Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

Uh -- do dey now?


Oh I don't know, maybe the death threats being rec'd by the pizzeria we're talking about.

Or the threats of rioting and violence in Ferguson...which they bussed people in to deliver on.

Have you ever LISTENED to Sharpton?

Not without a barf bag handy. He's the poster boy for why I got rid of TV.

Here's the supreme irony here: the OP in his ignorance conflates "Liberal" with "leftist" (his own article mockingly but acccurately describes "the tolerant left", not "the tolerant Liberals") --- while side by side on the Politics forum rides another thread entitled,
The Left Is Making Up Events In The News To Create Symbolic Issues That Fit Their Agenda

Get that? The left is making up events. GHook conflates "Liberal" and "left", and it's the left who's making it up.

Boggles the mind, it does.

You should take that up with the leftists who have hijacked the title "liberal" in this country, thinking that nobody would notice.

I would but he drank himself to death in the '50s. And I don't think Joe was either a Liberal or a leftist. Mostly he was a Liar. Which is what you have to be to float these false association turds.

"...many who call themselves “liberals” today are in fact leftists – i.e., the very antithesis of liberals. The modern Left – which traces its roots back to a faction of early-19th-century French liberals who proclaimed that capitalism and private property were agents of inevitable moral decay – is animated by a desire to topple the existing capitalist order and to replace it with a socialist regime where the utopian ideal of perfect equality will reign. Disingenuously portraying itself as an agent of enlightened commitment to “liberal” causes, today’s Left in fact rejects each of the liberal ideals enumerated in the preceding paragraph. We can readily observe, for instance, that the modern Left is the stalwart champion of:
  • group rights and collective identity, rather than of individual rights and responsibilities (e.g., racial preferences, notions of collective guilt and innocence, and a devotion to identity politics generally);
  • the circumvention of law rather than the rule of law (as exemplified by the flouting of immigration laws and nondiscrimination laws, and by a preference for judicial activism whereby judges co-opt the powers that rightfully belong to legislators);
  • the expansion of government rather than its diminution (favoring ever-escalating taxes to fund a bloated welfare state and a government that oversees — and intervenes in — virtually every aspect of human life); and
  • the redistribution of wealth (through punitive taxes and, again, a mushrooming welfare state), rather than its creation through free markets based on private property.
"By calling themselves “liberals,” leftists have entirely redefined the terms of debate. The media and the general public have largely gone along with this fraudulent self-identification, as evidenced by the fact that few people nowadays draw any distinction between liberalism in its original and authentic sense, and leftism — or socialism posing as “liberalism.” Indeed the terms are generally used interchangeably by people at every point along the political spectrum."

What Exactly Is a Leftist And What Is a Liberal NewsReal Blog

And while the author actually agrees with you in theory..that there definitely is a difference...the fact of the matter is that libs and the media have allowed it to happen, so until you clean house, meh, you're going to be considered "leftists" because the leftists have adopted your label.

Clean house eh?
Dafuck do you think I just did by calling out the OP's dishonesty?

Thank you for that backup though. It was indeed my point. But it was not Liberals OR leftists who started this conflation conflagration.

Take it, tailgunner Joe...

One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics.​
I don't know why anyone who opposes anti-gay discrimination would be bothered by these two becoming victims of their own bigotry, and being seen as victims by fellow bigots.

Besides, taking a stand by saying they'd no longer cater PIZZA to weddings was one of the funniest things I've seen this week. I mean I love my pizzas, but I've never really thought about it at a wedding. Now many years ago, Mrs. Dog and I happened to be in Memphis and for some reason were staying the night, and we didn't have the money to blow on the Peabody or anything, so we started looking for a cheap motel, and there were college football games or something. We ended up in this fleabag, and we could hear through the walls this person throwing up next door, and in the morning saw there'd been a wedding reception, with all the decorations, and in the trash were KFC boxes and plastic vodka bottles. Maybe a dominos box too.
Cool, now that the law is being changed I can't wait to see the first gay wedding reception at the pizzeria.

Dummy, they never said they would refuse service inside their business, did they? Typical ignorant lib.
Yes they did. They said they wouldn't serve a homosexual wedding party.
They also said (at least the daughter did) that they wouldn't serve a non-christian wedding party either. Gays and non-christians everywhere are devastated.
At least bigots are happy.

How's that Apple protest going?
Apple is in effect doing what the public accommodation laws enforce, mainly they are making money off of whomever coughs up the cash.
Oh I don't know, maybe the death threats being rec'd by the pizzeria we're talking about.

Or the threats of rioting and violence in Ferguson...which they bussed people in to deliver on.

Have you ever LISTENED to Sharpton?

Not without a barf bag handy. He's the poster boy for why I got rid of TV.

Here's the supreme irony here: the OP in his ignorance conflates "Liberal" with "leftist" (his own article mockingly but acccurately describes "the tolerant left", not "the tolerant Liberals") --- while side by side on the Politics forum rides another thread entitled,
The Left Is Making Up Events In The News To Create Symbolic Issues That Fit Their Agenda

Get that? The left is making up events. GHook conflates "Liberal" and "left", and it's the left who's making it up.

Boggles the mind, it does.

You should take that up with the leftists who have hijacked the title "liberal" in this country, thinking that nobody would notice.

I would but he drank himself to death in the '50s. And I don't think Joe was either a Liberal or a leftist. Mostly he was a Liar. Which is what you have to be to float these false association turds.

"...many who call themselves “liberals” today are in fact leftists – i.e., the very antithesis of liberals. The modern Left – which traces its roots back to a faction of early-19th-century French liberals who proclaimed that capitalism and private property were agents of inevitable moral decay – is animated by a desire to topple the existing capitalist order and to replace it with a socialist regime where the utopian ideal of perfect equality will reign. Disingenuously portraying itself as an agent of enlightened commitment to “liberal” causes, today’s Left in fact rejects each of the liberal ideals enumerated in the preceding paragraph. We can readily observe, for instance, that the modern Left is the stalwart champion of:
  • group rights and collective identity, rather than of individual rights and responsibilities (e.g., racial preferences, notions of collective guilt and innocence, and a devotion to identity politics generally);
  • the circumvention of law rather than the rule of law (as exemplified by the flouting of immigration laws and nondiscrimination laws, and by a preference for judicial activism whereby judges co-opt the powers that rightfully belong to legislators);
  • the expansion of government rather than its diminution (favoring ever-escalating taxes to fund a bloated welfare state and a government that oversees — and intervenes in — virtually every aspect of human life); and
  • the redistribution of wealth (through punitive taxes and, again, a mushrooming welfare state), rather than its creation through free markets based on private property.
"By calling themselves “liberals,” leftists have entirely redefined the terms of debate. The media and the general public have largely gone along with this fraudulent self-identification, as evidenced by the fact that few people nowadays draw any distinction between liberalism in its original and authentic sense, and leftism — or socialism posing as “liberalism.” Indeed the terms are generally used interchangeably by people at every point along the political spectrum."

What Exactly Is a Leftist And What Is a Liberal NewsReal Blog

And while the author actually agrees with you in theory..that there definitely is a difference...the fact of the matter is that libs and the media have allowed it to happen, so until you clean house, meh, you're going to be considered "leftists" because the leftists have adopted your label.

Clean house eh?
Dafuck do you think I just did by calling out the OP's dishonesty?

Thank you for that backup though. It was indeed my point.

Ok fine, lol.
Freeloaders looking for a handout

Why don't you put dark sunglasses on them and hand them a cup?
The restaurant owners did not solicit. This is from private sources.
Tough shit....Chew harder.

Freeloading is still freeloading

Even if you are taking money from Bigots
Hypocrite. If this were a private funding of a fellow lib, you'd be all for it..
Your straw man just caught fire.

A handout is still a handout

What ever happened to self respect in this country?
I don't know why anyone who opposes anti-gay discrimination would be bothered by these two becoming victims of their own bigotry, and being seen as victims by fellow bigots.

Besides, taking a stand by saying they'd no longer cater PIZZA to weddings was one of the funniest things I've seen this week. I mean I love my pizzas, but I've never really thought about it at a wedding. Now many years ago, Mrs. Dog and I happened to be in Memphis and for some reason were staying the night, and we didn't have the money to blow on the Peabody or anything, so we started looking for a cheap motel, and there were college football games or something. We ended up in this fleabag, and we could hear through the walls this person throwing up next door, and in the morning saw there'd been a wedding reception, with all the decorations, and in the trash were KFC boxes and plastic vodka bottles. Maybe a dominos box too.
You should take that up with the fags who are targeting the pizzeria owners with death threats.
Freeloaders looking for a handout

Why don't you put dark sunglasses on them and hand them a cup?
The restaurant owners did not solicit. This is from private sources.
Tough shit....Chew harder.

Freeloading is still freeloading

Even if you are taking money from Bigots
Hypocrite. If this were a private funding of a fellow lib, you'd be all for it..
Your straw man just caught fire.

A handout is still a handout

What ever happened to self respect in this country?
repeating the same bullshit does not make it any less bullshit.
Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also! there a link....I'll throw in a few bucks for freedom.......if I lived in Indiana I would get a pizza there as well........for real freedom...not the New Speak freedom where bigotry and intolerance shut down a pizza place...and they call it freedom.......
Hopefully the girl in the video uses the money to fix her teeth.

I thought you progressives were all about supporting those who are underpaid? You demonstrate quite nicely the outright bigotry of the left wing asshats who claim to care about the small guy but in reality despise them because you think you are so superior.
The only problem..left wing asshats are violent...look at the ferguson protests....and their supporters will look the other way as they loot businesses....and possibly hurt innocent people.........
Hopefully the girl in the video uses the money to fix her teeth.

I thought you progressives were all about supporting those who are underpaid? You demonstrate quite nicely the outright bigotry of the left wing asshats who claim to care about the small guy but in reality despise them because you think you are so superior.
Yes, which is why I hope she does something about her dental issues before she burns through the cash.
Hopefully the girl in the video uses the money to fix her teeth.

I thought you progressives were all about supporting those who are underpaid? You demonstrate quite nicely the outright bigotry of the left wing asshats who claim to care about the small guy but in reality despise them because you think you are so superior.
Yes, which is why I hope she does something about her dental issues before she burns through the cash.

Yes.......the little people are useful when they are poor, angry, hateful....and willing to obey the will of the left wing superiors..........but when they are little people who resist the borg collective....then the knives come out..........imagine if a conservative said that about a lefty activist............we'd never hear the end of it......what vile, disgusting monsters you people are.....
Freeloaders looking for a handout

Why don't you put dark sunglasses on them and hand them a cup?
The restaurant owners did not solicit. This is from private sources.
Tough shit....Chew harder.

Freeloading is still freeloading

Even if you are taking money from Bigots
Hypocrite. If this were a private funding of a fellow lib, you'd be all for it..
Your straw man just caught fire.

A handout is still a handout

What ever happened to self respect in this country?
Yeah I know we have record number of welfare recipients. So are you ready to do something about that?
Hopefully the girl in the video uses the money to fix her teeth.

I thought you progressives were all about supporting those who are underpaid? You demonstrate quite nicely the outright bigotry of the left wing asshats who claim to care about the small guy but in reality despise them because you think you are so superior.
Yes, which is why I hope she does something about her dental issues before she burns through the cash.

Yes.......the little people are useful when they are poor, angry, hateful....and willing to obey the will of the left wing superiors..........but when they are little people who resist the borg collective....then the knives come out..........imagine if a conservative said that about a lefty activist............we'd never hear the end of it......what vile, disgusting monsters you people are.....
OMG, I said she has bad teeth! Meanwhile you people call women sluts and whores.

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