Liberal Effort To Kill Breitbart Working, 1250 Advertisers Gone

Three basic questions that Juan de Fuca was too stupid to ask himself before posting this idiocy....
  1. Why would liberals want to "kill" any organization? Only facists desire to kill speech.
  2. If it is "working" - then why is Breitbart still in business?
  3. If it is "working" - then why does the chart show a sharp spike in increase during late 2016 and at no point does it show any decrease? It simply shows they are maintaining their wild success. If allowing a company to maintain massive success is your idea of "killing" them you've achieved a whole new level of left-wing stupidity.
24,000 mental health professionals have signed a petition stating Trump is too batshit crazy to be president.
He's given a safe haven and brought out all the mentally disturbed people in this country over to his side.
Don't knock Pete. He can't help it.
Is that true about the petition?
The president said that we cannot believe any news unless it comes directly from him. Seriously.
does that number not strike anyone as unreal......I find it hard to believe they had that many to begin with......

No. The site gets a ton of traffic.
And the entire list....where is that....i said what I did because of the language used in the article

lot of those look like one and done type....not regulars.......
Three basic questions that Juan de Fuca was too stupid to ask himself before posting this idiocy....
  1. Why would liberals want to "kill" any organization? Only facists desire to kill speech.
  2. If it is "working" - then why is Breitbart still in business?
  3. If it is "working" - then why does the chart show a sharp spike in increase during late 2016 and at no point does it show any decrease? It simply shows they are maintaining their wild success. If allowing a company to maintain massive success is your idea of "killing" them you've achieved a whole new level of left-wing stupidity.

So, let me get this straight -- in your warped, demented, fucked up conservative world, Brietbart is allowed to try to kill Kelloggs' business by telling it's shitty, moronic readers to not buy their products, but making companies aware that they are showing ads on a right wing hate-site and showing them how to NOT have their ads shown on the right wing hate site is bad?

Conservatard "logic."
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does that number not strike anyone as unreal......I find it hard to believe they had that many to begin with......

No. The site gets a ton of traffic.
And the entire list....where is that....i said what I did because of the language used in the article

lot of those look like one and done type....not regulars.......

Agreed. I know for a fact that some of those are not big media buyers at all, they're just joining as a PR move. However, some of those are major, major media buyers. So this will hurt Breitbart's revenue, that's for sure.
Clients exercising their economic preferences is merely the market functioning normally. Nothing to do with 'free speech'.
Oh, and all authoritarians like to suppress free speech, not just fascists.
Three basic questions that Juan de Fuca was too stupid to ask himself before posting this idiocy....
  1. Why would liberals want to "kill" any organization? Only facists desire to kill speech.
  2. If it is "working" - then why is Breitbart still in business?
  3. If it is "working" - then why does the chart show a sharp spike in increase during late 2016 and at no point does it show any decrease? It simply shows they are maintaining their wild success. If allowing a company to maintain massive success is your idea of "killing" them you've achieved a whole new level of left-wing stupidity.
1. Liberals do not want to "kill" any organization. They want to reject hate speech. advertisers apparently agree.
2. Breitbart is still in business because the owners are deep pockets, they should tire of spending their own money sometime soon.
3. The spike in increase was due to Donald Trump's popularity in the run up to the election. They have ceased growing and are merely maintaining a status quo by huge injection of the investors money.
Edit to add: It's called life support.
Three basic questions that Juan de Fuca was too stupid to ask himself before posting this idiocy....
  1. Why would liberals want to "kill" any organization? Only facists desire to kill speech.
  2. If it is "working" - then why is Breitbart still in business?
  3. If it is "working" - then why does the chart show a sharp spike in increase during late 2016 and at no point does it show any decrease? It simply shows they are maintaining their wild success. If allowing a company to maintain massive success is your idea of "killing" them you've achieved a whole new level of left-wing stupidity.
1. Liberals do not want to "kill" any organization. They want to reject hate speech. advertisers apparently agree.
2. Breitbart is still in business because the owners are deep pockets, they should tire of spending their own money sometime soon.
3. The spike in increase was due to Donald Trump's popularity in the run up to the election. They have ceased growing and are merely maintaining a status quo by huge injection of the investors money.
Edit to add: It's called life support.
Pretty desperate for something you can spin into a victory, eh?

Hard times
1. Liberals do not want to "kill" any organization. They want to reject hate speech. advertisers apparently agree.
Your own thread title that you created says "Liberal Effort To Kill Breitbart Working", you dumb-shit.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
1. Liberals do not want to "kill" any organization. They want to reject hate speech. advertisers apparently agree.
But Brietbart doesn't do "hate speech". They simply report the news, simpleton. Please share one example from Brietbart where they advocate for "killing n*ggers" or something similar. That would be hate speech, snowflake. Just because you don't like the news, doesn't make reporting of it "hate speech".
3. The spike in increase was due to Donald Trump's popularity in the run up to the election. They have ceased growing and are merely maintaining a status quo by huge injection of the investors money.
Well Trump's popularity hasn't waned any snowflake, and the massive spike that Brietbart enjoyed has not decreased once ounce. If they were surviving before at a lower level, surely they must be flourishing now at a much higher level.

Which defeats your entire desperate false narrative that they are "only surviving" because of the "deep pockets of owners". Are there any other really stupid lies would you like to attempt?
1. Liberals do not want to "kill" any organization. They want to reject hate speech. advertisers apparently agree.
But Brietbart doesn't do "hate speech". They simply report the news, simpleton. Please share one example from Brietbart where they advocate for "killing n*ggers" or something similar. That would be hate speech, snowflake. Just because you don't like the news, doesn't make reporting of it "hate speech".

1,250 major advertisers disagree and have left Breitbart because of their hate speech.
Still waiting for the cowardly Hatriot to respond to this. Something tells me I'll be waiting a while...

So, let me get this straight -- in your warped, demented, fucked up conservative world, Brietbart is allowed to try to kill Kelloggs' business by telling it's shitty, moronic readers to not buy their products, but making companies aware that they are showing ads on a right wing hate-site and showing them how to NOT have their ads shown on the right wing hate site is bad?

Conservatard "logic."

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