Let’s Start WW3!

Trumpybear also acknowledged that Putin is indeed a killer as well. He just doesn't care. Trumpybear equated the USA to Russia in that regard.

Nah, you're lying through your fucking teeth again.

You still make me laugh.

“But he’s a killer,” O’Reilly said to Trump.

“There are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?” Trump replied.

But Trumpybear, like most of his followers, hate America and think America is guilty as sin.

So you're ok with Dementia Joe playing "Russian" roulette? (pun intended)
Hitlery stated she would institute a no fly zone over Syria, what do you think will happen if Joe tries that?
Trumpybear also acknowledged that Putin is indeed a killer as well. He just doesn't care. Trumpybear equated the USA to Russia in that regard.

Nah, you're lying through your fucking teeth again.

You still make me laugh.

“But he’s a killer,” O’Reilly said to Trump.

“There are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?” Trump replied.

But Trumpybear, like most of his followers, hate America and think America is guilty as sin.

So you're ok with Dementia Joe playing "Russian" roulette? (pun intended)
Hitlery stated she would institute a no fly zone over Syria, what do you think will happen if Joe tries that?

Trumpybear also acknowledged that Putin is indeed a killer as well. He just doesn't care. Trumpybear equated the USA to Russia in that regard.

Nah, you're lying through your fucking teeth again.

You still make me laugh.

“But he’s a killer,” O’Reilly said to Trump.

“There are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?” Trump replied.

But Trumpybear, like most of his followers, hate America and think America is guilty as sin.
Under communism the Soviet leaders were killers. The then Democrats who we now know as Progressive Socialists, loved them. Dialing down the rhetoric is not kow towing. Also, we could have been a bit more congenial after the Cold War ended. They still have nukes.
Was there ever any doubt things would go down the shitter when anti-american . pro-Communist Democrats seized total power?

Every communist at this forum is having the time of their lives laughing at and mocking Americans who know better....while everything around them burns to the ground.

Bruce Springsteen, multi millionaire living a life of absolute luxury, announces he finally likes America....a little.
He announces because Biden is president now or is he having buyers remorse, and regret over the idiocy that has now taken place in America ???
Trumpybear also acknowledged that Putin is indeed a killer as well. He just doesn't care. Trumpybear equated the USA to Russia in that regard.

Nah, you're lying through your fucking teeth again.

You still make me laugh.

“But he’s a killer,” O’Reilly said to Trump.

“There are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?” Trump replied.

But Trumpybear, like most of his followers, hate America and think America is guilty as sin.

So you're ok with Dementia Joe playing "Russian" roulette? (pun intended)
Hitlery stated she would institute a no fly zone over Syria, what do you think will happen if Joe tries that?

Do you really think Putin cared what either one of them said? He knows that we have to work with them on several issues. Why? Assad and the Russians won didn't they?
Biden will be the killer, if he does not stop inhuman sanctions immediately.
Biden has already killed immigrants when he welcomed them to come here...they are literally dying to get here....
Actually he didn´t. They just thought he did. He is just betting on electronics instead of a wall. Maybe it was the loud fear of the Republicans that spread the news.
Biden needs to distract from his incompetence.

So you're saying Putin works with Biden?

That is not the case. You need to understand that just because Trump and the Republicans worked with foreign powers against the USA, that doesn't mean all presidents work with foreign powers agains the USA. Your side's corruption and treason is unique in American history.

These days, it's rare to find a Republican who isn't in the pocket of China, Russia or both. And to deflect from that, they accuse Democrats of doing what they're doing themselves. That's always the case. If you want to know what any Republican is doing, simply see what he accuses Democrats of doing. That works without fail.
Biden needs to distract from his incompetence.

So you're saying Putin works with Biden?

That is not the case. You need to understand that just because Trump and the Republicans worked with foreign powers against the USA, that doesn't mean all presidents work with foreign powers agains the USA. Your side's corruption and treason is unique in American history.

These days, it's rare to find a Republican who isn't in the pocket of China, Russia or both. And to deflect from that, they accuse Democrats of doing what they're doing themselves. That's always the case. If you want to know what any Republican is doing, simply see what he accuses Democrats of doing. That works without fail.
Suddenly it’s cool theirs no diplomacy and military actions are cool again.
Trumpybear also acknowledged that Putin is indeed a killer as well. He just doesn't care. Trumpybear equated the USA to Russia in that regard.
Where’s your precious UN if it’s true?
America is not the worlds cop.

Interesting. What does the UN have to do with it? Do you think they should be law enforcement?

America is not the worlds cop, unless we want to be.
Trumpybear also acknowledged that Putin is indeed a killer as well. He just doesn't care. Trumpybear equated the USA to Russia in that regard.

Nah, you're lying through your fucking teeth again.

You still make me laugh.

“But he’s a killer,” O’Reilly said to Trump.

“There are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?” Trump replied.

But Trumpybear, like most of his followers, hate America and think America is guilty as sin.

So you're ok with Dementia Joe playing "Russian" roulette? (pun intended)
Hitlery stated she would institute a no fly zone over Syria, what do you think will happen if Joe tries that?

Are you stupid? Hitlery ws going to shut down the entirety of Syrian Air Space. God you people are idiots.
Biden needs to distract from his incompetence.
Interesting... little rocket man was cool and tough... but calling a killer a killer is starting ww3. Y’all crack me up!!
We have had crippling sanctions on Russia for years....big difference between Russia and NK....so that comparison is laughable...China does not want us warming up to Russia....Joe is just following orders from Xi....

Russia is our enemy. China is not in the same ballpark. Putin has interfered in our elections. Killed his enemies through assassination. He is developing new nuclear weap[ons.

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