Liberal Law Professor says

the standard itself is vague for a reason...
because it was meant to be as easy and as hard to use it...
there is nothing wrong impeaching a president with vague standards...
the vagueness of it should prevent anyone from going anywhere near it...
which is the whole purpose of it being short and vague to begin with...

any president, even vaguely, inciting violence should be impeached...
every sane person would agree to that...
No they would not. No educated and sane person would lay an incitement charge at the feet of anyone without specific definitions and standards that WILL be applied to both sides.

well, they are now...
you will watch how it is done soon...
All they will be doing is showing the world how uneducated and fascist they are.

and thats all your biased opinion that nobody cares about...
No, that is an educated opinion. As equally valid as theirs.
the standard itself is vague for a reason...
because it was meant to be as easy and as hard to use it...
there is nothing wrong impeaching a president with vague standards...
the vagueness of it should prevent anyone from going anywhere near it...
which is the whole purpose of it being short and vague to begin with...

any president, even vaguely, inciting violence should be impeached...
every sane person would agree to that...
No they would not. No educated and sane person would lay an incitement charge at the feet of anyone without specific definitions and standards that WILL be applied to both sides.

well, they are now...
you will watch how it is done soon...
All they will be doing is showing the world how uneducated and fascist they are.

and thats all your biased opinion that nobody cares about...
No, that is an educated opinion. As equally valid as theirs.

and again, thats another one of your biased opinion that nobody cares...
Turley wrote that many Democratic politicians are guilty of the same type of rhetoric that they say caused the violent incursion into the Capitol on Wednesday of last week. “Democrats are pushing this dangerously vague standard while objecting to their own remarks [being] given new meaning from critics. Conservatives have pointed to Maxine Waters asking her supporters to confront Republicans in restaurants, while Ayanna Pressley insisted amidst the violent marches last year that ‘there needs to be unrest in the streets,’ and Kamala Harris said ‘protesters should not let up’ even as some of those marches turned violent.”

“They can legitimately argue their rhetoric was not meant to be a call for violence, but this standard is filled with subjectivity.”
Liberal Law Professor Warning

MY OPINION: Shocking!

The statist left has ALWAYS promoted violent confrontation as the current statist left is the product of the marxism religion of perpetual revolution for the sake of revolution(fallen mankind). If one looks @ the HIGHLIGHTED(big) image of the FM political clock in the below link one will notice that the eleven o'clock position to the twelve o'clock position on the clock comprises the statist left(communalism/first religion of fallen mankind). Then from the twelve o'clock position clockwise to the one o'clock position is the statist right(statist right sprang from the parent statist left). This eleven to one o'clock position on the clock is best AVOIDED for obvious reasons like wholesale death.

I inhabit the dead on six o'clock centerline that separates the bottom red from bottom blue side, but befriend those that reside in the blue zone up to the six thirty position & to the five o'clock position into the red zone. Anyone outside that zone I remain civil towards them but avoid them as personal friends. This clock is very similar to the ideological clock(s) we used in my sociology classes but most noticeable in variation is that this clock is upside down when compared to the sociology ideological clocks we used so loooong ago(pre computer era) now.


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