Liberal Eugenics: The books and ideals that will make you vomit.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
LIBERAL EUGENICS. -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

You guys can research the above link and topic further. It speaks of human enhancement through selected reproduction and survival, genetic tampering, purifying the human race, etc, etc.

Satanic and sickening stuff. Ruth Ginsberg thought abortion would be a means to get rid of "unwanted populations". I've repeated 1,000 times liberal icon George Shaw's vision of a humane gas and classical music for surplus humans.

Anyway, I'm just about sick to my stomach after a few minutes researching Liberal Eugenics.

There are consequences when a society devalues human life. God help us if history ever repeats itself.
Content Note:

This is a magazine article published in New Formations and has not been reviewed by the editors of Encyclopædia Britannica.
Not just Ginsberg, but what about David Rockefellar? Bill Gates? Even Ted Turner or Oprah Winfrey?

The Carnegie and Rockefellar foundations were the cornerstones of the NAZI eugenics movement although they were never intended to be.
Have you read Ezekiel Emanuel? Few people know he got his medical degree form the Josef Mengele School of Medicine
Eugenics could only work if every baby was a test tube baby raised in a very specific manner.

There are too many unpredictable variables for a perfect human race.

But I do believe a liberal utopia would be a world filled with Hillary clintons. Lol
Eugenics could only work if every baby was a test tube baby raised in a very specific manner.


Just what 'eugenics' are your referring to? Eugenics (Born Well) in no way mandate many such thing.
As I said, there are consequences anytime a society devalues human life.

And once we began to allow abortion, we looked at a human fetus as a piece of garbage that could be discarded at the will of the parents based on how convenient it was.

Even more sickening, our very own PRESIDENT OBAMA voted in favor of allowing doctors to take living, breathing OUT OF THE WOMB newborn babies who were intended to be aborted, but herocially survived the abortion, to be left on a table to die slowly and naturally without care, and then be put in it's proper intended destination, the trash bin.

Thats right folks. Obama as a Senator voted to support that practice. That when an abortion was performed, but something went wrong and the babie survived and was living and breathing, outside the womb, Senator Obama believed that babie should still be sentenced to what it had coming to it: Death in a trash can.

So if you ever wonder what liberals think of the sanctity of life, or our President thinks of it, just imagine a babie, who was SUPPOSED to be killed in an botched abortion attempt, being held in a doctor's arms, living and breathing.............and instead of giving that baby care and help, they lay it on a table, walk away and let it die of natural causes. A couple in Charleston, SC, were just charged with homicide for letting their 9 month old starve to death, in a crib, with no care. Is that procedure that Obama supported any different?

With that outlook on human life, I don't put any type of evil towards human as out of reach in the liberal's mind.
Not just Ginsberg, but what about David Rockefellar? Bill Gates? Even Ted Turner or Oprah Winfrey?

The Carnegie and Rockefellar foundations were the cornerstones of the NAZI eugenics movement although they were never intended to be.
Murkinz and duh troof never mix well.:cool:
Republican Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer : "Don't feed the poor. They'll 'breed.'"

[ame=]YouTube - Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer : "Don't feed the poor. They'll 'breed.'" FULL AUDIO[/ame]

Eugenics could only work if every baby was a test tube baby raised in a very specific manner.


Just what 'eugenics' are your referring to? Eugenics (Born Well) in no way mandate many such thing.

No, it just mandates killing off undesired results, which is the part you keep insisting doesn't exist and will not happen because you, like most people who ignore facts, are brainwashed.
LIBERAL EUGENICS. -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

You guys can research the above link and topic further. It speaks of human enhancement through selected reproduction and survival, genetic tampering, purifying the human race, etc, etc.

Satanic and sickening stuff. Ruth Ginsberg thought abortion would be a means to get rid of "unwanted populations". I've repeated 1,000 times liberal icon George Shaw's vision of a humane gas and classical music for surplus humans.

Anyway, I'm just about sick to my stomach after a few minutes researching Liberal Eugenics.

There are consequences when a society devalues human life. God help us if history ever repeats itself.

conservatives devalue human life all the time;

gays are perverts and faggots
liberals are insane, mindless, inferior to conservatives
women should stay in the kitchen and shut up
conservatives are SMARTER, BETTER, RIGHT and GOOD
liberals are STUPID, WRONG, BAD
blacks are inferior
blacks are useless
blacks are lazy and shiftless

(gosh...this conservative speak sounds an awful lot like nazy speak of the 1930s)

as for enhancement of the "species".........
cons believe that whites should marry whites (else the "species" is mongrolized)

cons want to continue to "enhance the American species" be making it WHITER, more european, more christian, more heterosexual

and these opinions are the opinions held by the average conservative

opinions like this;I t speaks of human enhancement through selected reproduction and survival, genetic tampering, purifying the human race, etc, etc.

are NOT held by any liberal that I know if.

you may have read some book somewhere written by 1 lguy (who you are now calling a "liberal" who does NOT speak for the rest of us...

but conservatives who believ that white european, conservative christians are the superior "species" are a dime a dozen
Eugenics could only work if every baby was a test tube baby raised in a very specific manner.


Just what 'eugenics' are your referring to? Eugenics (Born Well) in no way mandate many such thing.

No, it just mandates killing off undesired results, which is the part you keep insisting doesn't exist and will not happen because you, like most people who ignore facts, are brainwashed.

Actually, that's not what eugenics means.

S: (n) eugenics (the study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding (especially as applied to human mating))

WordNet Search - 3.0

Then there's Positive and Negative eugenics, but you, like most idiots, can't be bothered with facts.
I love how they send other people's children off to die for oil and money then talk about devaluing human life

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