Liberals Aghast at Trump Saying we Should Ban Muslims, but Want to Ban Trump for Free Speech


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
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The more he shoots his mouth off, the better for the Dems. Talk it up, Hitler Youths.
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I imagine the folks at Great Clips are exploring their options as well....
This is how the PC Nazis think; all rights are for them and their peet groups, but those that oppose them should be banned, jailed fined, etc. In this case these idiots want to ban Trump for saying what most of us think; untill the terrorism is over, no more Muslim immigrants of any kind.

Philly Mayor Would Like To Ban Donald Trump From City

Mayor bans Trump after candidate suggests blocking Muslims
The world is aghast to see and hear an American Presidential candidate spouting off in support of fascist ideas that were defeated in a World War seventy-five years ago.

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