Liberal Bias Strikes Again

As Conservatives continue to court the women's vote
Women realize they are not victims in our society,and if your trying to get sympathy laid because you, "understand how women feel" you are a dork.

Why don't you care about the issues of women in the military?

Why don't you tell us some more about how all women lie about rape?
Liberals cry and bitch for women to be allowed to serve on the front lines of a war, but then cry like the true pathetic liberals they are when a woman gets hit by a man after she hits that man.

I have said it before, I will say it again. They are pathetic hypocrites.

If people cannot see the double standards in my scenario then you are blind.
The sex abuse cases in military are overblown to fit liberal agenda of victimology. Does not happen on a regular basis at all...period.

"The rape is a lie" is your argument? Really? Just flat-out denying that these strong, independent womyn are routinely sexually assaulted by their fellow soldiers and commanding officers alike is all you can come up with?

If it doesn't happen on a regular basis, then why do we hear about new cases of it on a regular basis? How many military rapes are fabricated, in your opinion?

Here's seven.

Sexual assault in the United States military - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sexual assault in military jaw-dropping lawmaker says -

Military members protest sexual assaults

Reports of sexual assault in military rise in 2008 -

Army Reprimands Former Sexual Assault Prosecutor

Sexual Assault Cases Up 64 Percent at Military Academies

The private war of women soldiers -
in 13 years

wow, it's an epidemic

no wonder women still join
As Conservatives continue to court the women's vote
Women realize they are not victims in our society


Just because you manpigs keep saying shit like this doesn't make it true. Womyn are oppressed in every country in the world, especially in the United States, where we are paid only 70% of what manpigs make.
I have never mistreated a woman in my life. When I was in military you stayed away from American women in uniform because of sexual assault fabrications. Does it happen? Yes. Does it happen on a crisis level frequency...absolutely not.
As Conservatives continue to court the women's vote
Women realize they are not victims in our society


Just because you manpigs keep saying shit like this doesn't make it true. Womyn are oppressed in every country in the world, especially in the United States, where we are paid only 70% of what manpigs make.
I have never mistreated a woman in my life. When I was in military you stayed away from American women in uniform because of sexual assault fabrications. Does it happen? Yes. Does it happen on a crisis level frequency...absolutely not.
The Army seems to think you are wrong
As Conservatives continue to court the women's vote
Women realize they are not victims in our society


Just because you manpigs keep saying shit like this doesn't make it true. Womyn are oppressed in every country in the world, especially in the United States, where we are paid only 70% of what manpigs make.
I have never mistreated a woman in my life. When I was in military you stayed away from American women in uniform because of sexual assault fabrications. Does it happen? Yes. Does it happen on a crisis level frequency...absolutely not.
The Army seems to think you are wrong
Evidence. ( BTW, I'm a former Marine...Army is...well...pus edit)
As Conservatives continue to court the women's vote
Women realize they are not victims in our society


Just because you manpigs keep saying shit like this doesn't make it true. Womyn are oppressed in every country in the world, especially in the United States, where we are paid only 70% of what manpigs make.
I have never mistreated a woman in my life. When I was in military you stayed away from American women in uniform because of sexual assault fabrications. Does it happen? Yes. Does it happen on a crisis level frequency...absolutely not.
The Army seems to think you are wrong
Evidence. ( BTW, I'm a former Marine...Army is...well...pus edit)
The Marines seem to think you are wrong too
The sex abuse cases in military are overblown to fit liberal agenda of victimology. Does not happen on a regular basis at all...period.

Oh jesus, you really know how to blow pixelated methane.

Post your stats and corroborate, or just STFU.

One of my nieces left the Navy after she was sexually assaulted. And the USN gave her a very generous settlement to stop her lawsuit lest they lose a SEAL to prison. Sad but true.

She is currently in negotiation with Columbia University Press for the rights to her story. Thank you Senator Gillibrand.
The sex abuse cases in military are overblown to fit liberal agenda of victimology. Does not happen on a regular basis at all...period.

Oh jesus, you really know how to blow pixelated methane.

Post your stats and corroborate, or just STFU.

One of my nieces left the Navy after she was sexually assaulted. And the USN gave her a very generous settlement to stop her lawsuit lest they lose a SEAL to prison. Sad but true.

She is currently in negotiation with Columbia University Press for the rights to her story. Thank you Senator Gillibrand.
Oh so we have a media agenda. They stopped lawsuit because there s no way to win it in a liberal environment. Why was she with the Seal to begin with? Columbia University says it all. This is such bullshit. What did that Navy Seal do for his country? What did your niece do? Entrap a SEAL to write a book. Fucking ridiculous.
Navy SEAL's career over because your niece wanted to write a book.
All women lie about rape

More reason, why women won't vote Republican
What would she be thinking if she was with a SEAL? They were going to go back to the barracks and play Monopoly? No, I'm sorry. She went with a SEAL because they are killer studs and that's what she wanted. Don't go with uber male spec ops guys and then cry about it. I'm saying she wanted the popular side of a SEAL, but when this person, who for all intents and purposes is a trained killer, had sex with her or raped her...she is somehow stunned. Bullshit. Stay away from those types. Common sense.
Women deployed overseas were like throwing raw meat to the wolves. Local women were off limits and our female soldiers were the only game in town

Most men respected them, a large number didn't

Command swept it under the table
Women deployed overseas were like throwing raw meat to the wolves. Local women were off limits and our female soldiers were the only game in town

Most men respected them, a large number didn't

Command swept it under the table
Sounds like a command problem. Why did soldiers act like savages? Probably rap culture and no discipline. But, would have been hard in Afghanistan to screw one of them pug uglies. Pentagon should not have sent women there.
Once again, lefty bigots rear their heads. They want gender blindness but once granted opportunity they create gender ID. Just like with the race victim agenda. Hypocrites deluxe.

"create Gender ID"??

What the hell do you do in a public place with a full bladder? Or worse?
As Conservatives continue to court the women's vote

And then there is the Inconvenient Truth that women are actually suffering a lower rate of sexual assault than men.

I wonder if they thank Bill Clinton for "allowing" them to get their asses maimed and killed in combat just like male Soldiers. I wonder what America would be like if FDR put women on the front lines during WW2.
Once again, lefty bigots rear their heads. They want gender blindness but once granted opportunity they create gender ID. Just like with the race victim agenda. Hypocrites deluxe.

"create Gender ID"??

What the hell do you do in a public place with a full bladder? Or worse?
You need to ask the gender-neutral feminist bathroom nazis that question.

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