Leviathan: Shiva's Doll-Trick


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a sci-fi metaphysics parable inspired by the film The Fly.



Shiva (master of destruction) was meditating on his mountaintop in the Himalayas when he started meditating on the immensity and mystery of scale (or size). Shiva wondered if there were 'beings' out there who could change size/scale so easily that they were rendered as quite elusive. Shiva conjectured that this scale (or size) shifting rendered a hypothetical being as nearly 'invisible' and therefore difficult to 'grasp.' Shiva concluded that if scale/size would be elusive,' then there were 'creatures/forms' out there that signified pure uncertainty (or even chaos!). Shiva decided to bifurcate himself into two Shivas --- one named Shivi(!) and the other named Shive(!). Shivi and Shive realized they would have to descend on Earth (hub of great social activity!) as two 'humanoid warriors' to find this hypothetical scale (or size) shifting 'creature/being.' Shivi was governance-oriented, while Shive was more militant.


Shivi decided to become a helmeted patriot-soldier named Snake-Eyes, while Shive decided to become a masked ninja-archer named Storm-Shadow. Snake-Eyes and Storm-Shadow were quickly recruited by the U.S. army and integrated into the secret paramilitary operative-unit known as 'G.I. Joe.' Storm-Shadow (Shive) was a little bored with G.I. Joe, while Snake-Eyes (Shivi) found the unit rather valiant and charming. Nevertheless, both Snake-Eyes and Storm-Shadow agreed to use the infiltration/exploration resources of G.I. Joe to explore the abyss of Earth's oceans (in special submarines) to find the hypothetical scale (or size) shifting 'creature/being,' which they were now convinced was some kind of monstrous behemoth, which they nicknamed 'Leviathan' (a term signifying beastly chaos or misshapen intelligence). Snake-Eyes and Storm-Shadow were obvious favorites of U.S. President Donald Trump who gladly funded their 'Leviathan Expedition.'


Deep in the abyss of the oceans of the Pacific, where Snake-Eyes and Storm-Shadow were exploring in their G.I. Joe manned sonar-submarine named N (equipped with a silent-propulsion system rendering it invisible to radar-detection, the two inquisitive 'philosopher-warriors' finally encountered a terrifying giant 'aquatic spider' creature. Snake-Eyes and Storm-Shadow immediately recognized that this underwater spider was indeed 'Leviathan.' The two used special sonar-communication signal translation technology on N to communicate with N. The giant spider confirmed that it was indeed 'Leviathan,' so Snake-Eyes and Storm-Shadow asked the creature if it could change its scale (or size) or if it was 'bound' by the laws of shape (and weight). The spider ('Leviathan') explained that it could shrink down to tiny size and could even travel on land. Snake-Eyes and Storm-Shadow asked Leviathan to shrink and go on land where they could engage it, and the spider surprisingly consented!


SNAKE-EYES: So, how do you capitalize on your size-shifting ability?
STORM-SHADOW: Are you a being of terror or kindness?
LEVIATHAN: I remain elusive, because Earth can be 'roamed.'

SNAKE-EYES: What are your intentions towards religion?
STORM-SHADOW: Do you believe in immortality?
LEVIATHAN: I believe in strength, wit, and chaos!

SNAKE-EYES: Since you are indeed Leviathan, do you have a signature?
STORM-SHADOW: Yes, you must have a characteristic 'trait.'
LEVIATHAN: I'm afraid of rain.

SNAKE-EYES: If you're afraid of rain, you must bask in sunshine!
STORM-SHADOW: I'd wager that sunlight reminds you of innocence...
LEVIATHAN: Yes, sunlight makes me think of liberty and blissful ignorance.

SNAKE-EYES: Is knowledge a curse to you?
STORM-SHADOW: Do you detest 'intermittent moisture' (rain)?
LEVIATHAN: I don't detest rain, but it reminds me of vulnerability!

SNAKE-EYES: I wield a machine-gun, which reminds me of courage.
STORM-SHADOW: I wield a crossbow sometimes, which reminds me of will.
LEVIATHAN: I have a venomous tongue, which reminds me of fortune.

SNAKE-EYES: Since you detest rain, return (and remain) in the oceans.
STORM-SHADOW: If you come to land again, sunlight will exploit you!
LEVIATHAN: I will remain in the abyss, and I'll remember your 'omen.'

Snake-Eyes (Shivi) and Storm-Shadow (Shive) decided to part from the spider ('Leviathan'), which quickly dove back into the ocean and magnified its scale/size deep in the abyss of the oceans of the Pacific. Snake-Eyes and Storm-Shadow submitted reports about the 'wits' of Leviathan to the U.S. government and then retired from G.I. Joe and returned to their mountaintop as Shivi and Shive. Out of respect for having engaged with 'Leviathan,' Shivi and Shive decided to remain as bifurcated 'twin brothers' and work together to contemplate the deep mysteries of 'presence.' Those who worshipped Shiva as a singular being (mostly Hindus) felt confused, but Shivi and Shive assured their devotees that Shiva was still the 'lord of illusions.' Leviathan was humbled! U.S. President Donald Trump remarked, "Perhaps capitalism will become 'child-like,' now that 'Leviathan' is finally domesticated!"



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