**Liberalism Is Bankrupt


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2012
by Martha Mossberg

Liberals know that their worldview no longer makes sense in light of scandal after scandal in Washington.

The high priests of liberalism must be tossing and turning in their organic cotton bedding and downing more small-batch artisanal whisky each night trying to cope with the abject failure of their cause.

They know, even if the masses do not yet fully understand, that their worldview no longer makes sense in light of scandal after scandal in Washington and that the end result could be a great, if slow, deconversion on the scale of the millions who no longer believe in the Christianity its philosophy replaced.

Government, they have told us, is inherently good, like the people it helps. Its largesse helps the poor, its inclusiveness expands rights for all and fairness motivates it. And it is intrinsic to individual success – as the hypothetical “Julia” portrayed in Barack Obama’s recent presidential campaign tried to prove.

This worldview diagnoses government problems as merely a question of bad management or lack of funding, which is why federal government workers and contractors have become in the past decade some of the most highly educated and best paid people in America. And it is why programs which fail to meet goals expand and quality is almost always measured by “inputs” — how much money is spent, how many people are signed up, how many training courses are completed, for example — instead of “outputs” like knowledge acquired and people living independent, productive lives.

But the Internal Revenue Service’s abuse of conservative groups, and revelations that the National Security Agency (NSA) is cataloguing every phone call and email Americans make don’t mesh with the prevailing view of government benevolence. Neither do revelations that the Justice Department criminalized reporting nor those that show high ranking State Department leaders quashed investigations of prostitution and drug abuse among its ranks synch with that outlook. And it clashes with the promise newly elected Barack Obama made in January 2009 that he would “hold myself as president to a new standard of openness….Let me say it as simply as I can: Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”

With respect to the NSA and press monitoring revelations it seems the only right to privacy Barack Obama’s administration recognizes is the right to kill unborn children without restrictions with taxpayer dollars.

This unhinging of the administration from recognizable liberal ideals is the end result of progressivism, which knows no law except “forward.” As Philip Rieff wrote in his brilliant 1966 The Triumph of the Therapeutic, “We believe we can live freely at last, enjoying all our senses — except the sense of the past — as unremembering, honest and friendly barbarians all, in a technological Eden.”

But to admit that once sacred principles are obsolete would be political suicide for a man who fulfilled the promises of the great 20th-century liberal causes — civil rights, women’s rights, gay rights, workers’ rights — for millions of Americans. So Mr. Obama is struggling to maintain the old order by making it seem that the omnipresent monitoring of email and tracking of phone records of Americans are really just “modest encroachments” on privacy that are perfectly legal and nothing new.

True believers will cling to his words. But the scales have fallen from the eyes of a media that protected the administration it believed in, and it is only a matter of time before any American who cares to look will see the disconnect between the personal fulfillment and liberation promised by big government and the evil it delivered in the name of safety.

Given that decades of Americans have been steeped for their full lives in the doctrine of government as the solution and savior in public schools, colleges and culture, to what will they turn when liberalism’s lie hits them? I don’t know. But its undoing will give the timeless principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution a fighting chance against a “forward” that looks more like a backward totalitarian state than the utopia John Lennon sang about in “Imagine.”
I wholeheartedly agree liberalism is bankrupt.

Unfortunately, the rabid psychopaths who make up the faux right wing these days keep making large deposits in the Liberals' bank for them.

Birthers are helping keep the Left solvent. All the bogus lies created around Benghazi help keep the Left afloat, too.

Every time someone copies and pastes the manufactured bullshit given to them by Brietbart or Fox News or CNS News or the Washington Times or the Daily Caller, they are making a deposit in the Left Bank.

When the moronic mimicking minions manufacture outrage over the cost of one of Obama's trips, they are handing 24K gold to the liberals.

When the bigots get all sweaty over Muslims or gays or blacks or Mexicans, they are paying the Left's mortgage.

Every time a topic is started by a faux right winger that is nothing but a copy and paste job, whining and pessimistic and bitchy, demonstrating sheer gullibility and stupidity; every time a faux right winger fails to offer solutions to our problems instead of obstructionism, they strengthen the Left.

The first four years of Obama should have left the Democratic Party a smoking ash heap. It could easily have been. But the Left has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by the biggest collection of rubes, retards, and retrograde bigots with which the Right has ever been burdened.
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I wholeheartedly agree liberalism is bankrupt.

Unfortunately, the rabid psychopaths who make up the faux right wing these days keep making large deposits in the Liberals' bank for them.

Birthers are helping keep the Left solvent. All the bogus lies created around Benghazi help keep the Left afloat, too.

Every time someone copies and pastes the manufactured bullshit given to them by Brietbart or Fox News or CNS News or the Washington Times or the Daily Caller, they are making a deposit in the Left Bank.

When the moronic mimicking minions manufacture outrage over the cost of one of Obama's trips, they are handing 24K gold to the liberals.

When the bigots get all sweaty over Muslims or gays or blacks or Mexicans, they are paying the Left's mortgage.

Every time a topic is started by a faux right winger that is nothing but a copy and paste job, whining and pessimistic and bitchy, demonstrating sheer gullibility and stupidity; every time a faux right winger fails to offer solutions to our problems instead of obstructionism, they strengthen the Left.

The first four years of Obama should have left the Democratic Party a smoking ash heap. It could easily have been. But the Left has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by the biggest collection of rubes, retards, and retrograde bigots with which the Right has ever been burdened.

Indeed, I wonder how many Republicans can admit to themselves that they have had a hand in this.

A pretty hefty portion of the party is running around parroting the absolultist division pimps like Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, Savage and Beck, making the entire movement an easy target for the Left. All liberals have to do in many cases is point at them and say "hey, look at THAT", and they win the argument.

So now we have the lefties running around finding an excuse to cram the government into pretty much everything, paid for by someone else, and the righties are running around screaming that government should part of absolutely nothing. Step away from the radio for a moment and ask yourself: Which is the easier sell to a majority of the American public right now?

Self-inflicted wound. And here we are.

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Indeed, I wonder how many Republicans can admit to themselves that they have had a hand in this.

A pretty hefty portion of the party is running around parroting the absolultist division pimps like Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, Savage and Beck, making the entire movement an easy target for the Left. All liberals have to do in many cases is point at them and say "hey, look at THAT", and they win the argument.

So now we have the lefties running around finding an excuse to cram the government into pretty much everything, paid for by someone else, and the righties are running around screaming that government should part of absolutely nothing. Step away from the radio for a moment and ask yourself: Which is the easier sell to a majority of the American public right now?

Self-inflicted wound. And here we are.


The age old problem of dealing with the radicals in the base during the primary and somehow appealing to the nation in the general. The republicans have needed to shed the social issues for a LOOOONG time. The sad part is they would have broad and rather strong majority support if they did so. Most people can identify with republican values on that side. Then the social issues come about and they get beaten to a bloody pulp with that. So much so that many republicans are tired of even identifying as one.
Liberalism Is Bankrupt

Yes, it is. As is so called conservatism

g500 seems to understand how the Good Cop Bad Cop scam works.

What the masters know about human nature is that people NEED to feel like they're on a TEAM.

National Politics is nothing more than a PEP RALLY.

RED v BLUE...honestly kids, when the fuck are you people going to grow up?

Apparently never.

That's the hard lesson I've been learning thanks to the internet.

The truth will not set people free because the truth is not as satisfying to most people as the BIG LIES designed to appeal to their conceits and prejudices.

No wonder the masters have nothing but contempt for the masses.
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by Martha Mossberg

Liberals know that their worldview no longer makes sense in light of scandal after scandal in Washington.

The high priests of liberalism must be tossing and turning in their organic cotton bedding and downing more small-batch artisanal whisky each night trying to cope with the abject failure of their cause.

They know, even if the masses do not yet fully understand, that their worldview no longer makes sense in light of scandal after scandal in Washington and that the end result could be a great, if slow, deconversion on the scale of the millions who no longer believe in the Christianity its philosophy replaced.

Government, they have told us, is inherently good, like the people it helps. Its largesse helps the poor, its inclusiveness expands rights for all and fairness motivates it. And it is intrinsic to individual success – as the hypothetical “Julia” portrayed in Barack Obama’s recent presidential campaign tried to prove.

This worldview diagnoses government problems as merely a question of bad management or lack of funding, which is why federal government workers and contractors have become in the past decade some of the most highly educated and best paid people in America. And it is why programs which fail to meet goals expand and quality is almost always measured by “inputs” — how much money is spent, how many people are signed up, how many training courses are completed, for example — instead of “outputs” like knowledge acquired and people living independent, productive lives.

But the Internal Revenue Service’s abuse of conservative groups, and revelations that the National Security Agency (NSA) is cataloguing every phone call and email Americans make don’t mesh with the prevailing view of government benevolence. Neither do revelations that the Justice Department criminalized reporting nor those that show high ranking State Department leaders quashed investigations of prostitution and drug abuse among its ranks synch with that outlook. And it clashes with the promise newly elected Barack Obama made in January 2009 that he would “hold myself as president to a new standard of openness….Let me say it as simply as I can: Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”

With respect to the NSA and press monitoring revelations it seems the only right to privacy Barack Obama’s administration recognizes is the right to kill unborn children without restrictions with taxpayer dollars.

This unhinging of the administration from recognizable liberal ideals is the end result of progressivism, which knows no law except “forward.” As Philip Rieff wrote in his brilliant 1966 The Triumph of the Therapeutic, “We believe we can live freely at last, enjoying all our senses — except the sense of the past — as unremembering, honest and friendly barbarians all, in a technological Eden.”

But to admit that once sacred principles are obsolete would be political suicide for a man who fulfilled the promises of the great 20th-century liberal causes — civil rights, women’s rights, gay rights, workers’ rights — for millions of Americans. So Mr. Obama is struggling to maintain the old order by making it seem that the omnipresent monitoring of email and tracking of phone records of Americans are really just “modest encroachments” on privacy that are perfectly legal and nothing new.

True believers will cling to his words. But the scales have fallen from the eyes of a media that protected the administration it believed in, and it is only a matter of time before any American who cares to look will see the disconnect between the personal fulfillment and liberation promised by big government and the evil it delivered in the name of safety.

Given that decades of Americans have been steeped for their full lives in the doctrine of government as the solution and savior in public schools, colleges and culture, to what will they turn when liberalism’s lie hits them? I don’t know. But its undoing will give the timeless principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution a fighting chance against a “forward” that looks more like a backward totalitarian state than the utopia John Lennon sang about in “Imagine.”


What astounds me is that posts like yours will have NO EFFECT on partisans.
Liberalism Is Bankrupt

Yes, it is. As is so called conservatism

g500 seems to understand how the Good Cop Bad Cop scam works.

What the masters know about human nature is that people NEED to feel like they're on a TEAM.

National Politics is nothing more than a PEP RALLY.

RED v BLUE...honestly kids, when the fuck are you people going to grow up?

Apparently never.

That's the hard lesson I've been learning thanks to the internet.

The truth will not set people free because the truth is not as satisfying to most people as the BIG LIES designed to appeal to their conceits and prejudices.

No wonder the masters have nothing but contempt for the masses.

you and g500 are right to a point. The fringers on both the left and the right get all the news airtime and the print media focuses on them.

The real question is which philosophy is right for the USA? Which one has proven to work and which one has always failed? Freedom works, totalitarian government always fails.

Those of you that know the answer need to get over your obsession with the Limbaugh's and Beck's are realize that they express somewhat extreme messages in order to get the masses to wake up and look at what is happening to them.

You also need to accept the fact that the predictions about obama made by Limbaugh and Beck have come true. Obama and his ideas are a real danger to the survival of our nation as a free democratic republic------THAT is what you need to focus on.
“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer

Liberalism will never be bankrupt. And when liberals were running this country, Presidents like Kennedy and Johnson faced the 'awful' problem of revenue surpluses.

Enter the Great American welfare queen, Ronbo Reagan.

Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt.

The last 30 years is not a failure of liberalism. It is squarely on the backs of a revolution that was as big of a failure as the Bolshevik revolution...the Reagan revolution.


"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

"Grover Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)
I wholeheartedly agree liberalism is bankrupt.

Unfortunately, the rabid psychopaths who make up the faux right wing these days keep making large deposits in the Liberals' bank for them.

Birthers are helping keep the Left solvent. All the bogus lies created around Benghazi help keep the Left afloat, too.

Every time someone copies and pastes the manufactured bullshit given to them by Brietbart or Fox News or CNS News or the Washington Times or the Daily Caller, they are making a deposit in the Left Bank.

When the moronic mimicking minions manufacture outrage over the cost of one of Obama's trips, they are handing 24K gold to the liberals.

When the bigots get all sweaty over Muslims or gays or blacks or Mexicans, they are paying the Left's mortgage.

Every time a topic is started by a faux right winger that is nothing but a copy and paste job, whining and pessimistic and bitchy, demonstrating sheer gullibility and stupidity; every time a faux right winger fails to offer solutions to our problems instead of obstructionism, they strengthen the Left.

The first four years of Obama should have left the Democratic Party a smoking ash heap. It could easily have been. But the Left has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by the biggest collection of rubes, retards, and retrograde bigots with which the Right has ever been burdened.

Indeed, I wonder how many Republicans can admit to themselves that they have had a hand in this.

A pretty hefty portion of the party is running around parroting the absolultist division pimps like Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, Savage and Beck, making the entire movement an easy target for the Left. All liberals have to do in many cases is point at them and say "hey, look at THAT", and they win the argument.

So now we have the lefties running around finding an excuse to cram the government into pretty much everything, paid for by someone else, and the righties are running around screaming that government should part of absolutely nothing. Step away from the radio for a moment and ask yourself: Which is the easier sell to a majority of the American public right now?

Self-inflicted wound. And here we are.


that kind of thinking is why we have obama as president------------are you proud of helping that happen?

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