Lib explains her locker room experience with a tranny

as to the person in the start post I do not even consider to be a tranny altogether.
that's a wacko posing as tranny to get to the woman's change room.

in order to avoid such situations if a transgender person had not yet had any genitalia operations performed he should not be permitted in the woman's room.

Bingo. If he was post operation to become a woman, he wouldn't have had a hard on or said what he said to that lady. He is a perv using the latest brouhaha to get in to see naked women.

Pervs do weird stuff. And some of it nasty. We have a beach here that has two porta pots located nearby. A man was caught INSIDE the womens portapotty...standing in poo...just so he could watch them as they peed and had a bowel movement. Ewww.

So this guy? He is a flasher. Gets his jollies seeing naked women. No different than guys who set up cameras to watch women in bathrooms except this one decided to pretend to be a tranny.
I do not care what you consider yourself. Same with trannies.

who cares? really?

it has no meaning in my professional reality.

I do understand that in some circumstances it matters and it should be considered there. I would not want any person with severe personal problems and delusions anywhere close to children r vulnerable people as all such delusions include mental problems which might result in mental instability.

but that is not what you are discussing most often.

Are other doctors forced to believe the delusions? Say if a tranny goes to a doctor and the doctor realizes the tranny had prostrate issues. Women can't get those. Only men can. Does the doctor pause from the delusion ? Or female trannies who get uterine cancer or ovarian cancer given men can't get those?

there are no female trannies. at least not in a standard situation, not a case if mental disease.

the issue is almost 100% male problem and is often connected to the inborn hormone imbalances( therefore I do not exactly believe your tranny in a OP is a tranny).

Doctor has the right to refuse to treat a patient if he/she does not feel comfortable with the situation. I mean in a elective situation, but tranny needing an appendectomy is just a patient needing an appendectomy - who cares what gender he is.
Bull, there are plenty of female to male trannies
TRANSGENDER COMMUNITY: Suicide attempts common
Are other doctors forced to believe the delusions? Say if a tranny goes to a doctor and the doctor realizes the tranny had prostrate issues. Women can't get those. Only men can. Does the doctor pause from the delusion ? Or female trannies who get uterine cancer or ovarian cancer given men can't get those?

there are no female trannies. at least not in a standard situation, not a case if mental disease.

the issue is almost 100% male problem and is often connected to the inborn hormone imbalances( therefore I do not exactly believe your tranny in a OP is a tranny).

Doctor has the right to refuse to treat a patient if he/she does not feel comfortable with the situation. I mean in a elective situation, but tranny needing an appendectomy is just a patient needing an appendectomy - who cares what gender he is.
Bull, there are plenty of female to male trannies
TRANSGENDER COMMUNITY: Suicide attempts common

Mental illness is not a real transgenderism.
as to the person in the start post I do not even consider to be a tranny altogether.
that's a wacko posing as tranny to get to the woman's change room.

in order to avoid such situations if a transgender person had not yet had any genitalia operations performed he should not be permitted in the woman's room.

Bingo. If he was post operation to become a woman, he wouldn't have had a hard on or said what he said to that lady. He is a perv using the latest brouhaha to get in to see naked women.

Pervs do weird stuff. And some of it nasty. We have a beach here that has two porta pots located nearby. A man was caught INSIDE the womens portapotty...standing in poo...just so he could watch them as they peed and had a bowel movement. Ewww.

So this guy? He is a flasher. Gets his jollies seeing naked women. No different than guys who set up cameras to watch women in bathrooms except this one decided to pretend to be a tranny.
Moron, you don't even need to consider surgery to be a tranny for purposes of these stupid laws.
as to the person in the start post I do not even consider to be a tranny altogether.
that's a wacko posing as tranny to get to the woman's change room.

in order to avoid such situations if a transgender person had not yet had any genitalia operations performed he should not be permitted in the woman's room.

How do you know that? Because it doesn't meet your stereotype of what they are like? Do all women have long hair? Do all women have boobs? Do all women wear skirts? Christ, some women have mustaches . Why can't someone with a penis wearing jeans and a flannel and has short hair use the women's locker room? No women dress that way?

Very very few trannies have sex change operations. These laws libs pass make sure they don't have to have a sex change to be considered the opposite sex. That's why this is insanity being forced on others.

because a transgender person won't get aroused by a naked woman - he lacks the possibility due to the nature of his problems.

the cross-dresser would. The pervert would. The exhibitionist would.

but not a real trangender one.
as to the person in the start post I do not even consider to be a tranny altogether.
that's a wacko posing as tranny to get to the woman's change room.

in order to avoid such situations if a transgender person had not yet had any genitalia operations performed he should not be permitted in the woman's room.

Bingo. If he was post operation to become a woman, he wouldn't have had a hard on or said what he said to that lady. He is a perv using the latest brouhaha to get in to see naked women.

Pervs do weird stuff. And some of it nasty. We have a beach here that has two porta pots located nearby. A man was caught INSIDE the womens portapotty...standing in poo...just so he could watch them as they peed and had a bowel movement. Ewww.

So this guy? He is a flasher. Gets his jollies seeing naked women. No different than guys who set up cameras to watch women in bathrooms except this one decided to pretend to be a tranny.
Moron, you don't even need to consider surgery to be a tranny for purposes of these stupid laws.

well, that is a whole different issue. And that can be discussed. because the woman in question can obviously sue as the facility violated her safety allowing a pervert to the woman's room.

The open door for various categories of perverts pretending to be a transgender one should be addressed, I agree.

But that has nothing to do with the transgenderism.
as to the person in the start post I do not even consider to be a tranny altogether.
that's a wacko posing as tranny to get to the woman's change room.

in order to avoid such situations if a transgender person had not yet had any genitalia operations performed he should not be permitted in the woman's room.

How do you know that? Because it doesn't meet your stereotype of what they are like? Do all women have long hair? Do all women have boobs? Do all women wear skirts? Christ, some women have mustaches . Why can't someone with a penis wearing jeans and a flannel and has short hair use the women's locker room? No women dress that way?

Very very few trannies have sex change operations. These laws libs pass make sure they don't have to have a sex change to be considered the opposite sex. That's why this is insanity being forced on others.

because a transgender person won't get aroused by a naked woman - he lacks the possibility due to the nature of his problems.

the cross-dresser would. The pervert would. The exhibitionist would.

but not a real trangender one.

Not all trannies are fags. I saw a TV show about Dr. Marcie Bowers, a dude who had a sex change and now he's in a lesbian relationship with another woman. Obviously most trannies are fags. They can't get hard ons? Are you sure about that? Maybe he was thinking about dudes or nothing at all? It's been known to happen after all, they are still males.
Bingo. If he was post operation to become a woman, he wouldn't have had a hard on or said what he said to that lady. He is a perv using the latest brouhaha to get in to see naked women.

Pervs do weird stuff. And some of it nasty. We have a beach here that has two porta pots located nearby. A man was caught INSIDE the womens portapotty...standing in poo...just so he could watch them as they peed and had a bowel movement. Ewww.

So this guy? He is a flasher. Gets his jollies seeing naked women. No different than guys who set up cameras to watch women in bathrooms except this one decided to pretend to be a tranny.
Moron, you don't even need to consider surgery to be a tranny for purposes of these stupid laws.

well, that is a whole different issue. And that can be discussed. because the woman in question can obviously sue as the facility violated her safety allowing a pervert to the woman's room.

The open door for various categories of perverts by pretending to be a transgender one should be addressed, I agree.

But that has nothing to do with the transgenderism.
It' snot a whole different issue, it IS the issue. Do you think they require kids in school to get sex changes before they can go into the opposite sex locker room? NO. All you have to do is THINK you are the opposite sex and you get to do these things, protected by law. And everyone else has to be fine with it. So stop talking about sex change operations because it's not a requirement, and very few trannies would ever want those because they want working sex organs.
How do you know that? Because it doesn't meet your stereotype of what they are like? Do all women have long hair? Do all women have boobs? Do all women wear skirts? Christ, some women have mustaches . Why can't someone with a penis wearing jeans and a flannel and has short hair use the women's locker room? No women dress that way?

Very very few trannies have sex change operations. These laws libs pass make sure they don't have to have a sex change to be considered the opposite sex. That's why this is insanity being forced on others.

because a transgender person won't get aroused by a naked woman - he lacks the possibility due to the nature of his problems.

the cross-dresser would. The pervert would. The exhibitionist would.

but not a real trangender one.

Not all trannies are fags. I saw a TV show about Dr. Marcie Bowers, a dude who had a sex change and now he's in a lesbian relationship with another woman. Obviously most trannies are fags. They can't get hard ons? Are you sure about that? Maybe he was thinking about dudes or nothing at all? It's been known to happen after all, they are still males.

I do not speak about medical problem using the street slang.
change the wording if you want a serious discussion.
because a transgender person won't get aroused by a naked woman - he lacks the possibility due to the nature of his problems.

the cross-dresser would. The pervert would. The exhibitionist would.

but not a real trangender one.

Not all trannies are fags. I saw a TV show about Dr. Marcie Bowers, a dude who had a sex change and now he's in a lesbian relationship with another woman. Obviously most trannies are fags. They can't get hard ons? Are you sure about that? Maybe he was thinking about dudes or nothing at all? It's been known to happen after all, they are still males.

I do not speak about medical problem using the street slang.
change the wording if you want a serious discussion.
Lame cop out.
I think that locker rooms should be gender free and then we can all be equally comfortable/uncomfortable.

And yes, ladies, maybe we want to be in your locker room more than you want to be in ours. But how is it fair that the dudes have to put up with that inevitable old man who walks around naked with his shriveled pecker and sagging hairy balls, and the ladies don't? Just sayin.'
Pervs do weird stuff. And some of it nasty. We have a beach here that has two porta pots located nearby. A man was caught INSIDE the womens portapotty...standing in poo...just so he could watch them as they peed and had a bowel movement. Ewww.

I didn't think anybody could see me. :redface:
Moron, you don't even need to consider surgery to be a tranny for purposes of these stupid laws.

well, that is a whole different issue. And that can be discussed. because the woman in question can obviously sue as the facility violated her safety allowing a pervert to the woman's room.

The open door for various categories of perverts by pretending to be a transgender one should be addressed, I agree.

But that has nothing to do with the transgenderism.
It' snot a whole different issue, it IS the issue. Do you think they require kids in school to get sex changes before they can go into the opposite sex locker room? NO. All you have to do is THINK you are the opposite sex and you get to do these things, protected by law. And everyone else has to be fine with it. So stop talking about sex change operations because it's not a requirement, and very few trannies would ever want those because they want working sex organs.

then sue for it to BE a requirement - in our society only judicial branch has the last say.

the reports about schools were saying the transgenders should use the staff bathrooms.

and the contra law suit to require a specific set of characteristics for a person to be considered a transgender should obviousle be a way to go as I think there can be a lot more of perverts posing a s trannies as real trannies will ever be.
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well, that is a whole different issue. And that can be discussed. because the woman in question can obviously sue as the facility violated her safety allowing a pervert to the woman's room.

The open door for various categories of perverts by pretending to be a transgender one should be addressed, I agree.

But that has nothing to do with the transgenderism.
It' snot a whole different issue, it IS the issue. Do you think they require kids in school to get sex changes before they can go into the opposite sex locker room? NO. All you have to do is THINK you are the opposite sex and you get to do these things, protected by law. And everyone else has to be fine with it. So stop talking about sex change operations because it's not a requirement, and very few trannies would ever want those because they want working sex organs.

then sue for it to BE a requirement - in our society only judicial branch has the last say.

the reports about schools were saying the transgenders should use the staff bathrooms.

where they pass tranny laws for schools, they use the gender bathroom they identify with, not staff bathrooms. In california, they are also allowed to play on the opposite sex sports teams as well. That means even more locker room time as well as biological boys dominating girls sports...
as to the person in the start post I do not even consider to be a tranny altogether.
that's a wacko posing as tranny to get to the woman's change room.

in order to avoid such situations if a transgender person had not yet had any genitalia operations performed he should not be permitted in the woman's room.

Bingo. If he was post operation to become a woman, he wouldn't have had a hard on or said what he said to that lady. He is a perv using the latest brouhaha to get in to see naked women.

Pervs do weird stuff. And some of it nasty. We have a beach here that has two porta pots located nearby. A man was caught INSIDE the womens portapotty...standing in poo...just so he could watch them as they peed and had a bowel movement. Ewww.

So this guy? He is a flasher. Gets his jollies seeing naked women. No different than guys who set up cameras to watch women in bathrooms except this one decided to pretend to be a tranny.
Moron, you don't even need to consider surgery to be a tranny for purposes of these stupid laws.

Moron?? Um. No. He was not a tranny because he had a woody. Hello? Anyone home McFly?
PS: Why should I have to sue for common sense to prevail? If you have a penis, you are male. It's really that simple. But liberal faggots want to force their delusional world view on others.

It's literally like that STNG episode where Picard was being shown 4 lights and was expected to say he saw five lights. We're being forced to deny reality to get a desired politically correct result.
I think that locker rooms should be gender free and then we can all be equally comfortable/uncomfortable.

And yes, ladies, maybe we want to be in your locker room more than you want to be in ours. But how is it fair that the dudes have to put up with that inevitable old man who walks around naked with his shriveled pecker and sagging hairy balls, and the ladies don't? Just sayin.'

It' snot a whole different issue, it IS the issue. Do you think they require kids in school to get sex changes before they can go into the opposite sex locker room? NO. All you have to do is THINK you are the opposite sex and you get to do these things, protected by law. And everyone else has to be fine with it. So stop talking about sex change operations because it's not a requirement, and very few trannies would ever want those because they want working sex organs.

then sue for it to BE a requirement - in our society only judicial branch has the last say.

the reports about schools were saying the transgenders should use the staff bathrooms.

where they pass tranny laws for schools, they use the gender bathroom they identify with, not staff bathrooms. In california, they are also allowed to play on the opposite sex sports teams as well. That means even more locker room time as well as biological boys dominating girls sports...

then let the girls parents SUE.
transgender boys should not play in female teams and should not be considered a female athlete.
It is simply UNFAIR to real females as anatomically they are obviously males ( and I do not talk about boobs or testicles here, but about bones and muscles)
Bingo. If he was post operation to become a woman, he wouldn't have had a hard on or said what he said to that lady. He is a perv using the latest brouhaha to get in to see naked women.

Pervs do weird stuff. And some of it nasty. We have a beach here that has two porta pots located nearby. A man was caught INSIDE the womens portapotty...standing in poo...just so he could watch them as they peed and had a bowel movement. Ewww.

So this guy? He is a flasher. Gets his jollies seeing naked women. No different than guys who set up cameras to watch women in bathrooms except this one decided to pretend to be a tranny.
Moron, you don't even need to consider surgery to be a tranny for purposes of these stupid laws.

Moron?? Um. No. He was not a tranny because he had a woody. Hello? Anyone home McFly?
I'm not going to search for this, because no doubt the results will be pornographic, but something tells me that trannies have functioning penises and they can get aroused. Screw it, I searched and found this discussion about this very topic. You are wrong, once again. Now stop basing your views on your ignorance of the facts.

Hormones and erections
then sue for it to BE a requirement - in our society only judicial branch has the last say.

the reports about schools were saying the transgenders should use the staff bathrooms.

where they pass tranny laws for schools, they use the gender bathroom they identify with, not staff bathrooms. In california, they are also allowed to play on the opposite sex sports teams as well. That means even more locker room time as well as biological boys dominating girls sports...

then let the girls parents SUE.
transgender boys should not play in female teams and should not be considered a female athlete.
It is simply UNFAIR to real females as anatomically they are obviously males ( and I do not talk about boobs or testicles here, but about bones and muscles)
Well libfags say they can play on whatever team they feel like they are, and you are a bigot for not agreeing.

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