Liberals cracking down on "hate speech"

Hmmm. Alan Colmes. Liberal don't have a problem with hate speech laws. They are masters at compartmentalism. Anything a conservative says is hate speech in their view and impossible for themselves.
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Congressional Democrats Making Huge Mistake Targeting Hate Speech*|*Alan Colmes

Liberals will decide what you get to say. What opinions you can have.

Your article says radio, it covers everything according to the bill. Internet, television, radio, commercial mobile services, electronic media. So are they proposing they monitor phones too?

including the Internet, broadcast
20 television and radio, cable television, public access
21 television, commercial mobile services, and other
22 electronic media, to advocate and encourage violent
23 acts and the commission of crimes of hate, as de24
scribed in the Hate Crime Statistics Act (28 U.S.C.
25 534 note)

Good to see a lefty taking on the PC Police.

Another indication that they've jumped the shark.


We're going towards a Swedish or British fascist state. Opinions that someone don't like = illegal and can get you thrown in prison. People have been thrown in prison for speaking their mind.

Say something bad about the illegals? = Go to prison.
Say something bad to someone you don't like = go to prison!
Say something that is sexist = go to prision.

These fuckers are insane.
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The bill directs an agency to submit a report to congress on the role of media in hate crimes, hardly a crackdown.

Click through, you will eventually find the text. Seems like routine useless busywork so that a congressman can say they tried to do something about something.
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The term "hate speech" has a super broad meaning. It all depends on who's doing the interpreting. Some folks see simple prayer as hate speech. The implications of this sort of Draconian oppression is so far reaching that just about anything any one of us say could be considered "hate speech" by someone who simply disagrees with it. But leave it to the liberal left to give birth to such a tyrannical idea.

Good to see a lefty taking on the PC Police.

Another indication that they've jumped the shark.


We're going towards a Swedish or Britisih fascist state. Opinions that someone don't like = illegal and can get you thrown in prison.

Say something bad about the illegals? = Go to prison.
Say something bad to someone you don't like = go to prison!
Say something that is sexist = go to prision.

These fuckers are insane.
I came from a message board where saying "liberal losers" got me banned for a week. Putting a gag on speech is not limited to liberals.
It figures that these pseudo-liberal leftists cite a recent white supremacist crime and white supremacists in general even though the pseudo-liberals created the Trayvon Martin incident and inspired several black-on-white crimes in response to that.
Hypocrites. As usual.
The term "hate speech" has a super broad meaning. It all depends on who's doing the interpreting. Some folks see simple prayer as hate speech. The implications of this sort of Draconian oppression is so far reaching that just about anything any one of us say could be considered "hate speech" by someone who simply disagrees with it. But leave it to the liberal left to give birth to such a tyrannical idea.

Read the bill.

Seems pretty toothless to me.
They just want more bureaucrats in government, it would cost allot of money to pay folks to monitor the nation.
They just want more bureaucrats in government, it would cost allot of money to pay folks to monitor the nation.

There was a country that, in the late 30's and early 40's, required its citizens to say certain things glorifying the country's leader to each other when they met in the street. And they damn well did it, because they didn't know if that person would rat on them, and they didn't know if law enforcement was nearby. The greeting included a hand gesture and being close wasn't necessary.

It becomes a culture, and it doesn't need as much monitoring as you might imagine.

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