Liberal ignorance of Biology

businesses are made up of individuals. The constitution guarantees individual rights and freedoms and as amended, prevents discrimination.

But my question remains: Why would a gay couple use a baker who does not appkrove of gay marriage? Why not use one that does?
Because they specifically sought to persecute Christians for their beliefs."

And by 'persecute Christians for their beliefs' you mean demanding that Christians follow the same laws that require business's to serve Christians.

Not like for instance how Christians tried to persecute Gays by imprisoning them or to pass laws to have them fired from jobs- now that is real persecution- and that is what Christians did for decades.

muslims kill gays by throwing them off rooftops. But you libs still refuse to acknowledge that Islam is a murderous cult. Yet you bring up what Christians did in the 12th century as being relevant today. In short, you are disingenuous partisan hacks.
The constitution says nothing about the rights of businesses does it?

The Commerce clause gives the feds the right to regulate INTERSTATE commerce, and yes, States own constitutions usually give them the ability to regulate in-state commerce.

However none of these override a person's own rights without a compelling government interest, and then the conflict can only be handled using the least intrusive methods possible.

"Bake or else" is not the least intrusive method possible.

It is state and local governments imposing these PA laws

State and local governments can't override someone's 1st amendment rights "just because"

It is a fourteenth amendment issue

Why does the 14th amendment override the 1st?

The 1st does not apply to business
businesses are made up of individuals. The constitution guarantees individual rights and freedoms and as amended, prevents discrimination.

But my question remains: Why would a gay couple use a baker who does not appkrove of gay marriage? Why not use one that does?
Because they specifically sought to persecute Christians for their beliefs."

And by 'persecute Christians for their beliefs' you mean demanding that Christians follow the same laws that require business's to serve Christians.

Not like for instance how Christians tried to persecute Gays by imprisoning them or to pass laws to have them fired from jobs- now that is real persecution- and that is what Christians did for decades.

muslims kill gays by throwing them off rooftops. But you libs still refuse to acknowledge that Islam is a murderous cult. Yet you bring up what Christians did in the 12th century as being relevant today. In short, you are disingenuous partisan hacks.

Kind of a stretch

1.5 billion Muslims in this world

How many are engaged in throwing gays off of rooftops?
The Commerce clause gives the feds the right to regulate INTERSTATE commerce, and yes, States own constitutions usually give them the ability to regulate in-state commerce.

However none of these override a person's own rights without a compelling government interest, and then the conflict can only be handled using the least intrusive methods possible.

"Bake or else" is not the least intrusive method possible.

It is state and local governments imposing these PA laws

State and local governments can't override someone's 1st amendment rights "just because"

It is a fourteenth amendment issue

Why does the 14th amendment override the 1st?

The 1st does not apply to business

the first amendment applies to citizens of the USA. Citizens run businesses, citizens own corporations, Yes, the first amendment does apply to businesses. Why else would CNN and MSNBC be permitted to broadcast lies every day of the week? Why else would the NY times get away with printing lies and unsubstantiated claims?
sociology can't create a new sex w/o lying.

Yes they can

They acknowledge the psychological aspects of sexuality and sexual attraction

So then you admit that the LGBT is about psychology (behavior). It's like saying "they acknowledge the psychological aspects of drugs and drug addiction". Same thing. It's not a heroin addiction. It's a "heroin orientation" from now on...

Is there a biologic reason why some people may be aroused by feet, fat people, extremely skinny people, long hair?
Psychology has much to do with what attracts you sexually
businesses are made up of individuals. The constitution guarantees individual rights and freedoms and as amended, prevents discrimination.

But my question remains: Why would a gay couple use a baker who does not appkrove of gay marriage? Why not use one that does?
Because they specifically sought to persecute Christians for their beliefs."

And by 'persecute Christians for their beliefs' you mean demanding that Christians follow the same laws that require business's to serve Christians.

Not like for instance how Christians tried to persecute Gays by imprisoning them or to pass laws to have them fired from jobs- now that is real persecution- and that is what Christians did for decades.

muslims kill gays by throwing them off rooftops. But you libs still refuse to acknowledge that Islam is a murderous cult. Yet you bring up what Christians did in the 12th century as being relevant today. In short, you are disingenuous partisan hacks.

Kind of a stretch

1.5 billion Muslims in this world

How many are engaged in throwing gays off of rooftops?

better question is: how many condone it or look the other way?
It is state and local governments imposing these PA laws

State and local governments can't override someone's 1st amendment rights "just because"

It is a fourteenth amendment issue

Why does the 14th amendment override the 1st?

The 1st does not apply to business

the first amendment applies to citizens of the USA. Citizens run businesses, citizens own corporations, Yes, the first amendment does apply to businesses. Why else would CNN and MSNBC be permitted to broadcast lies every day of the week? Why else would the NY times get away with printing lies and unsubstantiated claims?

you're so funny..... the first amendment does apply to businesses, yes. but you still cannot defame people with actual malice... even public officials.

so where are all the defamation suits against, MSNBC, snookie bear?
It is state and local governments imposing these PA laws

State and local governments can't override someone's 1st amendment rights "just because"

It is a fourteenth amendment issue

Why does the 14th amendment override the 1st?

The 1st does not apply to business

the first amendment applies to citizens of the USA. Citizens run businesses, citizens own corporations, Yes, the first amendment does apply to businesses. Why else would CNN and MSNBC be permitted to broadcast lies every day of the week? Why else would the NY times get away with printing lies and unsubstantiated claims?

The citizens in that business have rights that business do not

Show where the constitution references business
sociology can't create a new sex w/o lying.

Yes they can

They acknowledge the psychological aspects of sexuality and sexual attraction

So then you admit that the LGBT is about psychology (behavior). It's like saying "they acknowledge the psychological aspects of drugs and drug addiction". Same thing. It's not a heroin addiction. It's a "heroin orientation" from now on...

Is there a biologic reason why some people may be aroused by feet, fat people, extremely skinny people, long hair?
Psychology has much to do with what attracts you sexually

abnormal psychology does exist and answers your question.
sociology can't create a new sex w/o lying.

Yes they can

They acknowledge the psychological aspects of sexuality and sexual attraction

So then you admit that the LGBT is about psychology (behavior). It's like saying "they acknowledge the psychological aspects of drugs and drug addiction". Same thing. It's not a heroin addiction. It's a "heroin orientation" from now on...

for the millionth time, why are you obsessed with this issue? do you spend all day wanting to have sex with people of the same gender as you?

you clearly have no understanding of the issue or of gay people. so you should probably be quiet and find something you might know about.... you know, like knitting.
State and local governments can't override someone's 1st amendment rights "just because"

It is a fourteenth amendment issue

Why does the 14th amendment override the 1st?

The 1st does not apply to business

the first amendment applies to citizens of the USA. Citizens run businesses, citizens own corporations, Yes, the first amendment does apply to businesses. Why else would CNN and MSNBC be permitted to broadcast lies every day of the week? Why else would the NY times get away with printing lies and unsubstantiated claims?

you're so funny..... the first amendment does apply to businesses, yes. but you still cannot defame people with actual malice... even public officials.

so where are all the defamation suits against, MSNBC, snookie bear?

since most of the defamed are public figures or celebrities, defamation suits are a waste of time and money. But that doesn't change the fact that the first amendment applies to all of us individually and as members of any group or business.
State and local governments can't override someone's 1st amendment rights "just because"

It is a fourteenth amendment issue

Why does the 14th amendment override the 1st?

The 1st does not apply to business

the first amendment applies to citizens of the USA. Citizens run businesses, citizens own corporations, Yes, the first amendment does apply to businesses. Why else would CNN and MSNBC be permitted to broadcast lies every day of the week? Why else would the NY times get away with printing lies and unsubstantiated claims?

The citizens in that business have rights that business do not

Show where the constitution references business

a corporation is legally considered a "person". I am pleased to be part of your continuing education.
It is state and local governments imposing these PA laws

State and local governments can't override someone's 1st amendment rights "just because"

It is a fourteenth amendment issue

Why does the 14th amendment override the 1st?

The 1st does not apply to business

the first amendment applies to citizens of the USA. Citizens run businesses, citizens own corporations, Yes, the first amendment does apply to businesses. Why else would CNN and MSNBC be permitted to broadcast lies every day of the week? Why else would the NY times get away with printing lies and unsubstantiated claims?

Jilly thinks this is funny. Did you fail 9th grade civics jilly?
It is a fourteenth amendment issue

Why does the 14th amendment override the 1st?

The 1st does not apply to business

the first amendment applies to citizens of the USA. Citizens run businesses, citizens own corporations, Yes, the first amendment does apply to businesses. Why else would CNN and MSNBC be permitted to broadcast lies every day of the week? Why else would the NY times get away with printing lies and unsubstantiated claims?

you're so funny..... the first amendment does apply to businesses, yes. but you still cannot defame people with actual malice... even public officials.

so where are all the defamation suits against, MSNBC, snookie bear?

since most of the defamed are public figures or celebrities, defamation suits are a waste of time and money. But that doesn't change the fact that the first amendment applies to all of us individually and as members of any group or business.

there is a higher standard for public figures. but they can't knowingly lie about them or that is evidence of malice.

your problem is you can't stand when anyone with an R after their name is held accountable. people who are actually defamed do NOT consider the suits a waste of time and money, donald clearly likes suing people even for no reason and if the things posted about him were defamatory, don't you think he'd sue? heck, he sued bill maher over a joke he told.

as for roy moore, his lawyers threatened to bring a defamation suit. they were soundly slapped down by an attorney who told him he'd seek rule 11 sanctions if such a suit were brought and then told him that moore had better preserve all writings and other possible evidence that would come to bear in a defamation case or they'd seek sanctions for spoliation.
State and local governments can't override someone's 1st amendment rights "just because"

It is a fourteenth amendment issue

Why does the 14th amendment override the 1st?

The 1st does not apply to business

the first amendment applies to citizens of the USA. Citizens run businesses, citizens own corporations, Yes, the first amendment does apply to businesses. Why else would CNN and MSNBC be permitted to broadcast lies every day of the week? Why else would the NY times get away with printing lies and unsubstantiated claims?

Jilly thinks this is funny. Did you fail 9th grade civics jilly?

no fishy boy.... I found it funny that you think CNN and MSNBC lie but breitbart and the GOP shills at Fauxnews don't.

that's pretty funny there, snooks.
sociology can't create a new sex w/o lying.

Yes they can

They acknowledge the psychological aspects of sexuality and sexual attraction

So then you admit that the LGBT is about psychology (behavior). It's like saying "they acknowledge the psychological aspects of drugs and drug addiction". Same thing. It's not a heroin addiction. It's a "heroin orientation" from now on...

Is there a biologic reason why some people may be aroused by feet, fat people, extremely skinny people, long hair?
Psychology has much to do with what attracts you sexually

abnormal psychology does exist and answers your question.

where do people who think of themselves as "small government conservatives" get off asking the government to legislate free people to be "normal".

deviating from 'the norm' is also a naturally occurring NORMAL phenomenon.

is it "normal" to marry three wives?? is it "normal" to be an alcoholic parent?? etc, etc, ad nauseum...

use your head, mind your own business, and stop trying to legislate your personal opinions..THAT is not normal.
gay people exist.. in your family, in your neighborhood, in your town, in your state, in your country.

since the beginning of time, it is NORMAL for homosexuality to exist, so get over it already.

usa marriage laws are state laws and our constitution prohibits states from creating laws that do not provide equal protection of all citizens under the law.

because marriage laws exist, any consenting adult couple deserves this same equal protection of all the benefits that marriage laws legally convey to those requesting that "marriage" status.
gay people exist.. in your family, in your neighborhood, in your town, in your state, in your country.

since the beginning of time, it is NORMAL for homosexuality to exist, so get over it already.

usa marriage laws are state laws and our constitution prohibits states from creating laws that do not provide equal protection of all citizens under the law.

because marriage laws exist, any consenting adult couple deserves this same equal protection of all the benefits that marriage laws legally convey to those requesting that "marriage" status.

i should say, it does not prohibit states from creating exclusively hetero marriage law, because states have had those traditional marriage laws for a very long time...and those laws remained unchallenged until gay couples finally decided that living in the closet was NOT NORMAL and so they stood up for their rights as committed couples, deserving of the same benefits conveyed by marriage laws... and the supreme court agreed!

i say good for them... and shame on those who seek to "make America great again" by forcing free people to deny their own existence.

that agenda is un-American, un-Christian, and NOT "conservative".
businesses are made up of individuals. The constitution guarantees individual rights and freedoms and as amended, prevents discrimination.

But my question remains: Why would a gay couple use a baker who does not appkrove of gay marriage? Why not use one that does?
Because they specifically sought to persecute Christians for their beliefs."

And by 'persecute Christians for their beliefs' you mean demanding that Christians follow the same laws that require business's to serve Christians.

Not like for instance how Christians tried to persecute Gays by imprisoning them or to pass laws to have them fired from jobs- now that is real persecution- and that is what Christians did for decades.

muslims kill gays by throwing them off rooftops. But you libs still refuse to acknowledge that Islam is a murderous cult. Yet you bring up what Christians did in the 12th century as being relevant today. In short, you are disingenuous partisan hacks.

Kind of a stretch

1.5 billion Muslims in this world

How many are engaged in throwing gays off of rooftops?

better question is: how many condone it or look the other way?

Better question is: how many on the evangelical right in the United States condone it- or would happily imprison gays today.
businesses are made up of individuals. The constitution guarantees individual rights and freedoms and as amended, prevents discrimination.

But my question remains: Why would a gay couple use a baker who does not appkrove of gay marriage? Why not use one that does?
Because they specifically sought to persecute Christians for their beliefs."

And by 'persecute Christians for their beliefs' you mean demanding that Christians follow the same laws that require business's to serve Christians.

Not like for instance how Christians tried to persecute Gays by imprisoning them or to pass laws to have them fired from jobs- now that is real persecution- and that is what Christians did for decades.

muslims kill gays .

And? We are speaking about the United States- and it hasn't been the Muslims persecuting gays for the last 200 years in the United States- it was the good Christians- who happily passed laws to imprison gays, to chemically castrate gays, to strip gays of their jobs.

Your attempt at 'but but but the ebil Muslims do worse things in Bumcrack Arabia' just shows how low standards the Right in America wants America to treat our citizens- who are gay.

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