Lib Radio Host Karel Calls For Joe Wurzelbacher's Death In On-Air Obscenity Laced Tir

that was so very very racist of you. Kinda what Powell and Rice had to put up with.. And you really think we can work together do you? For the good of the country? Do you? I'm not so sure about that.

ps. It isn't about black or white, jew or muslim or christian, women vs men.

It isn't about any of that. I don't give a rats ass if you are muslim, black or woman.

It's rich vs. poor/middle class. And I didn't start the war. The rich did.

So instead of assuming I hate the rich, you should ask them why they hate YOU!

But because you got it ok, or at least better than maybe half of the middle class, you are house slave defending master.

Now go on with ya broke ass.
ps. It isn't about black or white, jew or muslim or christian, women vs men.

It isn't about any of that. I don't give a rats ass if you are muslim, black or woman.

It's rich vs. poor/middle class. And I didn't start the war. The rich did.

So instead of assuming I hate the rich, you should ask them why they hate YOU!

But because you got it ok, or at least better than maybe half of the middle class, you are house slave defending master.

Now go on with ya broke ass.

Sealybobo, why are you so angry? How did the rich start the war? Listen our country isn't perfect, but I'd much prefer to live here than anywhere else. So let's stop crying how bad it is. It truly isn't bad; only the libs want you to think it's bad so that you would lean on the government for their help.
ps. It isn't about black or white, jew or muslim or christian, women vs men.

It isn't about any of that. I don't give a rats ass if you are muslim, black or woman.

It's rich vs. poor/middle class. And I didn't start the war. The rich did.

So instead of assuming I hate the rich, you should ask them why they hate YOU!

But because you got it ok, or at least better than maybe half of the middle class, you are house slave defending master.

Now go on with ya broke ass.

I feel sorry for you, you were born during the wrong period of history. Too bad you couldn't be in Paris now lining up the bourgois for the guillotine! Pity!
Sealybobo, why are you so angry? How did the rich start the war? Listen our country isn't perfect, but I'd much prefer to live here than anywhere else. So let's stop crying how bad it is. It truly isn't bad; only the libs want you to think it's bad so that you would lean on the government for their help.

he's been sold the victim card! The Democrats have successfully conducted class warfare and promoted fear mongering. And what's really funny is watching them project it onto Republicans. Hail the French Revolution. The farther we go the behinder we get.
he's been sold the victim card! The Democrats have successfully conducted class warfare and promoted fear mongering. And what's really funny is watching them project it onto Republicans. Hail the French Revolution. The farther we go the behinder we get.
Kind of like the republicans being fed that liberals are anti american garbage and that this war was started due to 9/11 and the treatment of citizen of Irag!
that's the ticket, always I mean always excuse the one by pointing out the other.. and the hate goes on..
You are the one who started this my pointing out a liberal talk show host, maybe you should look at con talk show hosts before you start calling out liberal ones. They also make your party look bad and you wonder why liberals think most of you are money hungry racists.
I feel sorry for you, you were born during the wrong period of history. Too bad you couldn't be in Paris now lining up the bourgois for the guillotine! Pity!

I feel sorry for you for not realizing I'm the uniter and your the devidor.

I'm telling blacks and whites not to fight with each other. They're on the same team.

I'm telling middle class jews they have more in common with middle class muslims than they do rich jews.

I feel sorry for you because you are either dumb or rich. And we are going to spread your wealth around baby!! YEA!!!! It's like when the North moved in to Virginia and raped, pillaged and looted you southerners.

You thought God was on your side but you had slaves.

Today is no different. YOu think God is on your side but he is punishing you and Bush for your wickedness.
Sealybobo, why are you so angry? How did the rich start the war? Listen our country isn't perfect, but I'd much prefer to live here than anywhere else. So let's stop crying how bad it is. It truly isn't bad; only the libs want you to think it's bad so that you would lean on the government for their help.

Read my previous post. I'm not angry, except for at the people who ruined this country for 90% of us so 10% of us could get richer.

Why are you so clueless?

Or is this the right all of the sudden playing the sweet victim? Oh, what did we do? Can't we all just get along?

NO! Not after you raped us for 8 years.

Why was Tom Delay so angry? Why was Bush so angry?

PS. My fucking 401K got cut in half and my dollar is worth a nickel.

Why the hell aren't you mad?

And why does it have to be that I'm angry? Tomorrow when you see that line wrapped around the building, why don't you go ask people why they are so "angry".

And tell them you are a Bushy so they can kick your ass!


Just kidding. WINK WINK.
Sealybobo, why are you so angry? How did the rich start the war? Listen our country isn't perfect, but I'd much prefer to live here than anywhere else. So let's stop crying how bad it is. It truly isn't bad; only the libs want you to think it's bad so that you would lean on the government for their help.

You know what? When it comes to politics, you may be right? I may be the angriest white man I know.


If you only knew me. I'm the clown of the office.

But everyone at work knows my political affiliations, that's for sure. The other day a chain went around work and the boss nipped it in the butt.

Republicans in the office love to fuck with me and no one has gotten hurt. So relax with the "why are you so angries". :lol:
You know what? When it comes to politics, you may be right? I may be the angriest white man I know.


If you only knew me. I'm the clown of the office.

But everyone at work knows my political affiliations, that's for sure. The other day a chain went around work and the boss nipped it in the butt.

Republicans in the office love to fuck with me and no one has gotten hurt. So relax with the "why are you so angries". :lol:

I think we might be friends if I didn't know your politics! :D
Kind of like the republicans being fed that liberals are anti american garbage and that this war was started due to 9/11 and the treatment of citizen of Irag!

I have no clue. I've never been fed that nonsense. where did you get that from? KOS?
I feel sorry for you for not realizing I'm the uniter and your the devidor.

I'm telling blacks and whites not to fight with each other. They're on the same team.

I'm telling middle class jews they have more in common with middle class muslims than they do rich jews.

I feel sorry for you because you are either dumb or rich. And we are going to spread your wealth around baby!! YEA!!!! It's like when the North moved in to Virginia and raped, pillaged and looted you southerners.

You thought God was on your side but you had slaves.

Today is no different. YOu think God is on your side but he is punishing you and Bush for your wickedness.

not my wealth baby, cause I don't got any, I'm getting a big tax break cause my house has been devalued. Cut by one half. hey this screw up on Bawny Fwanks part is paying off for me. Who'd a thunk it?
Read my previous post. I'm not angry, except for at the people who ruined this country for 90% of us so 10% of us could get richer.

Why are you so clueless?

Or is this the right all of the sudden playing the sweet victim? Oh, what did we do? Can't we all just get along?

NO! Not after you raped us for 8 years.

Why was Tom Delay so angry? Why was Bush so angry?

PS. My fucking 401K got cut in half and my dollar is worth a nickel.

Why the hell aren't you mad?

And why does it have to be that I'm angry? Tomorrow when you see that line wrapped around the building, why don't you go ask people why they are so "angry".

And tell them you are a Bushy so they can kick your ass!


Just kidding. WINK WINK.

somehow, for some strange reason, after all your racist spewing hate today that just made me smile!
You are the one who started this my pointing out a liberal talk show host, maybe you should look at con talk show hosts before you start calling out liberal ones. They also make your party look bad and you wonder why liberals think most of you are money hungry racists.

I didn't call him out. just posted the facts. that he wanted death to Joe the Plumber. And you didn't mind that one bit did you? hater!
I think we might be friends if I didn't know your politics! :D

I guarantee it. I get along with everyone.

I also know the people to not talk politics with at work.

To be honest, that's why I come here. I can rant to you guys instead of bugging my co-workers.
I think we might be friends if I didn't know your politics! :D

ps. I'm going hunting Nov. 14-17th with 3 business owners who all pull in over $250K and my brother makes $400k.

Needless to say, I don't get to talk politics that weekend. :eusa_silenced:
I guarantee it. I get along with everyone.

I also know the people to not talk politics with at work.

To be honest, that's why I come here. I can rant to you guys instead of bugging my co-workers.

Me thinks that you can't be as gleefully dishonest at work and expect to be taken seriously with work-related matters. :D
Me thinks that you can't be as gleefully dishonest at work and expect to be taken seriously with work-related matters. :D

I think everyone on these boards will admit that I'm not being dishonest.

Whether I'm right or wrong, and I know I'm right, I truly believe what I say 100%.

Conservatives/Republicans at work know that my intentions are good. The guy with a kid in Iraq knows I'm SCREAMING for his kid, not against him.

There are PLENTY of former Republicans going with Obama because of me. Many of them told me for 2 years that I won't convince one person, but I have people emailing me all the time, UNSOLICITED!!!

Someone even photoshopped my head onto Jimmy Hoffa Jr's body. He's taking a picture shaking Obama's hand. So me and Obama shaking hands is all over the office.

Seriously, I'm not a prick. This is the only thing that makes me mean. And it's only because you guys are so damn mean.

And you are the ones that are intellectually dishonest. Rather than admit global warming is caused by humans, you are delaying the fix by denying it even exists. And then once you can't deny it anymore, you'll pretend YOU are the best ones to fix it.

Same for the economy.

Same for the quagmire in Iraq and Afgan.

YOU need to change, not me.
The global warming comment wasn't to take us off topic. Just an example.
I think everyone on these boards will admit that I'm not being dishonest.

Whether I'm right or wrong, and I know I'm right, I truly believe what I say 100%.

Conservatives/Republicans at work know that my intentions are good. The guy with a kid in Iraq knows I'm SCREAMING for his kid, not against him.

There are PLENTY of former Republicans going with Obama because of me. Many of them told me for 2 years that I won't convince one person, but I have people emailing me all the time, UNSOLICITED!!!

Someone even photoshopped my head onto Jimmy Hoffa Jr's body. He's taking a picture shaking Obama's hand. So me and Obama shaking hands is all over the office.

Seriously, I'm not a prick. This is the only thing that makes me mean. And it's only because you guys are so damn mean.

And you are the ones that are intellectually dishonest. Rather than admit global warming is caused by humans, you are delaying the fix by denying it even exists. And then once you can't deny it anymore, you'll pretend YOU are the best ones to fix it.

Same for the economy.

Same for the quagmire in Iraq and Afgan.

YOU need to change, not me.
Wow such a reaction- apparently I hit a nerve.

Just like a true liberal, your intentions mean more then actual results.

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