Levin: "I don't trust Jews who change their names"- a racist disgrace...

Perhaps you should listen to the clip, to understand that Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz sides with the celebrated muslim terrorists instead of his own people.... It's good listening for the low 2 digit IQ croed.... Like Franco!

He's not really a Jew though, he's given that up for his new religion of LIBERALISM!

Stewart's like most all American Jews, who side with the American left, and who are anti-Israel.

Not this Jew. I side with the Rand Paul/Ted Cruz side of political sectrum. I remain moderate on abortion and gay marriage, but make no mistake I admire and respect Evangelicals. They get so much slack from the intolerant left when my only experience with them is that they are the kindest, nicest, most forgiving, MOST CHARITABLE, most accepting and most selfless people on the planet. I back them!

Liberal Jews are the most ignorant in my opinion. I grew up in a very non-Jewish affluent suburb of Chicago. However, I have known Jews like Stewart my whole like the Delta something USMB cocksucker is a perfect example. Hates on Israel to appease Muslim. The Demorats have twisted Jews like they have blacks that the conservatives are all KKK members and hate them. Most Jews fall for it. My father is a perfect example. He came from little to become a millionaire. To this day he votes Demorats. I can't sway him a bit. My father-in-law is the same. Completely in the bag for the Demorats and he I don't think he has made less than $500K in 20 years! To his defense he is a labor lawyer.

Nevertheless Jews are blind. They are the prime reason NY and NJ remain heavily blue. They are a key swing vote that offsets the Cuban vote in FL!

It makes me sick as Zionist Jew!
Dies? And you think your smarter? Ha.

Typo. Smart people make them sometimes.

This is actually the best part of this thread. Loneidiot tried to correct someones spelling because she claims the person is stupid but then actually makes the same mistake and claims she's smart because sometimes smart people make mistakes!

I truly am for the first time ever laughing at a Loneidiot post. You finally made me chuckle a bit here loneidiot.

You're an idiot. A typo is not a spelling error.

I noted that he made a typo. I did not correct that. I did correct his usage error. Are you too stupid to figure that out? Yes....yes you are. Confusing "then" and "than" indicates a poor education.

Now...after all this time....you are laughing for the wrong reason. You should be laughing at yourself for not knowing that I have a cock and balls. I am not a "she", moron.
Your position is as stupid as the White person that says "yes, I must side with murderers, robbers and racist because they are White like me. Right and Wrong doesn't matter!!!"

So he must stand with "his own people" can't use that old noggin of his...huh?.

You must have him mistaken with a Conservative.

Because Israel is made up of murderers, rapists and the like, right?
Thanks. The dry cleaners called and your brown shirt is ready.

AAHHH...another "Israel can do nothing wrong" idiots...
B,nai B'rith needs more talking heads like you..

But you dont deny it.
Your goosestepping is noted.
Perhaps you should listen to the clip, to understand that Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz sides with the celebrated muslim terrorists instead of his own people.... It's good listening for the low 2 digit IQ croed.... Like Franco!

He's not really a Jew though, he's given that up for his new religion of LIBERALISM!

Stewart's like most all American Jews, who side with the American left, and who are anti-Israel.

Not this Jew. I side with the Rand Paul/Ted Cruz side of political sectrum. I remain moderate on abortion and gay marriage, but make no mistake I admire and respect Evangelicals. They get so much slack from the intolerant left when my only experience with them is that they are the kindest, nicest, most forgiving, MOST CHARITABLE, most accepting and most selfless people on the planet. I back them!

Liberal Jews are the most ignorant in my opinion. I grew up in a very non-Jewish affluent suburb of Chicago. However, I have known Jews like Stewart my whole like the Delta something USMB cocksucker is a perfect example. Hates on Israel to appease Muslim. The Demorats have twisted Jews like they have blacks that the conservatives are all KKK members and hate them. Most Jews fall for it. My father is a perfect example. He came from little to become a millionaire. To this day he votes Demorats. I can't sway him a bit. My father-in-law is the same. Completely in the bag for the Demorats and he I don't think he has made less than $500K in 20 years! To his defense he is a labor lawyer.

Nevertheless Jews are blind. They are the prime reason NY and NJ remain heavily blue. They are a key swing vote that offsets the Cuban vote in FL!

It makes me sick as Zionist Jew!

We'll get the last laugh.
Liberal Jews are a dying breed. Look at the demographics, supplued by the recent Pew study. Birth rate among non Orthodox is considerably less than 2. Intermarriage rate is over 80%. With suicidal demographics like that they'll be gone in 75 years.

People criticizing Levin either would criticize him no matter what (Jillian: I dont care what he said) or fail to see that just becaue people in the 1940s and 50 changed their name is no reason for people in the 1980s to do so. Totally different landscape.

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