Letter to the editor.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The following is a letter I am sending to a newspaper. Opinions?

Taxation has a rich and storied history in the human experience. It can be reliably traced to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Early Romans and it was probably well established all the way back to the cradle of civilization when large settlements first appeared and civil hierarchy realized they could impose their will on the rank and file.

A group sitting on the XXXXX City Council has just announced their support of the Paris Climate Accord which seems odd considering there are so many potholes to fill and local crime is at levels unheard of a few decades ago. Is it just a gaggle of petty officials trying to appear worldly or is it something else? It’s something else. It’s an adoring genuflection to taxation and all it can be.

Even back in the early days of Mesopotamia societal leaders never dreamed they could get away with blaming the locals for a climate catastrophe and then punishing them to fix it with a tax so there was only rudimentary taxation. It also never occurred to them to regulate successful ideas out of existence-good thing because we probably never would have had the wheel.

The climate change phenomenon is really about unlimited taxation. You see, if you can blame the people for the weather you can tax them endlessly in an endless number of ways. If you pay attention you will notice that most of the “experts” who support Climate Change initiatives derive their livelihoods from taxation that ends up as grants to fund studies.

Those who do not conform are ostracized and impoverished. They are branded as “deniers”-an irreverent, politically-inspired reference to the Holocaust. Climate science itself has become politicized and contaminated with the gold-rush expectations of unfettered global tariffs and the iron-fisted oppressive control of future technologies.

School children are already being indoctrinated in early grades with pictures of starving polar bears stranded on icebergs. The only thing green about these people is the color of the money they dream of hoarding at the expense of average citizens.

The Paris Climate Accord is potentially the mother of all taxation- little wonder that fellow-traveling local officials line up and bow like Obama. The architects of globalization need sympathizers on the inside to sell out the people and dismantle the middle class. Tax-addicted academics and politicians fit the bill nicely.

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