Liberalism has over the past 60 years have created a "enemy"(whites) and a "victim gr


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Liberalism has over the past 60 years have created a "enemy"(whites) and a "victim group"(blacks). MLK wanted us all to be equals within a society of oppunity, while liberals fucked that up for what ever reason....I'm thinking for political reasons(power corrupts) and self guilt.

Truth be told all humans took part in slavery and fucked over the other guy throughout history. 1.Astec and Maya's enslaving the tribes around them, 2. Germany taking over France, 3. Briton Turing its lower class into surfs, 4. Americans forcing the tribes onto small plots of ground, 5. Blacks selling their own people to the slave tride. We could of easily taught that true history of humanity leading towards a "even" understanding of each other. What this is simply we COULD of developed respect for each other together instead of against each other the past 5 decades.

This is where the leftist focused white hatred has failed the black man. He could of had far more economic and social stability by now if he wasn't the victim(within his mind).

What a chance to bring a country together blown straight to hell.

The media pointing and singling out the white man as the enemy is just going to kill more innocent people. It's fucking stupid.
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The disappointments connected with civil rights movement should not be blamed directly on white liberals, but on blacks. In the two generations since the civil rights legislation was signed blacks have demonstrated that the arguments presented against that legislation were valid. We should not blame white liberals for hoping that blacks would prove those arguments wrong.

However, just because liberals were wrong about blacks does not mean that tax cuts for the rich benefit anyone but the rich. For the rest of us tax cuts for the rich mean cuts in programs that benefit us, tax increases, and/or more national debt.
The disappointments connected with civil rights movement should not be blamed directly on white liberals, but on blacks. In the two generations since the civil rights legislation was signed blacks have demonstrated that the arguments presented against that legislation were valid. We should not blame white liberals for hoping that blacks would prove those arguments wrong.

However, just because liberals were wrong about blacks does not mean that tax cuts for the rich benefit anyone but the rich. For the rest of us tax cuts for the rich mean cuts in programs that benefit us, tax increases, and/or more national debt.

So as soon as the legislation was signed everything was immediately 'hunky dory" and there was no de facto discrimination during those "two generations"?
The disappointments connected with civil rights movement should not be blamed directly on white liberals, but on blacks. In the two generations since the civil rights legislation was signed blacks have demonstrated that the arguments presented against that legislation were valid. We should not blame white liberals for hoping that blacks would prove those arguments wrong.

However, just because liberals were wrong about blacks does not mean that tax cuts for the rich benefit anyone but the rich. For the rest of us tax cuts for the rich mean cuts in programs that benefit us, tax increases, and/or more national debt.

So as soon as the legislation was signed everything was immediately 'hunky dory" and there was no de facto discrimination during those "two generations"?

Blacks are discriminated in favor of through affirmative action policies. Affirmative action in the government has reduced the efficiency of the government, and consequently the confidence most whites have in the government.

Both of my parents worked for the government when one had to pass exacting civil service exams to get government jobs. Few blacks passed, so few blacks got government jobs. Now government employment is widely seen as a refuge for blacks who lack the intelligence to get well paying jobs in private industry.
It's liberalism that keep the GOP 90% white????????

Matt, many blacks aren't liberals. The Democratic Party has liberals, but it also has many conservatives and moderates.

The Republican Party is extreme with very few moderates and no liberals.

At some point in history, Republicans will simply have to take responsibility for who they are.
It's liberalism that keep the GOP 90% white????????

Matt, many blacks aren't liberals. The Democratic Party has liberals, but it also has many conservatives and moderates.

The Republican Party is extreme with very few moderates and no liberals.

At some point in history, Republicans will simply have to take responsibility for who they are.

we take responsibility for being white, it's you that can't stand it
The disappointments connected with civil rights movement should not be blamed directly on white liberals, but on blacks. In the two generations since the civil rights legislation was signed blacks have demonstrated that the arguments presented against that legislation were valid. We should not blame white liberals for hoping that blacks would prove those arguments wrong.

However, just because liberals were wrong about blacks does not mean that tax cuts for the rich benefit anyone but the rich. For the rest of us tax cuts for the rich mean cuts in programs that benefit us, tax increases, and/or more national debt.

So as soon as the legislation was signed everything was immediately 'hunky dory" and there was no de facto discrimination during those "two generations"?

Blacks are discriminated in favor of through affirmative action policies. Affirmative action in the government has reduced the efficiency of the government, and consequently the confidence most whites have in the government.

Both of my parents worked for the government when one had to pass exacting civil service exams to get government jobs. Few blacks passed, so few blacks got government jobs. Now government employment is widely seen as a refuge for blacks who lack the intelligence to get well paying jobs in private industry.

"Buchanan noted that while 12 to 13 percent of the U.S. population is African American, that demographic holds 18 percent of all federal jobs and represent up to 50 percent of the workforce in some federal agencies.

Read more: Pat Buchanan: blacks ?inordinately overrepresented? as federal civil servants | The Daily Caller
It's liberalism that keep the GOP 90% white????????

Matt, many blacks aren't liberals. The Democratic Party has liberals, but it also has many conservatives and moderates.

The Republican Party is extreme with very few moderates and no liberals.

At some point in history, Republicans will simply have to take responsibility for who they are.

we take responsibility for being white, it's you that can't stand it

At least you admit it. Many deny the GOP is 90% white.
It isn't white peoples fault that 60% of us+ don't like a failed economic belief system.

What ever blacks and other races are doing they're disadvantaging themselves.
It isn't white peoples fault that 60% of us+ don't like a failed economic belief system.

What ever blacks and other races are doing they're disadvantaging themselves.

What "economic belief system" are you referring to?

What's the poverty rate amongst black people and "other races"?
It isn't white peoples fault that 60% of us+ don't like a failed economic belief system.

Young people -- the collegiate and post-college crowd, who have served as the most visible face of the Occupy Wall Street movement -- might be getting more comfortable with socialism. That's the surprising result from a Pew Research Center poll that aims to measure American sentiments toward different political labels.

The poll, published Wednesday [December 2011], found that while Americans overall tend to oppose socialism by a strong margin -- 60 percent say they have a negative view of it, versus just 31 percent who say they have a positive view -- socialism has more fans than opponents among the 18-29 crowd. Forty-nine percent of people in that age bracket say they have a positive view of socialism; only 43 percent say they have a negative view.

And while those numbers aren't very far apart, it's noteworthy that they were reversed just 20 months ago, when Pew conducted a similar poll. In that survey, published May 2010, 43 percent of people age 18-29 said they had a positive view of socialism, and 49 percent said their opinion was negative.
Young People More Likely To Favor Socialism Than Capitalism: Pew

College graduates who cannot find good jobs, or any jobs at all are likely to think that capitalism has failed.

The growing popularity of socialism is significant because no one with national name recognition has advocated socialism since the death of Michael Harrington in 1989. Socialism is a movement that is waiting to happen. What it needs is charismatic leaders and appealing messages.
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Pure socialism has done nothing besides fail in the 20th century.

Stupid people believe in stupid shit.
Pure socialism has done nothing besides fail in the 20th century.

Stupid people believe in stupid shit.

Although democratic socialism has been a popular ideal for over a century it has been tried nowhere. For that reason alone I am reluctant to establish it.

Anyway, that is not the way economic changes work in a democratic country. Economies in affluent democracies share aspects of socialism and capitalism. If the electorate shifts to the left, the economy becomes more socialist. It the electorate shifts to the right, the economy becomes more capitalist.

In The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx advocated salaries for elected officials, a graduated income tax, and free public education. All of that was enacted into law some time ago.

The closest approximation to democratic socialism can be seen in Scandinavian Social Democracy.

The Scandinavian countries retain AAA ratings in Standard & Poor's and Moody's.

As the U.S. Leaves, Who's Left Among Countries with Both Moody's, S&P AAA Ratings? | H...

They have lower national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product.

They have lower unemployment rates.

They have much lower crime rates.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are a number of reasons why what works in Scandinavia might not work as well in the United States. One is certainly the large black population in the United States. Nevertheless, I do advocate a move to the left on economic issues. So does a large and growing segment of the American people.
Pure socialism has done nothing besides fail in the 20th century.

Stupid people believe in stupid shit.

Who was the last President that didn't sign on to legislation that was "socialist" in nature? What is your definition of "socialism"?
Liberalism has over the past 60 years have created a "enemy"(whites) and a "victim group"(blacks). MLK wanted us all to be equals within a society of oppunity, while liberals fucked that up for what ever reason....I'm thinking for political reasons(power corrupts) and self guilt.

Truth be told all humans took part in slavery and fucked over the other guy throughout history. 1.Astec and Maya's enslaving the tribes around them, 2. Germany taking over France, 3. Briton Turing its lower class into surfs, 4. Americans forcing the tribes onto small plots of ground, 5. Blacks selling their own people to the slave tride. We could of easily taught that true history of humanity leading towards a "even" understanding of each other. What this is simply we COULD of developed respect for each other together instead of against each other the past 5 decades.

This is where the leftist focused white hatred has failed the black man. He could of had far more economic and social stability by now if he wasn't the victim(within his mind).

What a chance to bring a country together blown straight to hell.

The media pointing and singling out the white man as the enemy is just going to kill more innocent people. It's fucking stupid.

You are right about some Black people having the victims mentality but dead wrong about Blacks as a group and that Liberalism making white people the enemy. White society did that on their own by allowing slavery, Jim Crow, and flat out racial discrimination to go on in this country for so long. Please dont give me this song and dance about how other people were enslaved when its on record as the type of slavery practised against Blacks is the worst in recorded history. The only thing IMO that was close is what Hitler did to the Jews. However, that only affected that generation.

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