Liberals are bad people and they are turning this into a bad world.

"After a few decades more, we won't even be allowed to utter the word "Christ" in any context, without a liberal reporting us to the authorities who make sure such words are not said."

oh the drama!! :laugh: i guess the op doesn't understand what it means to be LIBERAL.
Not surprised to see the OP and those jumping on his silly bandwagon hating on Liberals...those who formed this country and kept it moving forward. They must love those conservative, backwater those in the Middle East.
So long as you are the ones slaughtering babies, you are the bad guys.

So long as I am the one trying to stop you, I am the good guy.

I am pro-life and celebrate Christmas every year. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative.
If you are pro-life then speak up. It does no good to say you're pro-life and then hang back and let your fellow liberals go on about how great it is that women have the right to kill their babies. If you're saying nothing, while 3000 babies a day are aborted, then don't bother to tell me you're pro-life. God doesn't care what you're thinking in your head. Speak out, act out, do something. That's what I do, and all you ever do is oppose me.

Wrong again. I am not a liberal. I think abortion is horrifying. How do you know I don't speak out and do anything about it now? I do plenty in the real world. Where it actually matters. You have this habit of making up shit about people and railing against it.
So long as you are the ones slaughtering babies, you are the bad guys.

So long as I am the one trying to stop you, I am the good guy.

I am pro-life and celebrate Christmas every year. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative.
If you are pro-life then speak up. It does no good to say you're pro-life and then hang back and let your fellow liberals go on about how great it is that women have the right to kill their babies. If you're saying nothing, while 3000 babies a day are aborted, then don't bother to tell me you're pro-life. God doesn't care what you're thinking in your head. Speak out, act out, do something. That's what I do, and all you ever do is oppose me.
What makes you the determiner on what women do with their bodies?
So long as you are the ones slaughtering babies, you are the bad guys.

So long as I am the one trying to stop you, I am the good guy.

I am pro-life and celebrate Christmas every year. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative.
Do you actually say "Merry Christmas" to people, or do you wimp out and say, "Happy Holidays"?

I say Merry Christmas. Both are acceptable, though.

Is that how you decide if people hate Christmas or not?
So long as you are the ones slaughtering babies, you are the bad guys.

So long as I am the one trying to stop you, I am the good guy.

I am pro-life and celebrate Christmas every year. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative.
Do you actually say "Merry Christmas" to people, or do you wimp out and say, "Happy Holidays"?


So if I say "Happy Holidays", that means I "hate" Christmas?

You're really starting to lose it.
Back to feudalism we go folks. Hundreds of years of liberal revolution and progressive reform.

"The peasants are at the gate m'lord, what shall we do?"

"Take our country back!"
So long as you are the ones slaughtering babies, you are the bad guys.

So long as I am the one trying to stop you, I am the good guy.

I am pro-life and celebrate Christmas every year. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative.
Do you actually say "Merry Christmas" to people, or do you wimp out and say, "Happy Holidays"?
Why is that important? You do realize that Hannuka and new Year's and Christmas all come during the same part of the year, right?
So long as you are the ones slaughtering babies, you are the bad guys.

So long as I am the one trying to stop you, I am the good guy.

what a sad joke you are. :rolleyes:

you are a pos scumbag using abortion politics to feel righteous about all manner of political ridiculousness.

political pro-choice is literally pro-life, while political pro-life is literally pro death, pro disease and pro oppression.

that's a fact, jackass...

Parents Against Personhood -

Induced Abortion in the United States

• Nearly half of pregnancies among American women in 2011 were unintended, and about four in 10 of these were terminated by abortion.[1]

• Twenty-one percent of all pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) in 2011 ended in abortion.[2]

• In 2011, approximately 1.06 million abortions were performed, down 13% from 1.21 million in 2008. From 1973 through 2011, nearly 53 million legal abortions occurred.[2]

• The abortion rate in 2011 was 16.9 per 1,000 women aged 15–44, down 13% from 19.4 per 1,000 in 2008. This is the lowest rate observed since abortion became legal in the United States in 1973.[2]

• In 2011, 1.7% of women aged 15–44 had an abortion [2]. Half of these women had had at least one previous abortion.[3]

• At 2008 abortion rates, almost one in 10 women will have an abortion by age 20, one in four by age 30 and three in 10 by age 45.[4]


• Twelve percent of U.S. abortion patients in 2014 were teenagers: Those aged 18–19 accounted for 8% of all abortions, 15–17-year-olds for 3% and teenagers younger than 15 for 0.2%.[3]

• More than half of all abortion patients in 2014 were in their 20s: Patients aged 20–24 obtained 34% of all abortions, and patients aged 25–29 obtained 27%.[3]

• White patients accounted for 39% of abortion procedures in 2014, blacks for 28%, Hispanics for 25% and patients of other races and ethnicities for 9%.[3]

• Seventeen percent of abortion patients in 2014 identified as mainline Protestant, 13% as evangelical Protestant and 24% as Catholic; 38% reported no religious affiliation.[3]

• In 2014, some 46% of all abortion patients had never married and were not cohabiting.[3]

• Fifty-nine percent of abortions in 2014 were obtained by patients who had had at least one previous birth.[3]

• Forty-nine percent of abortion patients in 2014 had incomes of less than 100% of the federal poverty level ($11,670 for a single adult with no children).*,[3]

• Twenty-six percent of abortion patients in 2014 had incomes of 100–199% of the federal poverty level.[3]

• The reasons patients gave for having an abortion underscored their understanding of the responsibilities of parenthood and family life. The three most common reasons—each cited by three-fourths of patients—were concern for or responsibility to other individuals; the inability to afford a child; and the belief that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents. Half said they did not want to be a single parent or were having problems with their husband or partner.[5]

• Fifty-one percent of abortion patients had used a contraceptive method in the month they got pregnant, most commonly condoms (27%) or a hormonal method (17%).[6]

Induced Abortion in the United States
"After a few decades more, we won't even be allowed to utter the word "Christ" in any context, without a liberal reporting us to the authorities who make sure such words are not said."

oh the drama!! :laugh: i guess the op doesn't understand what it means to be LIBERAL.

Then why do some Liberals consider a compliment on their shoes to be a micro aggression?

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