Liberal movement for Prison reforms? Mark Zuckerberg, Durrel Douglas, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Is it finally time for Liberals and Democrats to deliver long promised Prison reforms?
Everyone knows that we taxpayers lose millions if not billions of dollars on crime,
that costs us resources providing for housing and health care for inmates, while
complaining we don't want to be charged MORE taxes to cover health care for everyone else.

Here are the plans put out by Democrats and Liberal/Progressives.
Can we actually unite, and set up more medical education and service internships for universal care, by taking on and transforming the overblown Prison systems?

Even Obama wanted to push for criminal justice reform.
Why isn't this the focus of how to manage facilities and resources needed for universal care?

Mark Zuckerberg wants to invest billions fixing schools housing and prisons:
Mark Zuckerberg wants to spend his billions fixing schools, housing, and prisons

Durrel Douglas is co-founder of HoustonJustice.Org, a grassroots, member-led organization addressing racial justice, mass incarceration and justice reform in Houston.
Douglas: Let's move beyond symbolism on race

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has been a vocal advocate of Black reparations, prison and health care reform. Here are the HUD reform and campus plans for renovating public housing, passed into federal laws in 1994 under HOPE VI legislation:

An established nonprofit that already builds schools and community centers to combat trafficking of women and children in poor areas is PACE Universal, led by Rotarian Deepa Willingham:

Ben Carson, head of HUD, and Obama both believe in microlending and education
as the key to ending the cycle of crime, poverty, and dependence on welfare.

How do we pull this leadership together?
Why can't we all agree to invest in building SCHOOLS, including teaching hospitals and correctional rehab centers along the border, INSTEAD OF JUST A WALL.

Why not create jobs for immigrants and inmates to SOLVE the problems
keeping them and taxpayers stuck in a cycle of poverty and endless debts?

Can't restitution for trafficking and crimes be assessed and reinvested in
credits and labor toward BUILDING bipartisan solutions instead of wasted on more fighting?

I for one would love to see the solutions that came out of my district, under the
leadership of a mixed coalition of Green, Democrat, Republican and Constitutionalist,
to create a campus model as endorsed by Congresswoman Lee, and replicate it to
reform prisons and sweatshops into schools, medical programs, and work-study jobs.

Perhaps Obama's federal exchanges could be reformed to manage enrollments of
inmates and immigrants so they can be sponsored by schools and businesses voluntarily,
and take the burden off taxpayers who want free choice in where to invest donations or loans.
If you want to reform prisons you start by providing daddies. Stop the cycle of unstructured families and there won't be so many criminals.
I doubt that insulated whities like Zuckerberg would get that. Bigots like Sheila (Stonewall) Jackson (Robert E.) Lee wouldn't want to get that.
I agree. Set them all free! Give them all a $100K job at Facebook and a 3br home near Suckerburg in SF & obammy in Marthas' Vineyard.

Whats' that? Suckerburgers bought properties near his home to eliminate neighbor problems? I see. Same as all in obammys' lying cabal. They want us to let child rapist live next door for free. Understood.

They created the prisoners over 30 years of killing education & discipline in public schools.

They got what they asked for. Dumb Americans they can control. Now they want us to pay a second round to herd the animals. Fork them.

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