Liberals cheer as drag shows can continue in Tennessee

You have the attention span of a brown bean.

Sorry, I don’t want a little fella to misunderstand. The left are not sane and they truly hate the existence of women. Their adoration of drag queens is evidence of this as a fact.
This has to be very welcome news to Kari Lake.
I knew it wouldn't take long for a liberal to show up and defend drag shows.
Nobody I know is defending drag shows. However, the right to have drag shows in a free America
and without harm to others is ok with me.
Boy I really miss the fifties now. The moral slide in this country is unbelievable. I never thought this would happen in the Christian country I grew up in.

---A federal judge has temporarily blocked city officials in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, from enforcing an ordinance designed to ban drag performances from taking place on public property.---

Liberals who go to drag shows?

Maybe a few thousand?

Conservatives obsessed with drag shows?

Millions and millions and millions and millions.

We need some dam mental health services for these people, and I don't mean the dudes camping it up in dresses.
Sorry, I don’t want a little fella to misunderstand. The left are not sane and they truly hate the existence of women. Their adoration of drag queens is evidence of this as a fact.
I doubt it is adoration that is afoot.
Oh, it most definitely is. Look at the left loose it when you simply ask them not to perform for little kids in schools.

Crazy shit is what’s afoot
How often do they have drag shows for kids in public schools?
Boy I really miss the fifties now. The moral slide in this country is unbelievable. I never thought this would happen in the Christian country I grew up in.

---A federal judge has temporarily blocked city officials in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, from enforcing an ordinance designed to ban drag performances from taking place on public property.---

Great news.
Liberals who go to drag shows?

Maybe a few thousand?

Conservatives obsessed with drag shows?

Millions and millions and millions and millions.

We need some dam mental health services for these people, and I don't mean the dudes camping it up in dresses.
Paedophiles and drag artists tend to have sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with prepubescent children.
Perpetuating stereotypes of women.

In a sane world the left would be protesting drag shows. Just shows the hatred the left has toward women.
What the fuck does that mean - "Perpetuating stereotypes of women"? Perpetuating the fact that women wear dresses and have boobs?

Ye Gad. The horror.

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