Liberals agree raising Minimum wage is a job killer.

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
In Australia :biggrin:

Fact check: Does the minimum wage increase unemployment? - Fact Check - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

"Periodically, you see outbreaks from the Liberals and the Institute of Public Affairs say the minimum wage is killing things, killing jobs ...."

With that aside an interesting article...

"A series of recent studies have strengthened the view that minimum wages have only a small negative effect on employment, not usually found to be statistically significant."

The European Commission paper says it "seems clear" that businesses have a variety of ways of maintaining competitiveness and profitability in the face of minimum wages which allow employment to be maintained.

It lists "efficiency/productivity gains, passing on costs in the form of small price increases, acceptance of reduced profits, cost reductions due to reduced labour turnover, reductions in the overall wage bill due to wage compression (lowering of wages of higher earners), or cutting labour-related in-kind benefits to reduce costs" as examples.

An extensive 2007 paper by David Neumark and William Wascher presents an opposing view. Having concluded that minimum wages in the United States have disemployment effects, although these may be small overall, the report questions the findings of research carried out in the United Kingdom, which the authors say "seems to be widely cited as providing evidence that an increase in the minimum wage does not reduce employment".

They say that research in the UK "has been limited to estimating short-run effects, and, in our view, the question of the longer-run influences of the national minimum wage on UK employment has yet to be adequately addressed

Min wage is not killing the market anymore than inflation at operating cost that are increased for no real viable reason other than profit margin......The top get their hefty increases but deny the masses, in either wages, or cost of living.....

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