Liberal Colorado babe wants to join ISIS

Maybe there is something in the air in Colorado (like marijuana?) when a 19 year old "normal" American girl tries to board a plane and join her internet lover in a guerilla war against the US. Nursing student Shannon Conley must have seemed out of place when she joined a local Colorado Muslem sect and started spouting anti-American slogans and to their credit they called the FBI. You would think a confrontation with FBI agents would shake up the liberal babe's new found jihad agenda but it didn't work. She was arrested at Denver airport with anti American literature and CD's in her luggage and a ticket to Turkey to join her unknown internet lover.

Sorry, but Islamic jihadists are very conservative. That's your team, son.

No, that's the dems' team. Anything construed as non-white defaults to a democrat constituent. But it's also another one of those dichotomies that dems are never held accountable for. Muslims are more conservative than evangelicals but they get dem sympathy because they're not white or Christian. Total dem hypocrisy. Look at the Hobby Lobby issue. Muslims are against homos and birth control, too, but that dichotomy doesn't register with dems. They have logic issues.
She must look like a sheep, camel or a goat if she's the object of a muslim's affections. That's why they make their human female mates cover up.

there she is the cow ....she wanted to blow up infidels..... pathetic goat/cow of a woman!:mad:

She lives in progressive Colorado. The males she had to choose from are potheads and men at least willing to explore homosexuality to prove they aren't homophobes.

She met this guy who promised to fuck her for allah.
She lives in progressive Colorado. The males she had to choose from are potheads and men at least willing to explore homosexuality to prove they aren't homophobes.

She met this guy who promised to fuck her for allah.

you are the best Katzndogz... :eusa_clap::D I mean it!
Maybe there is something in the air in Colorado (like marijuana?) when a 19 year old "normal" American girl tries to board a plane and join her internet lover in a guerilla war against the US. Nursing student Shannon Conley must have seemed out of place when she joined a local Colorado Muslem sect and started spouting anti-American slogans and to their credit they called the FBI. You would think a confrontation with FBI agents would shake up the liberal babe's new found jihad agenda but it didn't work. She was arrested at Denver airport with anti American literature and CD's in her luggage and a ticket to Turkey to join her unknown internet lover.

Sorry, but Islamic jihadists are very conservative. That's your team, son.
Nope. Leftists loves them some Jihadis. There's absolutely no way to deny it.
A lot of the posters in this thread sound like they are in Washington doing exactly what our elected officials are doing. Just blaming the other party and sharing one brain.

This isn't a story about political lines, if the girl was from Texas what would the title have been?

I have 3 daughters, the youngest just turned 18, she is confused, doesn't know what she wants to do, can't meet anyone she wants to date, except online, and that bugs the hell out of me. Her making plans for a trip out of state to meet someone she has just chatted with online. To me that is INSANE! But, that is the new world we live in. She is 18 and I have to accept it, I don't have to like it, and if she won't let me drive her, I can follow her without her knowing. :lol:

The girl in this story is not a liberal, she is not a conservative, she is just a messed up child who is now old enough to make her own decisions according to the government(who says you can join the military, kill people or die trying, at age 18 but can't buy a beer until you turn 25, WTH).

She does have as much right to choose to be a Muslim as I do to choose to be a Christian. Freedom of religion runs in every direction.

I hope she gets her life strait.
I put her right up there with the wife of the Boston Marathon bomber. Total cuckoo.

The wife of the Boston Marathon Bomber didn't know what her husband was doing and didn't participate. This girl knows and wants to participate. Had she gone, she would shortly have come back wearing a suicide vest.

There is little doubt that her parents are liberals. She was raised without much in the way of values and was glad to find some. She's very much like John Walker Lindh who did the same thing and went all the way.
She's a liberal. She isnt the first western chick to flip out and join the jihadis. Remember "Jihad Jane" in Philadelphia?
It isnt a stretch. Progressives are profoundly anti America. They hate America, seeing it as simply a land of oppressionk, racism, and bigotry. So they cannot make any discrimination because discrimination is bad. Even discrimination between good and evil. Which lets them get lured into crap like joining ISIS.
It makes perfect sense. For sure she's not a conservative.
A lot of the posters in this thread sound like they are in Washington doing exactly what our elected officials are doing. Just blaming the other party and sharing one brain.

This isn't a story about political lines, if the girl was from Texas what would the title have been?

I have 3 daughters, the youngest just turned 18, she is confused, doesn't know what she wants to do, can't meet anyone she wants to date, except online, and that bugs the hell out of me. Her making plans for a trip out of state to meet someone she has just chatted with online. To me that is INSANE! But, that is the new world we live in. She is 18 and I have to accept it, I don't have to like it, and if she won't let me drive her, I can follow her without her knowing. :lol:

The girl in this story is not a liberal, she is not a conservative, she is just a messed up child who is now old enough to make her own decisions according to the government(who says you can join the military, kill people or die trying, at age 18 but can't buy a beer until you turn 25, WTH).

She does have as much right to choose to be a Muslim as I do to choose to be a Christian. Freedom of religion runs in every direction.

I hope she gets her life strait.


Your post makes entirely too much sense, and will be lost among idiotic partisans bleating at each other.
Maybe there is something in the air in Colorado (like marijuana?) when a 19 year old "normal" American girl tries to board a plane and join her internet lover in a guerilla war against the US.

Did I miss something? Since when is ISIS fighting the U.S.? I thought they were fighting the Syrian, Iraqi, and Iranian governments.

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