Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

Hopefully the girl in the video uses the money to fix her teeth.

I thought you progressives were all about supporting those who are underpaid? You demonstrate quite nicely the outright bigotry of the left wing asshats who claim to care about the small guy but in reality despise them because you think you are so superior.
Yes, which is why I hope she does something about her dental issues before she burns through the cash.

Yes.......the little people are useful when they are poor, angry, hateful....and willing to obey the will of the left wing superiors..........but when they are little people who resist the borg collective....then the knives come out..........imagine if a conservative said that about a lefty activist............we'd never hear the end of it......what vile, disgusting monsters you people are.....
OMG, I said she has bad teeth! Meanwhile you people call women sluts and whores.

And you people don't? For every rightwing moron you post I can do the same with a left wing moron. Do you not see that? The reason why there are problems in this world is you are blissfully ignorant of the rot within your own group. When, and only when, you realize that there are just as many idiots on your side, as are on the other side, will real change take place.
Will the RWnuts be raising money for the hundreds of millions of revenue lost to Indiana as company after company pulls their business out of Indiana?
Clive Bundy had lots of support too.
Bigots are big news here sometimes. Maybe she should have said ******* were better off as slaves, and the fund would be twice as large by now.

What religion teaches that one must not sell pizza to homosexuals?

I'll save you the trouble. It's a madeup one. It's a human idea passed off as the word of some God.

(Of course one could argue that describes every religion.)
Clive Bundy had lots of support too.
Bigots are big news here sometimes. Maybe she should have said ******* were better off as slaves, and the fund would be twice as large by now.

What religion teaches that one must not sell pizza to homosexuals?

I'll save you the trouble. It's a madeup one. It's a human idea passed off as the word of some God.

(Of course one could argue that describes every religion.)

After Indiana Pizzeria Said They Wouldn t Cater Gay Weddings the Backlash Was So Extreme US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I believe they said they would be happy to serve gay customers.

That was quoted.

I am new to the board so I have to people around here print retractions ?

I believe they said they would not cater a gay wedding.
The business said it would not serve gay people

The business said they wouldn't cater a gay wedding, not discriminate against gays in their own establishment. You fell for the spin, and the ABC 57 article which cleverly twisted the words of the girl who gave the interview. You people are pathetic.

They didn't start calling out a random business, they brought it on themselves by being intolerant.

What they brought on themselves was a nest egg. You just keep spewing the hatred while they rake in the cash, perhaps they can buy a yacht and take it for a spin on the river of liberal tears on this thread.

And what will the throngs of other businesses who want to discriminate against minorities get? Got their 5 figures worth of dough ready?

There are throngs right? As in thousands? and thousands? There must throngs of such businesses if this belief is a core teaching of Christianity.

It is a core teaching of Christianity, right? It is a belief so imbedded in the Christian faith that it is almost universally taught, and widely adhered to...

Or is it?
Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!

Maybe you should donate to the cause of a dictionary. Liberals don't "threaten violence".

Of course they do. They threaten violence all the time. And they deliver.

Uh -- do dey now?


Oh I don't know, maybe the death threats being rec'd by the pizzeria we're talking about.

Or the threats of rioting and violence in Ferguson (which were fulfilled)...and over the Martin/Zimmerman affair...

Have you ever LISTENED to Sharpton?

Sharpton gets more death threats than these pizza people have .
Are you giving the victim bigots money?

You know, even being unemployed I managed to scrounge up enough money to donate to them. Yes.

Let's not make it personal, TK.

You liberals made this personal the moment you sicked your goons on defenseless pizzeria owner and his family.

Screw you.
LOL. Twice a loser.

Says a loser.

Save your money. Have your mom bake them a pizza or something.
Hey Ben, I hear Hillary could use a GoFundMe page right about now. I know you feel so left out.
Clive Bundy had lots of support too.
Bigots are big news here sometimes. Maybe she should have said ******* were better off as slaves, and the fund would be twice as large by now.

What religion teaches that one must not sell pizza to homosexuals?

I'll save you the trouble. It's a madeup one. It's a human idea passed off as the word of some God.

(Of course one could argue that describes every religion.)

I believe they said they would be happy to serve gay customers.

That was quoted.

I am new to the board so I have to people around here print retractions ?

I believe they said they would not cater a gay wedding.
Is a retraction the same as doubling down on an inaccurate statement?
They boycotted the place on principle. The principle must be.

"If I find a business that does not like me, does not want my business, I have every right to force my money on them and make the bigot even wealthier"

Maybe that's the reason there isn't a gay outcry over Apple doing business with countries that kill gays?

I dunno, sounds crazy to me.
Apple isn't being boycotted because the queers like their iPhones and the CEO mutters the correct PC bullshit.

Here is a valid reason to boycott Apple.

"Cook may believe Indiana’s new law is very dangerous towards gays…
But it’snot as dangerousas the several countries Apple does business with where they execute gays.

Four of the ten countries where they kill gays are on this Apple list:
– Uganda
– Nigeria
– Qatar

– Saudi Arabia

If Tim Cook really wanted to help gays, he might want to focus on the Apple customers who execute them."
Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!
Cool, now that the law is being changed I can't wait to see the first gay wedding reception at the pizzeria.

Wont happen. You don't know what this is all about at all do you?

Read the law. Learn what is in RFRA that Clinton signed in 1993 and not only backed up but expanded in Hobby Lobby.

Get a grip. Read the damn law.

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