Levin Alarm: Socialists Killing Economy, Balooning Debts with Entitlements


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Mark Levin is worried. He is worried we will lose our liberty and the American dream with Stalinist policies proposed by Democrat Socialists. He says it will destroy the future for posterity. Please listen to this video before you disagree or agree with his warnings. He interviews Forrest Lucas of Lucas Oil Products, Inc. Amazing.

Levin: One third of the Talk Radio Triumvirate responsible for the closed, isolated alternate universe.

He's convinced his listeners that they're in a "war", that they have to "beat" the other "side", that the other "side" is "evil", and that (perhaps most importantly) any thoughts or information or opinions that they offer must be instantly shunned.

And, coincidentally, his ratings are strong and he's a big hero 'n stuff. He's getting what he wants by making & keeping things worse.
Levin: One third of the Talk Radio Triumvirate responsible for the closed, isolated alternate universe.

He's convinced his listeners that they're in a "war", that they have to "beat" the other "side", that the other "side" is "evil", and that (perhaps most importantly) any thoughts or information or opinions that they offer must be instantly shunned.

And, coincidentally, his ratings are strong and he's a big hero 'n stuff. He's getting what he wants by making & keeping things worse.

He’s right.
Levin: One third of the Talk Radio Triumvirate responsible for the closed, isolated alternate universe.

He's convinced his listeners that they're in a "war", that they have to "beat" the other "side", that the other "side" is "evil", and that (perhaps most importantly) any thoughts or information or opinions that they offer must be instantly shunned.

And, coincidentally, his ratings are strong and he's a big hero 'n stuff. He's getting what he wants by making & keeping things worse.

He’s right.
And there ya go.
Levin: One third of the Talk Radio Triumvirate responsible for the closed, isolated alternate universe.

He's convinced his listeners that they're in a "war", that they have to "beat" the other "side", that the other "side" is "evil", and that (perhaps most importantly) any thoughts or information or opinions that they offer must be instantly shunned.

And, coincidentally, his ratings are strong and he's a big hero 'n stuff. He's getting what he wants by making & keeping things worse.
He is one reason we need a third party.
Levin is no loose cannon at all. His observances on Constitutional and Constitutional freedoms are level and true. And the shots he takes are not careless ones. They're to a point of truth so clear as a bell, one can hear freedom ring. And that's what I think.
Levin: One third of the Talk Radio Triumvirate responsible for the closed, isolated alternate universe.

He's convinced his listeners that they're in a "war", that they have to "beat" the other "side", that the other "side" is "evil", and that (perhaps most importantly) any thoughts or information or opinions that they offer must be instantly shunned.

And, coincidentally, his ratings are strong and he's a big hero 'n stuff. He's getting what he wants by making & keeping things worse.

Nobody has to convince me of anything. It wouldn't surprise me one bit for one of those looney's to propose to pay for healthcare for ILLEGAL immigrants while at the same time NOT securing our border....oh wait, they have ALL already done that. No one should need to be convinced that this completely idiotic and unsustainable. This is just one example of the left's lunacy. We evidently have a LOT of completely ignorant and/or self-serving people voting in this country.
Levin is batshit crazy and living off right wing fear.

Trump....is running up the debt along with the GOP Congress...but we'll just ignore that
Mark Levin is worried. He is worried we will lose our liberty and the American dream with Stalinist policies proposed by Democrat Socialists. He says it will destroy the future for posterity. Please listen to this video before you disagree or agree with his warnings. He interviews Forrest Lucas of Lucas Oil Products, Inc. Amazing.

it's the job of talk radio / tv hosts to get you riles up and scared. if they're not selling "worry" no one will watch.

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