Lets review Trump's campaign promises and why Cultists are thoroughly satisfied

Nancy can't stop Trump's wall can she?

You will NOT EVER see a Trump wall.........The moron-in-chief will blame it on the courts, will blame it on democrats, will blame it on the media......BUT that stupid wasteful wall will not be built.......LOL

(but the kool-aid will continue to be drunk by your ilk.).

The courts may stop the "emergency" but that only takes away about $3.5b of the new funding he plans to use. That was for military construction. The other $5.5b does not depend on the "emergency" so that $5.5b of wall will in-fact be built. The dems or the courts have no way to stop it. So "build that wall!!" LOL
So, you're admitting that Trump lies.......as other presidents have done.....

Well, what would you tell the orange clown when he states THIS????

Trump: 'Nobody's ever done a better job than I'm doing as president ...

Just asking.........LOL

Cause Trump has Balls O' Steel.
And you have Balls O' Rice Paper.

Therefore, you are in no position to even be asking your question.
"balls O' steel?"
First, he has no balls at all.
Second, he hasn't seen his own tiny raisins in many years.
Third, he can stop searching because Nancy has them in her purse.

Nancy can't stop Trump's wall can she?
So what does she have in her purse? Excuses, outrage, TIA episodes, and that's about it.

Here are Trump's "promises kept" for your reading pleasure. If there are any he can't keep its because the dems obstruct his agenda:

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
Almost all.of that is fake news and the few that aren't are things done in spite of tRump, not because of him.

Ok, condensing the "accomplishments list" to just a few of the best ones.
Please let me know which of these are "fake news".

1. Two new conservative USSC justices
2. Lowered the Corp tax rate to keep good jobs from leaving US
3. Fighting for more good jobs by encouraging "repatriation" of overseas profits
4. Navarro and Lightheiser are doing a great job of improving the economy by making trade more fair, esp. viz China
5. Eliminated job killing regulations by Exec Order
6. Protecting the US from illegal immigration and terrorists, building the wall
7. Supports ICE deportations of illegals and mitigating vicious gangs like MS-13
8. Addressing the opioid crisis by limiting prescriptions and improving interdiction of more deadly illegal drugs
9. Active foreign policy, talking to NK, opposing Iran and Russia, sold arms to Ukraine, solved ISIS and Syria
10. About to end endless war in AFG
11. Restored funding to US military
12. Insists that NATO members pay more, and buy less gas from Russia
13. Supports development of energy pipelines & projects, the US is now a net energy exporter. Opened ANWR
14. Got out of the Paris agreement saving US taxpayers $Trillions.
Attempt FAIL #3412 to drive a wedge between president Trump and his supporters. Do you leftist morons think we will vote for a Dem? Here I'll just laugh in your face now :auiqs.jpg:
I thought Trump's main claim is he was going to 'drain the swamp'. Unfortunately, it turns out he only knows swamp people.
So, you're admitting that Trump lies.......as other presidents have done.....

Well, what would you tell the orange clown when he states THIS????

Trump: 'Nobody's ever done a better job than I'm doing as president ...

Just asking.........LOL

Cause Trump has Balls O' Steel.
And you have Balls O' Rice Paper.

Therefore, you are in no position to even be asking your question.

tRumPutin has balls of steel?:420::abgg2q.jpg::alcoholic::iyfyus.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Looks like you got triggered.

Not even close, pointing out the obvious for those to stupid to see it for themselves.

You was triggered simpleton.
No use denyin' it.

Not even close, ewe are as clowns as your Orange Emperor!
Trump doesn't need the money. He doesn't even accept a salary. The Clintons used to say "it's the economy, stupid" but crooked schemes like Enron were the norm during the Clinton administration. Bill pardoned the most notorious corporate criminal while he was on the FBI's top ten list. Barry Hussein told America that the U.S. would be "weaned off fossil fuel" while solar companies were propped up with taxpayer money. He said "good factory jobs were gone forever" and the GDP never hit 3% on a yearly average for the first time in modern history during the stagnant Obama years. The GDP hit 4.1% during Trump's first year and the crazy socialist left hates him for it. Hypocrite Hillary convinced her under-educated angry minions that banks were the enemy while she was taking a quarter of a million dollars each for a series of mystery speeches to Wall Street banks.
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So, you're admitting that Trump lies.......as other presidents have done.....

Well, what would you tell the orange clown when he states THIS????

Trump: 'Nobody's ever done a better job than I'm doing as president ...

Just asking.........LOL

Cause Trump has Balls O' Steel.
And you have Balls O' Rice Paper.

Therefore, you are in no position to even be asking your question.
"balls O' steel?"
First, he has no balls at all.
Second, he hasn't seen his own tiny raisins in many years.
Third, he can stop searching because Nancy has them in her purse.

Nancy can't stop Trump's wall can she?
So what does she have in her purse? Excuses, outrage, TIA episodes, and that's about it.

Here are Trump's "promises kept" for your reading pleasure. If there are any he can't keep its because the dems obstruct his agenda:

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
Almost all.of that is fake news and the few that aren't are things done in spite of tRump, not because of him.

Ok, condensing the "accomplishments list" to just a few of the best ones.
Please let me know which of these are "fake news".

1. Two new conservative USSC justices
2. Lowered the Corp tax rate to keep good jobs from leaving US
3. Fighting for more good jobs by encouraging "repatriation" of overseas profits
4. Navarro and Lightheiser are doing a great job of improving the economy by making trade more fair, esp. viz China
5. Eliminated job killing regulations by Exec Order
6. Protecting the US from illegal immigration and terrorists, building the wall
7. Supports ICE deportations of illegals and mitigating vicious gangs like MS-13
8. Addressing the opioid crisis by limiting prescriptions and improving interdiction of more deadly illegal drugs
9. Active foreign policy, talking to NK, opposing Iran and Russia, sold arms to Ukraine, solved ISIS and Syria
10. About to end endless war in AFG
11. Restored funding to US military
12. Insists that NATO members pay more, and buy less gas from Russia
13. Supports development of energy pipelines & projects, the US is now a net energy exporter. Opened ANWR
14. Got out of the Paris agreement saving US taxpayers $Trillions.
1 is a tragedy
2 is a farce
3 isn't really happening.
And so on.

I ain't got all day for this crap kid.
Cause Trump has Balls O' Steel.
And you have Balls O' Rice Paper.

Therefore, you are in no position to even be asking your question.
"balls O' steel?"
First, he has no balls at all.
Second, he hasn't seen his own tiny raisins in many years.
Third, he can stop searching because Nancy has them in her purse.

Nancy can't stop Trump's wall can she?
So what does she have in her purse? Excuses, outrage, TIA episodes, and that's about it.

Here are Trump's "promises kept" for your reading pleasure. If there are any he can't keep its because the dems obstruct his agenda:

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
Almost all.of that is fake news and the few that aren't are things done in spite of tRump, not because of him.

Ok, condensing the "accomplishments list" to just a few of the best ones.
Please let me know which of these are "fake news".

1. Two new conservative USSC justices
2. Lowered the Corp tax rate to keep good jobs from leaving US
3. Fighting for more good jobs by encouraging "repatriation" of overseas profits
4. Navarro and Lightheiser are doing a great job of improving the economy by making trade more fair, esp. viz China
5. Eliminated job killing regulations by Exec Order
6. Protecting the US from illegal immigration and terrorists, building the wall
7. Supports ICE deportations of illegals and mitigating vicious gangs like MS-13
8. Addressing the opioid crisis by limiting prescriptions and improving interdiction of more deadly illegal drugs
9. Active foreign policy, talking to NK, opposing Iran and Russia, sold arms to Ukraine, solved ISIS and Syria
10. About to end endless war in AFG
11. Restored funding to US military
12. Insists that NATO members pay more, and buy less gas from Russia
13. Supports development of energy pipelines & projects, the US is now a net energy exporter. Opened ANWR
14. Got out of the Paris agreement saving US taxpayers $Trillions.
1 is a tragedy
2 is a farce
3 isn't really happening.
And so on.

I ain't got all day for this crap kid.

I'm a great-grandfather, you're a lazy loser that can't keep up. Thanks for playing. Trump's accomplishments are real even if you don't like them. No wonder the MSM puts out fake news, idiots like you believe it.
"balls O' steel?"
First, he has no balls at all.
Second, he hasn't seen his own tiny raisins in many years.
Third, he can stop searching because Nancy has them in her purse.

Nancy can't stop Trump's wall can she?
So what does she have in her purse? Excuses, outrage, TIA episodes, and that's about it.

Here are Trump's "promises kept" for your reading pleasure. If there are any he can't keep its because the dems obstruct his agenda:

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
Almost all.of that is fake news and the few that aren't are things done in spite of tRump, not because of him.

Ok, condensing the "accomplishments list" to just a few of the best ones.
Please let me know which of these are "fake news".

1. Two new conservative USSC justices
2. Lowered the Corp tax rate to keep good jobs from leaving US
3. Fighting for more good jobs by encouraging "repatriation" of overseas profits
4. Navarro and Lightheiser are doing a great job of improving the economy by making trade more fair, esp. viz China
5. Eliminated job killing regulations by Exec Order
6. Protecting the US from illegal immigration and terrorists, building the wall
7. Supports ICE deportations of illegals and mitigating vicious gangs like MS-13
8. Addressing the opioid crisis by limiting prescriptions and improving interdiction of more deadly illegal drugs
9. Active foreign policy, talking to NK, opposing Iran and Russia, sold arms to Ukraine, solved ISIS and Syria
10. About to end endless war in AFG
11. Restored funding to US military
12. Insists that NATO members pay more, and buy less gas from Russia
13. Supports development of energy pipelines & projects, the US is now a net energy exporter. Opened ANWR
14. Got out of the Paris agreement saving US taxpayers $Trillions.
1 is a tragedy
2 is a farce
3 isn't really happening.
And so on.

I ain't got all day for this crap kid.

I'm a great-grandfather, you're a lazy loser that can't keep up. Thanks for playing. Trump's accomplishments are real even if you don't like them. No wonder the MSM puts out fake news, idiots like you believe it.
If everyone of you guys is as old as you claim then the republican party will be extinct within a decade.

tRumps accomplishments are not real, they are all twisted truths, out right lies, or things that happened in spite of him.
So, you're admitting that Trump lies.......as other presidents have done.....

Well, what would you tell the orange clown when he states THIS????

Trump: 'Nobody's ever done a better job than I'm doing as president ...

Just asking.........LOL

That's because no one knows as much about everything as trump does.

Everything Trump says he knows "more about than anybody"

Trump thought the military’s top officer made $5 million a year: report

Trump Wants U.S. Companies to Speed Up Work on 5G, 'Even 6G,' Technology

Nancy can't stop Trump's wall can she?
So what does she have in her purse? Excuses, outrage, TIA episodes, and that's about it.

Here are Trump's "promises kept" for your reading pleasure. If there are any he can't keep its because the dems obstruct his agenda:

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
Almost all.of that is fake news and the few that aren't are things done in spite of tRump, not because of him.

Ok, condensing the "accomplishments list" to just a few of the best ones.
Please let me know which of these are "fake news".

1. Two new conservative USSC justices
2. Lowered the Corp tax rate to keep good jobs from leaving US
3. Fighting for more good jobs by encouraging "repatriation" of overseas profits
4. Navarro and Lightheiser are doing a great job of improving the economy by making trade more fair, esp. viz China
5. Eliminated job killing regulations by Exec Order
6. Protecting the US from illegal immigration and terrorists, building the wall
7. Supports ICE deportations of illegals and mitigating vicious gangs like MS-13
8. Addressing the opioid crisis by limiting prescriptions and improving interdiction of more deadly illegal drugs
9. Active foreign policy, talking to NK, opposing Iran and Russia, sold arms to Ukraine, solved ISIS and Syria
10. About to end endless war in AFG
11. Restored funding to US military
12. Insists that NATO members pay more, and buy less gas from Russia
13. Supports development of energy pipelines & projects, the US is now a net energy exporter. Opened ANWR
14. Got out of the Paris agreement saving US taxpayers $Trillions.
1 is a tragedy
2 is a farce
3 isn't really happening.
And so on.

I ain't got all day for this crap kid.

I'm a great-grandfather, you're a lazy loser that can't keep up. Thanks for playing. Trump's accomplishments are real even if you don't like them. No wonder the MSM puts out fake news, idiots like you believe it.
If everyone of you guys is as old as you claim then the republican party will be extinct within a decade.

tRumps accomplishments are not real, they are all twisted truths, out right lies, or things that happened in spite of him.

How do the trumpkins explain trump saying the wall is finished and Mexico paid for it? Then, that its been started.

How about his statement that we have beaten ISIS?

You're right that most of the list posted above is fake. Just like everything trump does. If his lips are moving, he is either sucking on some part of the anatomy of Pooting or Kim or the Saudis.

Scary is - what is the traitorous orange squatter in the White House going to give away to Kim this time?
If everyone of you guys is as old as you claim then the republican party will be extinct within a decade.

tRumps accomplishments are not real, they are all twisted truths, out right lies, or things that happened in spite of him.
The GOP was history a couple of years ago. Idiots like yourself repeated it endlessly.

Now, how can an "accomplishment" not be real? I mean serously?

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