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Lib/Dems should ask themselves this question:

The Republican primaries aren't over til June..........we'll see what the poll numbers are then. I will tell you this I sure as heck am not better than I was 3 years ago.

The Dems and their Master refuse to admit his policies are making things worse. Pretty sad when an incumbent looses to a virtual unknown. Be looking for more and more incumbents to loose their seats in November. It's time to clean house, well clean the House.

Gonna be a hard line to sell, if things are geting better.
The Republican primaries aren't over til June..........we'll see what the poll numbers are then. I will tell you this I sure as heck am not better than I was 3 years ago.

The Dems and their Master refuse to admit his policies are making things worse. Pretty sad when an incumbent looses to a virtual unknown. Be looking for more and more incumbents to loose their seats in November. It's time to clean house, well clean the House.

Gonna be a hard line to sell, if things are geting better.

Yes, you noticed since the Republicans took over the house and the Dems won't even look at any of their jobs bills things are improving.

Kinda what we've been saying all along, doing nothing is much better than doing what the 111th Congress and the Pres did to us. Great observation!! :razz:
The Republican primaries aren't over til June..........we'll see what the poll numbers are then. I will tell you this I sure as heck am not better than I was 3 years ago.

The Dems and their Master refuse to admit his policies are making things worse. Pretty sad when an incumbent looses to a virtual unknown. Be looking for more and more incumbents to loose their seats in November. It's time to clean house, well clean the House.

Gonna be a hard line to sell, if things are geting better.

Yes, you noticed since the Republicans took over the house and the Dems won't even look at any of their jobs bills things are improving.

Kinda what we've been saying all along, doing nothing is much better than doing what the 111th Congress and the Pres did to us. Great observation!! :razz:

Jobs bills? :lol: We'll campaign on jobs bills. Republicans are going to run on spending?!?! Remember, your game is "trickle down". Try playing the Dems game and the Reps are definitely going down.
Have to wait and see if a majority in the country still thinks we are headed in the wrong direction.

If they do then I believe Barry is toast.

However if the economy and jobs are vastly improved he will probably get his second term.

Time will tell on that one.
Why do you think the midterm elections went so bad for democrats? Only reason it wasn't worse was because the idiot Tea Partiers didn't know enough to run electable candidates. The 2010 elections went bad for you because you fucked up; you lost the confidence and good opinion of the voters. No need to list the littany of bad decisions, suffice it to say you should've addressed the problems the country wanted you to fix but instead you were more interested in your party's agenda. And for that same reason I think Obama should also be voted out; dunno if it'll happen, much depends on the economy and the UE numbers this year. But he screwed up, could've and should've done a better job even though the situation he inherited was very tough.

you just described just about every administration/congress during my lifetime. the reason we keep voting one party out is because enough time passes that we forget how bad the previous party screwed up. then we vote them in, they screw up, the we have then forgotten how bad the previous party screwed up and vote them back in. wash, rinse, repeat.

at least i'm not part of the problem. i haven't voted for either party in a long time. it's that old saying about doing the same thing and expecting different results. i'm not that stupid.
The Republican primaries aren't over til June..........we'll see what the poll numbers are then. I will tell you this I sure as heck am not better than I was 3 years ago.

The Dems and their Master refuse to admit his policies are making things worse. Pretty sad when an incumbent looses to a virtual unknown. Be looking for more and more incumbents to loose their seats in November. It's time to clean house, well clean the House.

Gonna be a hard line to sell, if things are geting better.

Yes, you noticed since the Republicans took over the house and the Dems won't even look at any of their jobs bills things are improving.

Kinda what we've been saying all along, doing nothing is much better than doing what the 111th Congress and the Pres did to us. Great observation!! :razz:

So, the GOP's supposed "jobs" bills that passed the House and are now stuck in the Senate - which means they have not become law - are the reason for the improvement in the economy? :lol::lol::lol: Are you sure you want to stick with that one? Republican bills that haven't become law have improved the economy? :rofl:
Why do you think the midterm elections went so bad for democrats?

Partially it was dispirited Democratic voters staying home (these would be the people who didn't see fit to keep Republican politicians out of office, but did see fit a year later to reverse at the polls the major state-level initiatives of those politicians, from union busting, to eliminating same day voting, to pushing "personhood" amendments, to eliminating income-based school integration programs).

But there's also the demographic consideration:

In the 2006 midterm election, seniors split their vote evenly between House Democrats and Republicans. This time, they went for Republicans by a twenty-one-point margin. The impact of that swing was magnified by the fact that seniors, always pretty reliable midterm voters, were particularly fired up: nearly a quarter of the votes cast were from people over sixty-five. The election has been termed the “revolt of the middle class.” But it might more accurately be called the revolt of the retired.

Republicans in 2010 courted the old folks' vote by saying the Democrats were destroying Medicare. Two years later those folks will be able to look back and see new benefits, stable or even lower premiums, and Medicare spending growth at historic lows. Meanwhile, many of their doctors and hospitals are taking advantage of new incentives to enhance and better coordinate the care seniors are getting, not to mention improve their patient safety records.

The real lesson of 2010 is that 2012 would be an excellent year for national Democrats to beat the fuck out of Paul Ryan and co. We'll see if they take the hint.
Gonna be a hard line to sell, if things are geting better.

Yes, you noticed since the Republicans took over the house and the Dems won't even look at any of their jobs bills things are improving.

Kinda what we've been saying all along, doing nothing is much better than doing what the 111th Congress and the Pres did to us. Great observation!! :razz:

So, the GOP's supposed "jobs" bills that passed the House and are now stuck in the Senate - which means they have not become law - are the reason for the improvement in the economy? :lol::lol::lol: Are you sure you want to stick with that one? Republican bills that haven't become law have improved the economy? :rofl:

Whoa!! Zip, over your head. Let me type this a little slower so you will understand.

D o i n g.. n o t h i n g.. i s .. h e l p i n g... S o m e.. of.. u s .. h a v e.. b e e n.. s a y i n g.. t h i s .. a l l .. a l o n g.

T h e..D e m..C o n g r e s s.. a n d.. Obama's..p o l i c i e s.. h a v e.. d e l a y e d.. t h e.. r e c o v e r y.

T h e.. A m e r i c a n.. p e o p l e .. w i l l.. p u l l.. u s.. o u t, n o t.. W a s h i n g t o n.
Why do you think the midterm elections went so bad for democrats? Only reason it wasn't worse was because the idiot Tea Partiers didn't know enough to run electable candidates. The 2010 elections went bad for you because you fucked up; you lost the confidence and good opinion of the voters. No need to list the littany of bad decisions, suffice it to say you should've addressed the problems the country wanted you to fix but instead you were more interested in your party's agenda. And for that same reason I think Obama should also be voted out; dunno if it'll happen, much depends on the economy and the UE numbers this year. But he screwed up, could've and should've done a better job even though the situation he inherited was very tough.

It was the propaganda pumped out about the Tea party by a compliant media.

It was the desperation of the times.

The people now have a real picture of what this New right really is.

its walkerstan and congressionally aproved defaults.

Tell me why the media never talks about the tea party anymore?

Because the name is so tarnished the monied interests dont pump its use anymore.

The window has closed and the people still have black and blue fingers from their attempt to use that window.

You and your team blew it.

You took a mommnet in history when you could have elevated the debate and you stuck your face in the dumpster to rummage instead.
2010 proved nothing except that people were angry and were going to take it out on the incumbants. i'll also point out that the righties lost two senate races that should have been theirs in that climate, AZ and DE, and blew both of them because of how stupid your candidates were.

I'll also point out that you lost a safe repub seat in NY23 for the first time in generations.

What did you learn from those losses? To look at the ragtag line up you're running for president, you didn't learn anything from those losses. Nor did you learn that no one elected righties to be the G-d squad, yet the first thing the loons in this House did was pass a bill to absolve doctors of liability for letting women die. And now you're pursuing "personsonhood" laws and trying to force unnecessary invasive medical procedures on women just to "punish the harlots" and bully them into carrying children they don't want?

you think THAT'S what people voted for GOP candidates for?

Good luck with that. BTW, Rasmussen, which I know the right loves, has the president up by 10 over Romney and by 7 over Santorum.

Have fun running candidates without women voting for them. :thup:

Your first sentence says it all: " 2010 proved nothing except that people were angry and were going to take it out on the incumbants. ". Why were they angry? Don't know how any lib/dem can possibly blame the repubs when they had complete control and wasted it. Of course they're going to blame the incumbent if they aren't satisfied with their job performance, is that not how it should be? You guys are trying to make people believe the job Obama did was good; the coming election will be a referendum on that, just as the midterms were for Congress. Won't matter much who the repub person is, there's a lot of folks who will not support him this time around.

except they didn't "have complete control" because of a little thing called the filibuster. if you look at the latest numbers on how people see things going, they hate this GOP congress and trust the president more.

you need to look at those things.

the job this president did hasn't been a bad one. it's certainly better than his predecessor.

i know that offends the right. i'm sorry. but it's the truth.

George Will on your GOP candidates:

Today's Republican contest has become a binary choice between two similarly miscast candidates. Romney cannot convince voters he understands the difference between business and politics, between being a CEO and the president. To bring economic rationality to an underperforming economic entity requires understanding a market segment. To bring confidence to a discouraged nation requires celebrating its history and sketching an inspiring destiny this history has presaged.

Romney is right about the futility of many current policies, but being offended by irrationality is insufficient. Santorum is right to be alarmed by many cultural trends, but implies that religion must be the nexus between politics and cultural reform. Romney is not attracting people who want rationality leavened by romance. Santorum is repelling people who want politics unmediated by theology. Neither Romney nor Santorum looks like a formidable candidate for November.

George Will: Two miscast candidates for the GOP

Congress cannot filibuster. You being a self-proclaimed attorney should know that.
Yes, you noticed since the Republicans took over the house and the Dems won't even look at any of their jobs bills things are improving.

Kinda what we've been saying all along, doing nothing is much better than doing what the 111th Congress and the Pres did to us. Great observation!! :razz:

So, the GOP's supposed "jobs" bills that passed the House and are now stuck in the Senate - which means they have not become law - are the reason for the improvement in the economy? :lol::lol::lol: Are you sure you want to stick with that one? Republican bills that haven't become law have improved the economy? :rofl:

Whoa!! Zip, over your head. Let me type this a little slower so you will understand.

D o i n g.. n o t h i n g.. i s .. h e l p i n g... S o m e.. of.. u s .. h a v e.. b e e n.. s a y i n g.. t h i s .. a l l .. a l o n g.

T h e..D e m..C o n g r e s s.. a n d.. Obama's..p o l i c i e s.. h a v e.. d e l a y e d.. t h e.. r e c o v e r y.

T h e.. A m e r i c a n.. p e o p l e .. w i l l.. p u l l.. u s.. o u t, n o t.. W a s h i n g t o n.

Your only problem is there were things done no matter how much you tried to abate it.

Now recovery is showing up and you are scambling to deny or claim it.

only the right wing base is stupid enough to buy your rants.

They are also not enough to win an election.
So, the GOP's supposed "jobs" bills that passed the House and are now stuck in the Senate - which means they have not become law - are the reason for the improvement in the economy? :lol::lol::lol: Are you sure you want to stick with that one? Republican bills that haven't become law have improved the economy? :rofl:

Whoa!! Zip, over your head. Let me type this a little slower so you will understand.

D o i n g.. n o t h i n g.. i s .. h e l p i n g... S o m e.. of.. u s .. h a v e.. b e e n.. s a y i n g.. t h i s .. a l l .. a l o n g.

T h e..D e m..C o n g r e s s.. a n d.. Obama's..p o l i c i e s.. h a v e.. d e l a y e d.. t h e.. r e c o v e r y.

T h e.. A m e r i c a n.. p e o p l e .. w i l l.. p u l l.. u s.. o u t, n o t.. W a s h i n g t o n.

Your only problem is there were things done no matter how much you tried to abate it.

Now recovery is showing up and you are scambling to deny or claim it.

only the right wing base is stupid enough to buy your rants.

They are also not enough to win an election.

Exactly what things were done??

List at least three things and back them up with solid evidence.

I bet you can't!!
Where are the Dems bills for cut backs and jobs? Zero all of 2011. They didn't offer anything,except 1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years. That is an insult and joke and got us a credit downgrade to boot.
Name one Dem entitlement program that isn't going broke.
Where are the Dems bills for cut backs and jobs? Zero all of 2011. They didn't offer anything,except 1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years. That is an insult and joke and got us a credit downgrade to boot.
Name one Dem entitlement program that isn't going broke.

Hey, hey........they got us FREE Healthcare...........you know FREE!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Why do you think the midterm elections went so bad for democrats? Only reason it wasn't worse was because the idiot Tea Partiers didn't know enough to run electable candidates. The 2010 elections went bad for you because you fucked up; you lost the confidence and good opinion of the voters. No need to list the littany of bad decisions, suffice it to say you should've addressed the problems the country wanted you to fix but instead you were more interested in your party's agenda. And for that same reason I think Obama should also be voted out; dunno if it'll happen, much depends on the economy and the UE numbers this year. But he screwed up, could've and should've done a better job even though the situation he inherited was very tough.

Can you list what Obama and the Democrats should have done in 2009 and 2010 that would have prevented their defeat in the midterms?
Where are the Dems bills for cut backs and jobs? Zero all of 2011. They didn't offer anything,except 1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years. That is an insult and joke and got us a credit downgrade to boot.
Name one Dem entitlement program that isn't going broke.

So if the Democrats had come out in 2009 with a massive government spending cutback that would have resulted in hundreds of thousands of jobs, both government and private sector, being lost...

...that would have prevented their defeat in 2010? Seriously?
Where are the Dems bills for cut backs and jobs? Zero all of 2011. They didn't offer anything,except 1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years. That is an insult and joke and got us a credit downgrade to boot.
Name one Dem entitlement program that isn't going broke.

So if the Democrats had come out in 2009 with a massive government spending cutback that would have resulted in hundreds of thousands of jobs, both government and private sector, being lost...

...that would have prevented their defeat in 2010? Seriously?


If they would have cut back in anything at all and have offered some reforms for the big entitlement spending it might not have been as bad.
Where are the Dems bills for cut backs and jobs? Zero all of 2011. They didn't offer anything,except 1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years. That is an insult and joke and got us a credit downgrade to boot.
Name one Dem entitlement program that isn't going broke.

So if the Democrats had come out in 2009 with a massive government spending cutback that would have resulted in hundreds of thousands of jobs, both government and private sector, being lost...

...that would have prevented their defeat in 2010? Seriously?


If they would have cut back in anything at all and have offered some reforms for the big entitlement spending it might not have been as bad.

So your real answer is "I don't know what I'm talking about".

OKAY. Next time just say that.
if the GOP gets "shellacked" in 2012 election, will the GOP finally admit that they are out of touch with the common american?

No they will just up the election cheating they have been doing for decades
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So if the Democrats had come out in 2009 with a massive government spending cutback that would have resulted in hundreds of thousands of jobs, both government and private sector, being lost...

...that would have prevented their defeat in 2010? Seriously?


If they would have cut back in anything at all and have offered some reforms for the big entitlement spending it might not have been as bad.

So your real answer is "I don't know what I'm talking about".

OKAY. Next time just say that.

Lets start with the GAO. The group that said the government can not be audited because the standards are so piss poor. Then lets add the report of 3 to 4 hundred billion in redundant services.

No worries Obama found 300k a year.

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