Liberals and the Rich don't pay taxes!


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
And for evidence of the liberal part I present Senator Kerry (who is both rich and liberal:lol:). Who instead of paying his "fair" share of taxes on a luxury yacht he just purchased (like he expects you to do) he instead bases it in Rhode Island thereby saving himself around 400,000 in sales tax and another 70,000 annually.

Sen. John Kerry skips town on sails tax -
Every Liberal leader is rich. They just like to claim they are not.

As for laws. laws are for not for Liberals, Laws are to keep everyone else in check while the Liberals tell us what is best for us.
Do as I say not as I do. Check!
Talk is cheap, it's what you do that counts. Check!
Actions speak louder than words. Check!
Damn, seems like you guys have this whole thread already covered. Good Job.:clap2:
Every Liberal leader is rich. They just like to claim they are not.

As for laws. laws are for not for Liberals, Laws are to keep everyone else in check while the Liberals tell us what is best for us.

He's not breaking any laws. And unless you can find a quote of him saying something like "you should never use tax loopholes", he's not even a hypocrite.
lol, I'm sure he wasn't parking it there to avoid PAYING THE TAXES.

since he's a DEMOCRAT, he was probably thinking some little guy (you now the lowly working person) that they care so much about could use the spot he should of.:lol:
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good for him. anything to avoid theft from the government is a great thing
Every Liberal leader is rich. They just like to claim they are not.

As for laws. laws are for not for Liberals, Laws are to keep everyone else in check while the Liberals tell us what is best for us.

He's not breaking any laws. And unless you can find a quote of him saying something like "you should never use tax loopholes", he's not even a hypocrite.

Ask and ye shall recieve.

[ame=]YouTube - Kerry on Tax Cuts[/ame]
well, i would pick newport, ri over nantucket any day of the week! Have you seen the mansions there? A very very lovely of my favorites!

“The boat was designed by and purchased from a company in Rhode Island, and it’s based in Newport at the Newport Shipyard for long-term maintenance, upkeep and charter purposes, not tax reasons,” Wade told the Track.
i guess cons only have wealth envy when it is a democrat that is wealthy? ;)

*i'm sure mass. does need the tax money though.
And for evidence of the liberal part I present Senator Kerry (who is both rich and liberal:lol:). Who instead of paying his "fair" share of taxes on a luxury yacht he just purchased (like he expects you to do) he instead bases it in Rhode Island thereby saving himself around 400,000 in sales tax and another 70,000 annually.

Sen. John Kerry skips town on sails tax -

One look at my 1040 PROVES you're a liar.
He's not breaking any laws. And unless you can find a quote of him saying something like "you should never use tax loopholes", he's not even a hypocrite.

He's quite a hypocrite. He runs around talking about the rich paying their fair share while he's using loopholes to dodge his own obligation.

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