Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

Funny how stupid as a stick PC takes the word of a trolling KKK white supremacist - who has the following of about 12 people. Maybe she's Quigg's twin sister.

Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?
David Duke?

Duke is what ever will get him notice.

He's been a Democrat, a Republican, and Independent....

But, mostly an asshole
True, but he was rejected by Democrats when he ran as one and won his only election when elected by Republicans.

On the other hand, KKK Byrd was reelected time after time after time, to the US Senate, no less.

Unfortunately for you Fingerboy, Byrd had already quit the Klan before he ever ran for office.

Morley in my last post ----- eeehh not so much.


Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Klan’s California chapter and responsible for recruitment in the western United States, is less keen to give Mr Trump the dubious benefit of his support.

“We want Hillary Clinton to win,” Mr Quigg told The Telegraph. “She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. [But] once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colours are going to show.

The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton

Like always, you crack me up ...

Your KKK Grand Dragon switched sides before the election....


The KKK, neo-Nazi's, alt-right, all backed Trump. They're all on the right with you.
Funny how stupid as a stick PC takes the word of a trolling KKK white supremacist - who has the following of about 12 people. Maybe she's Quigg's twin sister.

Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?

I see Dukey's already mentioned but I already gave you a page full of photos. I just didn't identify them. If I recall they were D.C. Stephenson (rapist and cannibal), Edward Jackson (Gov, IN), Rice Means (Sen., CO), George Luis Baker (Mayor, Portland OR), Ben Paulen (Gov, KS), Owen Brewster (Gov/Sen/Rep/McCarthyite, ME) and Clarence Morley (Gov, CO).

Not all of them were literally Klan, many just complicit. But Stephenson and Morley were.

If you have a good time plugging them in to your childish Composition Fallacies I can give you more. The first seven are free.

Is the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton now, and for his entire life.....a racist who has always considered blacks less as a race than whites?

Answer, you dunce.

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Is the author of the novel 100% correct or not?

Answer, you dunce.
Who said the 1924 DNC wasn't referred to as a "klanbake?"
That's good to see that you are coming around to the main point...thumbs up!

The "main point" was about a photograph. One purported to be of the Klan marching at Madison Square Garden; when in fact, the photo is actually from a Klan march in Madison, Wisconsin.

Frankly I think you're giving Fingerboy too much margin for error there. He still can't explain the cadaver of a dead man pulled out of nowhere leading a contingent at a political convention. Or how anybody holds a convention on trolley tracks. I'm not sure "Madison" isn't just a freakish coincidence.

But I'm sure Fingerboy can tell us how he came up with this shit.
Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?
David Duke?

Duke is what ever will get him notice.

He's been a Democrat, a Republican, and Independent....

But, mostly an asshole
True, but he was rejected by Democrats when he ran as one and won his only election when elected by Republicans.

On the other hand, KKK Byrd was reelected time after time after time, to the US Senate, no less.

Unfortunately for you Fingerboy, Byrd had already quit the Klan before he ever ran for office.

Morley in my last post ----- eeehh not so much.

– 1964: Attempts to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It wasn’t out of principled libertarian support for property rights. Cites a racist study claiming that black people’s brains are statistically smaller than white people’s.

– 1967: Votes against Thurgood Marshall’s Supreme Court nomination. Went to J. Edgar Hoover to see if Marshall had any Communist ties that could ruin his nomination.

– 1968: Tells the FBI that it’s time that Martin Luther King, Jr., “met his Waterloo.” FBI ignores him.

– 1991: Votes Against Clarence Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination. Becomes the only senator in the body to have voted against both black Supreme Court nominees.

– 2001: Refers to what he called “white *******” on national television. Try to imagine, say, Haley Barbour being given a pass after calling someone a “white ******.”
Who said the 1924 DNC wasn't referred to as a "klanbake?"
That's good to see that you are coming around to the main point...thumbs up!

The "main point" was about a photograph. One purported to be of the Klan marching at Madison Square Garden; when in fact, the photo is actually from a Klan march in Madison, Wisconsin.

Frankly I think you're giving Fingerboy too much margin for error there. He still can't explain the cadaver of a dead man pulled out of nowhere leading a contingent at a political convention. Or how anybody holds a convention on trolley tracks. I'm not sure "Madison" isn't just a freakish coincidence.

But I'm sure Fingerboy can tell us how he came up with this shit.

Apparently you believe there's something incriminating in that mess.
The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.
Sorry, turd, but the Democrat party owns the KKK. That stain will never wash off.


Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Klan’s California chapter and responsible for recruitment in the western United States, is less keen to give Mr Trump the dubious benefit of his support.

“We want Hillary Clinton to win,” Mr Quigg told The Telegraph. “She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. [But] once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colours are going to show.

The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton

Like always, you crack me up ...

Your KKK Grand Dragon switched sides before the election....


The KKK, neo-Nazi's, alt-right, all backed Trump. They're all on the right with you.
Funny how stupid as a stick PC takes the word of a trolling KKK white supremacist - who has the following of about 12 people. Maybe she's Quigg's twin sister.

As already noted earlier, since officially the Klan doesn't even exist and hasn't existed since it dissolved in 1944, anybody who wants to play dress-up can simply poke arm holes through a bedsheet and make a dunce cap, and declare himself Grand Imperial Wanker of the lokal Klavern of Kenner. Like David Duke did.

I see people at baseball games wearing a jersey with the name "Utley" too. I doubt that make them actually Chase Utley.

The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.

Sorry, turd, but the Democrat party owns the KKK. That stain will never wash off.

You sold it?
D'ja get a receipt?

Actually nobody owns the KKK since it officially does not exist. Hasn't existed since 1944 when FDR's IRS slapped it with a two-thirds of a million dollar back tax bill at the same time the Governor of Georgia (that would be Ellis Arnall, and I can't remember what his political party was but it started with a D) was revoking its charter.

They didn't do that because the Klan was backing Coolidge and Hoover; they didn't do it because the Klan was smearing Al Smith; they didn't do it because the Klan was targeting Democratic Party voting blocs like blacks and Jews and Catholics and immigrants and labor unions; they didn't do that because it was getting Republican Klanners like Ed Jackson and Rice Means and Owen Brewster and George Baker and Ben Paulen and Clarence Morley into high office. They did it because the Klan was a fucked-up terrorist group that had to go.

Of course, that didn't stop fucked-up racists from continuing to play dress-up without a formal organization -- all you had to do was sew yourself a robe and dunce cap and then declare yourself Grand Imperial Wanker of the local klavern. Like David Duke did.


April 23, 1944 to be exact, and I rounded off the money figure.

>> In April 1944, the IRS filed a lien for $685,305 in unpaid taxes, penalties and interest from 1920s against the Klan. The special Klonvocation convened by Colescott decided to dissolve the organization.[9][10] Before formally stepping down on April 23, 1944,[3] he founded a provisional governing committee consisted of five members.[4][11] On April 23, the final Klonvocation gathering was held in Atlanta. Its decisions disbanded the central Klan organization, "repealed all degrees, vacated all offices, voided all charters, and relieved every Klansman of any obligation whatever". << Wiki: James Colescott

I don't post anything I can't back up. Learn that.

At the same time this was going on, Ellis Arnall, the Governor of Georgia, was revoking its state charter.
Last edited:
Funny how stupid as a stick PC takes the word of a trolling KKK white supremacist - who has the following of about 12 people. Maybe she's Quigg's twin sister.

Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?
David Duke?

Duke is what ever will get him notice.

He's been a Democrat, a Republican, and Independent....

But, mostly an asshole
True, but he was rejected by Democrats when he ran as one and won his only election when elected by Republicans.

On the other hand, KKK Byrd was reelected time after time after time, to the US Senate, no less.
So? Quote Byrd promoting white nationalism after becoming a Senator....

Byrd abandoned the Klan and and all white supremacist groups behind him. Whereas Duke left the Klan only to form his own white nationalist group, the NAAWP.
Who said the 1924 DNC wasn't referred to as a "klanbake?"
That's good to see that you are coming around to the main point...thumbs up!

The "main point" was about a photograph. One purported to be of the Klan marching at Madison Square Garden; when in fact, the photo is actually from a Klan march in Madison, Wisconsin.

Frankly I think you're giving Fingerboy too much margin for error there. He still can't explain the cadaver of a dead man pulled out of nowhere leading a contingent at a political convention. Or how anybody holds a convention on trolley tracks. I'm not sure "Madison" isn't just a freakish coincidence.

But I'm sure Fingerboy can tell us how he came up with this shit.

Apparently you believe there's something incriminating in that mess.

There is when you point to a set of wet trolley tracks on a December day in Wisconsin, claim it's a summer political convention in New York, and that at that convention there was a dead guy running around lobbying for a platform plank. Way to vet an obvious bogus blog, Sherlock.
Who said the 1924 DNC wasn't referred to as a "klanbake?"
That's good to see that you are coming around to the main point...thumbs up!

.It wasn't. "Klanbake" refers to the gathering of Klanners in New Jersey across the river from Wisconsin New York City. EVEN THE BOGUS BLOG IN THE OP ADMITS THAT. And then goes on to not-explain what the connection is supposed to be.
Leave it to a brain circulation cut off by Spandex to think she makes a point by quoting a novel. :lol:

Still, this particular fiction's scene does cite a genuinely historical entity. "Night riders", also called "Regulators" or "Slave patrols" were operating since at least the eighteenth century, before there was a country and way before there were any political parties. That's a major part of the element that took over the Klan from its original founders. Again, no political party was required to participate in either.

These "night riders", considered a civic duty of the (white) menfolk, operated primarily to hunt down and return runaway slaves -- and when there weren't any to hunt in that area, to ride around intimidating existing slaves as a way of discouraging runaways and insurrections. So while the Klan brought in costumes and a framework of secret rituals, its activities concerning ex-slaves were already long-established practice.

Slave escapes and insurrections quite naturally had been going on since literally the first African slaves were brought to these shores in the 1530s by a Spanish crew. That group of captives escaped and happily were never caught, presumably joining with, and surviving with the aid of, local Native Americans. Other revolts and escapes occurred, naturally, throughout the infamous history of slavery. The "night riders" were the white establishment's remedy for such escapes; a civil 'security' force. And they had nothing to do with politics.

Is the author of the novel 100% correct or not?

Answer, you dunce.

Whelp --- Fingerboy's not responding so I'll answer for him.
The author of the novel's citation of "night riders" is accurate in that they did exist, for centuries. Which, for those of you in the slow-reader section is what I just described.

Novels, however, are what we call "fiction". Inasmuch as fiction is creative storytelling, it cannot be "correct" or "incorrect".

You must find that concept mind-numbingly deep.

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Is the author of the novel 100% correct or not?

Answer, you dunce.

Again neither OP is responding so again I'm here to help, first of all with English:

noun: novel; plural noun: novels
  1. a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.
    "the novels of Jane Austen"
    synonyms: book, paperback, hardcover; More
    story, tale, narrative, romance, roman à clef;
    piece of fiction;
    bestseller, blockbuster;
    potboiler, pulp (fiction)
    "curl up with a good novel"
    • the literary genre represented or exemplified by novels.
      noun: the novel
      "the novel is the most adaptable of all literary forms"
Perhaps you can find the word "fiction" in there. In two forms. Perhaps not, but in any event that's what a novel is. Perhaps you've noticed a standard disclaimer on films noting that that work is fiction and 'any resemblance to persons or events is coincidental and unintentional'. Again, perhaps not.

Whatever events this John Connolly may have written in this NOVEL, and I obviously don't have a copy here nor have you posted it, would be the product of his own what we call "imagination". As such it cannot, by definition, be "correct" or "incorrect". It would be "incorrect" in the sense that the events described never actually happened, but it would also be incorrect to label it "incorrect" since a novel by definition does not purport to be an accurate accounting of events.

As far as employing a "degree of realism" per the definition above, the selected excerpt quoted does indeed cite a realistic character dynamic based on real history; in small words it could have happened. After maybe sixteen cups of strong coffee it might even dawn on you that I've already not only volunteered that analysis but also gone into detail about exactly what these "night riders" were, where they came from and what their purpose was. Forty or fifty additional cups of caffeine might even enable you to see that that analysis is still sitting directly above in the quote nest.

Once you've discovered all this perhaps we might move on to highly complex mysteries such as "find your foot".
More copy and paste history revision....such a sad person you are.

Where do you see any "revision"?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:
Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?
David Duke praised Trump: “Thank you President Trump

Can you name any Democrats the KKK are thanking?

Sure can.

David Duke.

David Duke....the Democrat

State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)[edit]
Threshold > 50%

First Ballot, November 1, 1975

Louisiana State Senate, 1975
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Kenneth Osterberger 22,287 66
Democratic David Duke 11,079 33
N/A Others 1
Total 100
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans)[edit]
Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979

Louisiana State Senate, 10th District, 1979
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Joseph Tiemann 21,329 57
Democratic David Duke 9,897 26
N/A Others 6,459 17
Total 37,685 100
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana results)[edit]
Threshold = Plurality

1988 Democratic Presidential primary in Louisiana
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Jesse Jackson 221,522 35
Democratic Al Gore 174,971 28
Democratic Michael Dukakis 95,661 15
Democratic Dick Gephardt 67,029 11
Democratic Gary Hart 26,437 4
Democratic David Duke 23,391 4
Democratic Others 16,008 3
Total 625,019 100
Electoral history of David Duke - Wikipedia

Duke left the KKK long before he became a Republicans....

"In 1979, after his first, abortive run for president (as a Democrat) and a series of highly publicized violent Klan incidents, Duke quietly incorporated the nonprofit National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP) in an attempt to leave the baggage of the Klan behind."
David Duke - Wikipedia

1. 'Democrat' is by far the most accurate way to portray David Duke, in both his formative years, when he learned to be a racist, and in his political career....A DEMOCRAT.

2. The Democrats have always been associated with racism. The Democrat icon Franklin Roosevelt, in fact, made a KKKer his very first pick for the Supreme Court:

. "... [Hugo] Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."]

The Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

See what you've learned today?
You forgot to mention -- Democrats rejected David Duke at the polls every single time he ran as a Democrat. He didn't get elected into office until he ran as a Republican.

A simple oversight on your part, no doubt. :lol:
'klanbake' didn't happen at the 1924 democratic convention?

Digital History

"The two leading candidates symbolized a deep cultural divide. Al Smith, New York's governor, was a Catholic and an opponent of prohibition and was bitterly opposed by Democrats in the South and West. Former Treasury Secretary William Gibbs McAdoo, a Protestant, defended prohibition and refused to repudiate the Ku Klux Klan, making himself unacceptable to Catholics and Jews in the Northeast.
Newspapers called the convention a "Klanbake," as pro-Klan and anti-Klan delegates wrangled bitterly over the party platform. The convention opened on a Monday and by Thursday night, after 61 ballots, the convention was deadlocked. The next day, July 4, some 20,000 Klan supporters wearing white hoods and robes held a picnic in New Jersey. One speaker denounced the "clownvention in Jew York." They threw baseballs at an effigy of Al Smith. A cross-burning culminated the event. "

Nope. Happened across the river in New Jersey. Check post 229 where I laid all this out. Check Wikipedia. Hell, even check the bogus blog that started this wacko thread. Twenty thousand Klan gathered in a field in New Jersey July 3 and 4. They were burning a cross and an effigy of Al Smith.

Again, Klanners were there to stop the rhetoric of Oscar Underwood (or as Fingerboy and Geaux spell it, "Forney Johnston" :cuckoo: ) and his very loud Klan denunciations, as well as Al Smith who not only was lobbying for the same thing but committed the vile crime of being Catholic. After those two sides kept deadlocking the vote until it required over a hundred ballots making it the longest political convention (still) in history, not counting the suspended and moved 1860 one, that convention finally settled on a dark horse, Ambassador John Davis ---- who promptly accepted the nomination and denounced the Klan.

The KKK then went on to endorse Coolidge, the only major candidate who did not publicly denounce the Klan, and the Klan took credit for Coolidge's win.

You could look it up. I mean, you could look it up honestly without scouring the internets to find an entry that's badly worded. As you did here.
Last edited:
Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Klan’s California chapter and responsible for recruitment in the western United States, is less keen to give Mr Trump the dubious benefit of his support.

“We want Hillary Clinton to win,” Mr Quigg told The Telegraph. “She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. [But] once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colours are going to show.

The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton

Like always, you crack me up ...

Your KKK Grand Dragon switched sides before the election....


The KKK, neo-Nazi's, alt-right, all backed Trump. They're all on the right with you.
Funny how stupid as a stick PC takes the word of a trolling KKK white supremacist - who has the following of about 12 people. Maybe she's Quigg's twin sister.

Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?
"I'm here because our Republican values are ... number one, standing up for local white identity. Our identity's under threat. Number two, the free market. And number three, killing Jews." ~ Sean Patrick Nielsen, White Nationalist.

Nobody ever heard of him......but:

Have the Republicans placed any KKKers on the Supreme Court?
The Democrats have.

Have the Republicans placed anyone who opposes free speech on the Supreme Court?
The Democrats have.

Did the Republicans block every anti-lynching bill to come to the Senate?
The Democrats did.

Is this the record of the Republicans?
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
He's heard of now since making such an outrageous comment.
Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?
David Duke praised Trump: “Thank you President Trump

Can you name any Democrats the KKK are thanking?

Sure can.

David Duke.

David Duke....the Democrat

State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)[edit]
Threshold > 50%

First Ballot, November 1, 1975

Louisiana State Senate, 1975
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Kenneth Osterberger 22,287 66
Democratic David Duke 11,079 33
N/A Others 1
Total 100
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans)[edit]
Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979

Louisiana State Senate, 10th District, 1979
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Joseph Tiemann 21,329 57
Democratic David Duke 9,897 26
N/A Others 6,459 17
Total 37,685 100
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana results)[edit]
Threshold = Plurality

1988 Democratic Presidential primary in Louisiana
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Jesse Jackson 221,522 35
Democratic Al Gore 174,971 28
Democratic Michael Dukakis 95,661 15
Democratic Dick Gephardt 67,029 11
Democratic Gary Hart 26,437 4
Democratic David Duke 23,391 4
Democratic Others 16,008 3
Total 625,019 100
Electoral history of David Duke - Wikipedia

Duke left the KKK long before he became a Republicans....

"In 1979, after his first, abortive run for president (as a Democrat) and a series of highly publicized violent Klan incidents, Duke quietly incorporated the nonprofit National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP) in an attempt to leave the baggage of the Klan behind."
David Duke - Wikipedia

1. 'Democrat' is by far the most accurate way to portray David Duke, in both his formative years, when he learned to be a racist, and in his political career....A DEMOCRAT.

2. The Democrats have always been associated with racism. The Democrat icon Franklin Roosevelt, in fact, made a KKKer his very first pick for the Supreme Court:

. "... [Hugo] Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."]

The Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

See what you've learned today?
You forgot to mention -- Democrats rejected David Duke at the polls every single time he ran as a Democrat. He didn't get elected into office until he ran as a Republican.

A simple oversight on your part, no doubt. :lol:

Spandex gurl will have no clue what this means --- they were all over Louisiana when I lived there ---


"The crook" was Edwin Edwards, a corrupt and scandal-ridden former governor and a man of whom it was said, "the only way Edwin Edwards could win again would be to run against Adolf Hitler".

---- et voilà, enter David Duke, who had beaten out another former governor and fellow Republican enroute to a runoff. That's why it was important .... better to have a crook than a Klan. Another version was "vote for the lizard, not the wizard".

Edwards cleaned Duke's cross in the election. That was 1991.
Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?
David Duke?

Duke is what ever will get him notice.

He's been a Democrat, a Republican, and Independent....

But, mostly an asshole
True, but he was rejected by Democrats when he ran as one and won his only election when elected by Republicans.

On the other hand, KKK Byrd was reelected time after time after time, to the US Senate, no less.
So? Quote Byrd promoting white nationalism after becoming a Senator....

Byrd abandoned the Klan and and all white supremacist groups behind him. Whereas Duke left the Klan only to form his own white nationalist group, the NAAWP.

– 1964: Attempts to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It wasn’t out of principled libertarian support for property rights. Cites a racist study claiming that black people’s brains are statistically smaller than white people’s.

– 1967: Votes against Thurgood Marshall’s Supreme Court nomination. Went to J. Edgar Hoover to see if Marshall had any Communist ties that could ruin his nomination.

– 1968: Tells the FBI that it’s time that Martin Luther King, Jr., “met his Waterloo.” FBI ignores him.

– 1991: Votes Against Clarence Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination. Becomes the only senator in the body to have voted against both black Supreme Court nominees.

– 2001: Refers to what he called “white *******” on national television. Try to imagine, say, Haley Barbour being given a pass after calling someone a “white ******.”
1. 'Democrat' is by far the most accurate way to portray David Duke, in both his formative years, when he learned to be a racist, and in his political career....A DEMOCRAT.

Republican is by far the accurate way to portray David Duke.

And of course you know that- since he endorsed your Dear Leader- Donald Trump

Since David Duke has been running for office as a Republican since 1989.

Electoral history of David Duke - Wikipedia

Most recently in 2016.

And of course there are David Duke's- the Republican- own words

"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

“We are determined to take our country back,” Duke said from the rally, calling it a “turning point.” “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”

Duke is no longer a member of the KKK- just a member of the white supremacist groups that the Conservatives adore.

In 1980, Duke left the Klan and formed the National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP), a white nationalist organization.[92]
David Duke?

Duke is what ever will get him notice.

He's been a Democrat, a Republican, and Independent....

But, mostly an asshole
True, but he was rejected by Democrats when he ran as one and won his only election when elected by Republicans.

On the other hand, KKK Byrd was reelected time after time after time, to the US Senate, no less.
So? Quote Byrd promoting white nationalism after becoming a Senator....

Byrd abandoned the Klan and and all white supremacist groups behind him. Whereas Duke left the Klan only to form his own white nationalist group, the NAAWP.

– 1964: Attempts to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It wasn’t out of principled libertarian support for property rights. Cites a racist study claiming that black people’s brains are statistically smaller than white people’s.

– 1967: Votes against Thurgood Marshall’s Supreme Court nomination. Went to J. Edgar Hoover to see if Marshall had any Communist ties that could ruin his nomination.

– 1968: Tells the FBI that it’s time that Martin Luther King, Jr., “met his Waterloo.” FBI ignores him.

– 1991: Votes Against Clarence Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination. Becomes the only senator in the body to have voted against both black Supreme Court nominees.

– 2001: Refers to what he called “white *******” on national television. Try to imagine, say, Haley Barbour being given a pass after calling someone a “white ******.”

Isn't it fascinating that there are bitter old white Conservatives who want to label dead Robert Byrd a racist and KKK member to the end of his day.

But the NAACP honored him- along with dozens of Republicans including Mitch McConnel?

Its almost like they all know more about Robert Byrd than the bitter old white dudes who pretty much think all blacks are racists.

NAACP Mourns the Passing of U.S. Senator Robert Byrd | Press Room

Of course the GOP showed how much they honored the 1964 Civil Rights Bill- when they nominated one of the only non-Southern Senators who voted against the bill- to be President.
David Duke?

Duke is what ever will get him notice.

He's been a Democrat, a Republican, and Independent....

But, mostly an asshole
True, but he was rejected by Democrats when he ran as one and won his only election when elected by Republicans.

On the other hand, KKK Byrd was reelected time after time after time, to the US Senate, no less.
So? Quote Byrd promoting white nationalism after becoming a Senator....

Byrd abandoned the Klan and and all white supremacist groups behind him. Whereas Duke left the Klan only to form his own white nationalist group, the NAAWP.

– 1964: Attempts to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It wasn’t out of principled libertarian support for property rights. Cites a racist study claiming that black people’s brains are statistically smaller than white people’s.

– 1967: Votes against Thurgood Marshall’s Supreme Court nomination. Went to J. Edgar Hoover to see if Marshall had any Communist ties that could ruin his nomination.

– 1968: Tells the FBI that it’s time that Martin Luther King, Jr., “met his Waterloo.” FBI ignores him.

– 1991: Votes Against Clarence Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination. Becomes the only senator in the body to have voted against both black Supreme Court nominees.

– 2001: Refers to what he called “white *******” on national television. Try to imagine, say, Haley Barbour being given a pass after calling someone a “white ******.”

So you can't provide a single quote of Robert Byrd promoting white nationalism after he became a Senator.

1. 'Democrat' is by far the most accurate way to portray David Duke, in both his formative years, when he learned to be a racist, and in his political career....A DEMOCRAT.

Republican is by far the accurate way to portray David Duke.

And of course you know that- since he endorsed your Dear Leader- Donald Trump

Since David Duke has been running for office as a Republican since 1989.

Electoral history of David Duke - Wikipedia

Most recently in 2016.

And of course there are David Duke's- the Republican- own words

"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

“We are determined to take our country back,” Duke said from the rally, calling it a “turning point.” “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”

Duke is no longer a member of the KKK- just a member of the white supremacist groups that the Conservatives adore.


In 1980, Duke left the Klan and formed the National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP), a white nationalist organization.[92]
Wayne Gacy, who killed 34 young boys, was a Democrat precinct captain:


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