Liberal Victory! They've finally banned guns!

Yes... I know this comes as shocking news to most of you. Everyone is talking about the Flynn deal and whether Beyonce deserved a whole Grammy instead of half of Adele's but this is a pretty huge milestone for Liberals who've been seeking to ban guns for years.

It's stunning the mainstream media isn't saying more about this, given the time and effort the liberals have made to get this done. I would have expected some press conferences from prominent liberals telling us how the long national nightmare is over and we can rest safe in our homes tonight knowing that guns have finally been completely banned in America.

What is most amazing about all of this is, it didn't even require legislation. You see, that was always the bugaboo with this because of that pesky 2nd Amendment thing. If only we had known how easy this was, we could've done this years ago and saved all those liberal tears and fits of whining. When you think about all the lobbying and money spent on legal challenges and protests and all it ever really took was electing Donald Trump!

Yep... you heard me correctly. We elected Donald Trump and inside of a month, we have essentially banned guns in America. Now, I know many of you are probably asking, "Boss, what in the living fuck are you talking about?" Because you've not kept up with what's been happening in the liberal universe. I will explain...

When Trump issued an executive order calling for a temporary waiting period for people traveling to the US from certain countries, the liberals worked themselves into a frenzied froth calling it a "Muslim Ban!" They've repeated this narrative over and over in the willing and cooperative media in order to smear and slime Trump. So, unbeknownst to them, they effectively changed the language by making "temporary waiting period" into "ban."

Well.... we currently have, as a matter of federal law, a mandatory temporary waiting period to purchase and own a gun. Therefore, we have effectively banned guns! Who knew it would be that easy? :dunno:

So... Congratulations to the liberals! Victory is yours!
Hey dumbshit. The words "temporary waiting period" are not in Trump's EO.

You built your fucking idiot rant on a false premise.

It is a suspension. It is a travel ban.

For your analogy to work, we would have to have a federal order which suspended issuing gun permits to people in those states which voted for Trump until we could figure out why there are 11,000 gun homicides in America each year.
lol.........especially when you consider that gun grabbing has never been more unpopular in America.:2up: I mean NOBODY cares about gun control in 2017.
Except amongst those too fearful to wield them.

Says the coward who's afraid to go to the market on a Sunday without packing heat.
You're a moron... You have no idea when I go to the market, or when, or where I "pack heat"; as you put it...
You must pride yourself on your ignorance based on how freely you display it.
lol.........especially when you consider that gun grabbing has never been more unpopular in America.:2up: I mean NOBODY cares about gun control in 2017.
Except amongst those too fearful to wield them.

Says the coward who's afraid to go to the market on a Sunday without packing heat.
You're a moron... You have no idea when I go to the market, or when, or where I "pack heat"; as you put it...
You must pride yourself on your ignorance based on how freely you display it.

I'm ignorant ? You claim gun control advocates are too scared to weild guns .
lol.........especially when you consider that gun grabbing has never been more unpopular in America.:2up: I mean NOBODY cares about gun control in 2017.
Except amongst those too fearful to wield them.

Says the coward who's afraid to go to the market on a Sunday without packing heat.
You're a moron... You have no idea when I go to the market, or when, or where I "pack heat"; as you put it...
You must pride yourself on your ignorance based on how freely you display it.

I'm ignorant ? You claim gun control advocates are too scared to weild guns .
Yes. You are...
Well I am majorly disappointed. I thought this thread would be chock-full of proud crowing liberals who finally won a political victory! Maybe they are still in shock? :dunno:, your the only anti Constitutional, fact ignoring, propagandised, traitor, fool here so far...
There is no federal waiting period. Some states have instituted a waiting period, but not by Federal Law. Sorry.

There is federally-mandated background checks and you do have to wait for those to be completely, so technically speaking, you are wrong.
Well I am majorly disappointed. I thought this thread would be chock-full of proud crowing liberals who finally won a political victory! Maybe they are still in shock? :dunno:
Damn. You are getting as bad as the orange clown. Banned guns? No one has even asked me about mine, nor have they asked about my ammo and reloading equipment.

Now the GOP did make it possible for psychos to buy guns as easily as a sane citizen. How comforting that is. LOL
Well I am majorly disappointed. I thought this thread would be chock-full of proud crowing liberals who finally won a political victory! Maybe they are still in shock? :dunno:
Damn. You are getting as bad as the orange clown. Banned guns? No one has even asked me about mine, nor have they asked about my ammo and reloading equipment.

Now the GOP did make it possible for psychos to buy guns as easily as a sane citizen. How comforting that is. LOL

You might try actually READING the OP.
There is no federal waiting period. Some states have instituted a waiting period, but not by Federal Law. Sorry.

There is federally-mandated background checks and you do have to wait for those to be completely, so technically speaking, you are wrong.

It takes longer to complete the paperwork to buy a car than buy a gun. There is certainly more paperwork too.

It took 90 minutes to do the paperwork to buy my house.

It took ten to buy a gun.

Does that mean that there is a 90 minute waiting period to buy a house? Or is there a 60 minute waiting period to buy a car?

Before you object that it is different. You have to sign papers saying you were advised of the various federal programs to buy a house. You have to sign that you are aware of FHA and all that. Those are federal programs aren't they?

It takes longer to open a bank account because of all the Federally Mandated documents and forms.
It takes longer to complete the paperwork to buy a car than buy a gun. There is certainly more paperwork too.

It took 90 minutes to do the paperwork to buy my house.

It took ten to buy a gun.

Does that mean that there is a 90 minute waiting period to buy a house? Or is there a 60 minute waiting period to buy a car?

Before you object that it is different. You have to sign papers saying you were advised of the various federal programs to buy a house. You have to sign that you are aware of FHA and all that. Those are federal programs aren't they?

It takes longer to open a bank account because of all the Federally Mandated documents and forms.

Well according to liberal logic, we've banned buying cars and houses too!
There is no federal waiting period. Some states have instituted a waiting period, but not by Federal Law. Sorry.

There is federally-mandated background checks and you do have to wait for those to be completely, so technically speaking, you are wrong.

So what do you want?. Mandate gun shops to be open 24/7?

Or just have guns available out of vending machines !
There is no federal waiting period. Some states have instituted a waiting period, but not by Federal Law. Sorry.

There is federally-mandated background checks and you do have to wait for those to be completely, so technically speaking, you are wrong.

So what do you want?. Mandate gun shops to be open 24/7?

Or just have guns available out of vending machines !

Not big into mandates on capitalists and this thread is actually more of a commentary on Trump's travel restriction. If you can configure a vending machine to check a background and confirm you're not some kind of nutbag, I think that would be a cool idea.

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