Liberal media making a big deal again how Trump drinks water.

Of course, alt-right conservatives have a favorable opinion of both.
Alt-right? Oh you mean people who work, are responsible, raise their children and pay their nills.
What? Trump and water? HITLER drank water!

The difference being trump used a sippy cup and Hitler with blood.
You use a sippy cup.

Try harder.
Classic regressive response!
Not only is Trump a choke artist who had to hydrate, you can hear the fat bastard's sniffing problem on the recording.

He's so fat, he gets breathless and thirsty just talking.

They are such an embarrassment.

Still not about the economy for the loser left. Sipping water, feeding fish, 2 scoops of ice cream.

If he is drinking a lot of water and diet coke all day long, he may have diabetes, that's one of the symptoms: excessive thirst. He doesn't see a doctor, that we know of, and he, being 71 years old, obese, not exercising and having a bad diet is a prime candidate for diabetes 2.

Holy shit. Now he has diabetes. You people are unstable.

No, as an older person, I know about health issues for people his age. He is obese, he is 71, he does not exercise, he has a very high fat diet with few veggies and fruit, he is under a great deal of stress and he drinks 12 cans of diet coke a day plus water. He is indeed a prime candidate for diabetes, stroke and heart attack. We have no idea what his state of health is. He is the only modern day president who has not presented us with a thorough doctor's report on his health. He says he's going to do that in Jan/Feb. What is he waiting for? Oh, yes, for us to forget about it because he has no intention of getting a doctor's report for us to see and know about his health. He's just putting us off. Con man through and through.
Comments about his not exercising - wonder why he plays golf every chance he gets. 18 holes is a good bit of exercise.

They are such an embarrassment.

Still not about the economy for the loser left. Sipping water, feeding fish, 2 scoops of ice cream.

If he is drinking a lot of water and diet coke all day long, he may have diabetes, that's one of the symptoms: excessive thirst. He doesn't see a doctor, that we know of, and he, being 71 years old, obese, not exercising and having a bad diet is a prime candidate for diabetes 2.

Holy shit. Now he has diabetes. You people are unstable.

No, as an older person, I know about health issues for people his age. He is obese, he is 71, he does not exercise, he has a very high fat diet with few veggies and fruit, he is under a great deal of stress and he drinks 12 cans of diet coke a day plus water. He is indeed a prime candidate for diabetes, stroke and heart attack. We have no idea what his state of health is. He is the only modern day president who has not presented us with a thorough doctor's report on his health. He says he's going to do that in Jan/Feb. What is he waiting for? Oh, yes, for us to forget about it because he has no intention of getting a doctor's report for us to see and know about his health. He's just putting us off. Con man through and through.

I think there was some old woman running for president not long ago who had her doctor highly paid to say she was the top of health just before she collapsed on the pavement and was thrown like a dead hog into a van. I don't give a shit what he eats or how many Coke's he drinks. Fuck, you left wingers never run out of shit you think you need to control over people. He's doing a good job as President. I don't give a shit how many Coke's or ice cream scoops he has. Get over it.
What do you expect from those brainwashed liberals: looks like all those brains are gone. Take a look at this example:

After the awful Muslim terrorist attack in New York City, President Trump called for the death penalty against the terrorist. One Washington Square Journal writer Eli Stokols, called Trump a racist for saying the Muslim should be killed, but not the white shooter in Las Vegas. Stephen Paddock, the Vegas shooter killed himself. It would be pretty hard to give him the death penalty.

WSJ Calls Trump Racist For Not Demanding Death Penalty On Vegas Shooter Who Killed Himself

They will keep spreading their hate around no matter what Trump does.

Liberals are not brainwashed, they are vicious enemies of white christian man, much worst as cancer.

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