Liberal hamas darlings in action- will not recognize Israel

Muslim extremists are anything but liberal, dickhead.

American nutters and Muslim extremists would be fuck buddies if they would just pray to Jeebus instead of Mohammed. You stand for the same things.
No, afraid not. Progressives and jihadists stand together in their desire to wipe Christians off the face of the earth.
Muslim extremists are anything but liberal, dickhead.

American nutters and Muslim extremists would be fuck buddies if they would just pray to Jeebus instead of Mohammed. You stand for the same things.

So why don't US conservatives make excuses for islamists like limp wristed liberals do?

Go have a gay pride parade in gaza.
Hamas and progressives also value women solely for their vaginas.

Are you involved in some contest to see who can say the most ridiculous thing?

Are you still going to deny that the left apologizes for islamists? If conservatives share so much with islamists, why do libs defend islamists? Why do libs say we have to understand them, and then give in to islamist demands?

If israel makes islamists mad, then israel must be thrown under the bus.

If US policy makes muslims mad and makes muslims blow things up, we have to change US policy because that policy caused terrorism.

HOWEVER, according to that very liberal logic, does legal abortion cause abortion clinic bombings? And if so, should abortion should be outlawed because abortion causes abortion clinic bombings?

I know you liberals won't answer that. You can't point out what hypocrites you are.
Progressives are the folks who say "if it's part of their culture, no matter how depraved or how many people die, we're ok with it and must support it."

If it weren't for progressives, death cults like hamas and the SS would never gain footholds in otherwise free societies, nor would they be able to spread at the rate they do/did..
Do you deny that progressives have helped tyrannical ideological movements to establish themselves?
Why would I support Hamas? Why would I not support Hamas?

You are irrational.

Those who deny reality (in this case progressive support of tyrannical/oppressive/terrorist ideologies and tyrannies) generally do so because they also support those ideologies and methods.'s your progressive support of Hitler:

"California's eugenicists could not claim ignorance that Germany's sterilization program was motivated primarily by racial politics. For example, in 1935, the Los Angeles Times published a long defense of Germany's sterilization policies, in which the author noted that the Nazis "had to resort to the teachings of eugenic science" because Germany had been "deprived of her colonies, blessed with many hundreds of defective racial hybrids as a lasting memory of the colored army of occupation, and dismembered all around." Not only did California eugenicists know about Nazi efforts to use sterilization as a method of "race hygiene" -- targeted primarily at Jews -- but they also approved efforts to stop "race-mixing" and increase the birth rate of the "Northern European type of family." The chilling words of Progressive reformer John Randolph Haynes anticipated the Nazi regime's murder of 100,000 mentally ill patients: "There are thousands of hopelessly insane in California, the condition of those minds is such that death would be a merciful release. How long will it be before society will see the criminality of using its efforts to keep alive these idiots, hopelessly insane, and murderous degenerates. … Of course the passing of these people should be painless and without warning. They should go to sleep at night without any intimation of what was coming and never awake."

FrontPage Magazine - Eugenics and the Left

Progressive support of Hamas:
And as if on schedule, the events of recent weeks in Israel reveal another consequence of President Obama’s re-election, the Progressive Foreign Policy Mandate – the Mideast chapter.
Under this manufactured mandate, the Muslim Brotherhood is being spun as a legitimate and responsible steward of calm between Hamas and Israel. It shouldn’t be surprising that the Brotherhood could exert such substantial influence over Hamas given Article 2 of the Hamas charter, which reads, “The Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas] is one of the wings of Moslem Brotherhood in Palestine.”
Early in President Obama’s first term, and throughout the following years, the White House made public overtures to the Brotherhood in general, and Islamist Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi specifically. Brotherhood members were reportedly invited to attend Obama’s landmark 2009 speech in Cairo. No word if celebrity Brotherhood member Ayman al-Zawahiri was in attendance. Al-Zawahiri has been described by Bin Laden’s biographer as the “real brains” of al-Qaeda.
In July of 2012, the White House invited Morsi to conduct an official state visit in DC. Tellingly, this visit had to be postponed due to the Egyptian government’s role in allowing the US embassy to be occupied by Islamists who raised the al-Qaida flag above our territory on the anniversary of 9/11.
In spite of his shocking dictatorial power grab, Morsi and the Brotherhood have had legitimacy conferred on them by the United States and those who participate in the kabuki theatrics of a so-called peace process, which is, in fact, controlled in part by the parent organization of Hamas."

Smile! You Support Hamas!
There's plenty of stupid to go around, bobby. There's still plenty left for you.
There's plenty of stupid to go around, bobby. There's still plenty left for you.


That's where you're wrong. Well, there and other places.

I tend to not talk about topics in depth when I don't know much about them. That alone puts me ahead of probably 90% of the board.

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