but not in Charlottesville?

Are you referring to "counter protestors" that seek to tear down monuments that have been in the public square for over 100 years and riot?
No. Clearly I am referring to white supremacists who drive their Toyotas into crowds on the street in order to create mayhem at best, murder at worst.

Who were the "very fine people" among the folks chanting "Jews will not replace us!"?

Any particular tidbits from there that are relevant to your argument?
On March 21, 1861, Stephens gave his famous Cornerstone Speech in Savannah, Georgia. In it he declared that slavery was the natural condition of blacks and the foundation of the Confederacy. He declared that relative to the U.S. Constitution, "Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."[22]

Thank you for that! So the next time some faggot leftist says that the Founding Fathers were for slavery, I can counter with this. :)

"The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were, that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with; but the general opinion of the men of that day was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away... Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong."

Next time you fucks call Thomas Jefferson a racist, remember this.

Btw, The VP of the CSA is not the president, 'sup? Nothing from Jefferson Davis? That seems rather peculiar to me. No remarks from Jefferson Davis about slavery? Why the fuck do you fucks have to go to the VP, Hmm?
He wore a Confederate uniform and reported to the Confederate president


Any way you look at it, he abandoned his country to fight for a slave nation

He abandoned the Fed to fight for his state, guy. Get it right.

The 10th amendment was much stronger before Lincoln weakened it.

Did I mention he violated the crap out of the 1st amendment and jailed all of the

Northern free press that was against war?

IMO, He wasn't exactly an "American ideals" president.

He behaved more like a dictator.

Any particular tidbits from there that are relevant to your argument?
On March 21, 1861, Stephens gave his famous Cornerstone Speech in Savannah, Georgia. In it he declared that slavery was the natural condition of blacks and the foundation of the Confederacy. He declared that relative to the U.S. Constitution, "Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."[22]

Thank you for that! So the next time some faggot leftist says that the Founding Fathers were for slavery, I can counter with this. :)

"The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were, that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with; but the general opinion of the men of that day was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away... Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong."

Next time you fucks call Thomas Jefferson a racist, remember this.

Btw, The VP of the CSA is not the president, 'sup? Nothing from Jefferson Davis? That seems rather peculiar to me. No remarks from Jefferson Davis about slavery? Why the fuck do you fucks have to go to the VP, Hmm?
VP does the dirty work

If the President disagrees with his sentiments, he makes it clear
He wore a Confederate uniform and reported to the Confederate president


Any way you look at it, he abandoned his country to fight for a slave nation

He abandoned the Fed to fight for his state, guy. Get it right.

He did not fight under the flag of Virginia
He wore a confederate uniform and commanded confederate forces

His chosen nation was formed to assure the continuation of slavery forever
On March 21, 1861, Stephens gave his famous Cornerstone Speech in Savannah, Georgia. In it he declared that slavery was the natural condition of blacks and the foundation of the Confederacy. He declared that relative to the U.S. Constitution, "Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."[22]

Thank you for that! So the next time some faggot leftist says that the Founding Fathers were for slavery, I can counter with this. :)

"The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were, that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with; but the general opinion of the men of that day was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away... Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong."

Next time you fucks call Thomas Jefferson a racist, remember this.

Btw, The VP of the CSA is not the president, 'sup? Nothing from Jefferson Davis? That seems rather peculiar to me. No remarks from Jefferson Davis about slavery? Why the fuck do you fucks have to go to the VP, Hmm?
VP does the dirty work

If the President disagrees with his sentiments, he makes it clear

He wore a Confederate uniform and reported to the Confederate president


Any way you look at it, he abandoned his country to fight for a slave nation

He abandoned the Fed to fight for his state, guy. Get it right.

He did not fight under the flag of Virginia
He wore a confederate uniform and commanded confederate forces

His chosen nation was formed to assure the continuation of slavery forever

Deflection noted.
He did not fight under the flag of Virginia
He wore a confederate uniform and commanded confederate forces

His chosen nation was formed to assure the continuation of slavery forever


Army of Northern Virginia
The flag of the Army of Northern Virginia during the command of Robert E. Lee or "Robert E. Lee Headquarters Flag"

Bullshit. You see, dumbass, I've read books on The Civil War, not just leftist talking points, faggot.
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If in 1916, black citizens of Charlottesville collected funds to erect a statue honoring those citizens who were enslaved, they would have been met by the KKK and had their homes burned

Instead in 1916, Daughters if the Confederacy erected countless statues honoring those who fought to ensure slavery .......black citizens had no say

Today, blacks are politically empowered and have different views of how honorable the confederacy was
He wore a Confederate uniform and reported to the Confederate president


Any way you look at it, he abandoned his country to fight for a slave nation

He abandoned the Fed to fight for his state, guy. Get it right.

He did not fight under the flag of Virginia
He wore a confederate uniform and commanded confederate forces

His chosen nation was formed to assure the continuation of slavery forever


Army of Northern Virginia
The flag of the Army of Northern Virginia during the command of Robert E. Lee or "Robert E. Lee Headquarters Flag"

Bullshit. You see, dumbass, I've read books on The Civil War, not just leftist talking points, faggot.
That is where they fought. They were a confederate army supported by all confederate states
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

Knock Knock

Lee was a traitor

Confederates are traitors

They tried to destroy America.

Saving traitor confederate memorabilia is like keeping Nazi stuff or WWII Japanese stuff.

Unless you hated this country and you were a terrible racist, why would you keep such crap?

Did the CSA jail the free press that disagreed with them? Why no!

It was Lincoln that did that.
A point all Lincoln lovers should be reminded of. Lincoln was no Hero of the Constitution. Nor was he a lover of the negro. But he wasn’t about to have America’s number one export walk out on the Union...

Any way you look at it, he abandoned his country to fight for a slave nation

He abandoned the Fed to fight for his state, guy. Get it right.

He did not fight under the flag of Virginia
He wore a confederate uniform and commanded confederate forces

His chosen nation was formed to assure the continuation of slavery forever


Army of Northern Virginia
The flag of the Army of Northern Virginia during the command of Robert E. Lee or "Robert E. Lee Headquarters Flag"

Bullshit. You see, dumbass, I've read books on The Civil War, not just leftist talking points, faggot.
That is where they fought. They were a confederate army supported by all confederate states

Lee fought under the Virginia flag.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.
You mean protect monuments in favor of slavery

That you have to lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
People can always create more monuments that are more pc to add to the other monuments. Maybe we need some new monuments.

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