Liam Neeson...professional Pretend Gunman...real Life Gun Sad...

Well, I was looking forward to going to see liam's new that he has done the perpetually stupid thing that actors do before their movies are released, and state stupid opinions that will offend at least half of their ticket buyers...I will not be going to see his movie...scratch at least 20 bucks from his gross ticket sales...

This fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence that the success or failure of this movie is predicated on the star's political beliefs.

For a guy who made his living exploiting violence with guns to wring every last penny from his viewing audience...and if he is ever under threat from a stalker can afford first class private security...provided by lots of men with is sad that he would rather see innocent people raped, beaten, robbed and murdered, than to use guns to stop those crimes and save lives...

This fails as a straw man fallacy, as no one is advocating anyone's guns be 'taken,' nor is anyone advocating that citizens be prohibited from carrying guns for lawful self-defense.

It is also a lie to say that anyone wishes to see innocent people raped, beaten, robbed, or murdered, where this is unfounded and unwarranted demagoguery and fear-mongering on your part.

You're a post hoc fallacy.
Liam Neeson is not an American. He is from Ireland and carries the European taint.

Neither is Ted Cruz.

But somehow, conservatives put that walking piece of foreign dog shit into congress.


How is Cruz a foreigner given the fact that he was an American citizen at birth? Please provide the link proving that the American citizen Senator Ted Cruz was ever naturalized.

Let me reiterate just how ignorant your blather is: GOT LINK?
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How is Cruz a foreigner given the fact that he was an American citizen at birth?

Because the obama supporters who made fun of the people who thought obama might not be a citizen because of his Kenyan father said so....
How is Cruz a foreigner given the fact that he was an American citizen at birth?

Because the obama supporters who made fun of the people who thought obama might not be a citizen because of his Kenyan father said so....

The circumstances of Cruz's birth are an entirely different matter. He didn't have to be born on American soil in order to be an American citizen at birth, Obama did, and he was born on American soil. They are both natural-born citizens.

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