Liberals Create Problems Simply To Make Their Beliefs Real


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Liberals think we should repeal the 2nd Amendment. So what do they do? They do everything in their power to cause more gun killings. They relax our laws. They give guns to drug cartels in Mexico. They turn loose crazy people and make sure that they can get guns so they can shoot up a school.

They want to ban guns, so they start a campaign of gun violence in the media. Every problem that liberals are concerned with they intentionally make worse so they can make laws that they think will ban it. They never solve any problem. They just make it worse.

Liberals need the black vote, the Gay vote, the female vote, the Hispanic vote. Name one instance in our history, that shows Democrats have improved any of these groups lot in life. All they ever do is worsen the problem.

Immigration is now a major problem. People are pouring over our porous borders by the thousands. Now New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio wants to give these interlopers the right to vote in local elections. Soon Democrats will be introducing bills at the national level demanding that these criminal invaders have the right to vote in general elections. Instead of passing amnesty when they had the votes and the power in 2009, this is the mess they've left us with. A political football that divides us.

Racism was practically a non-issue in 2008, until we elected a Black president for the first time. Now punks are beating the crap out of housewives for shusshing them in a movie theater. Teenage blacks are organizing flash-mob shoplifting all over the country. Blacks are cold-cocking people on our streets just for fun. Blacks are attacking whites on subways just because they feel like it. Thugs are getting into knockdown drag-out fights with cops, and getting killed in the process, and the cops are supposedly the perpetrators. Public officials are condemning those in uniform tasked with protecting us. Our police are under assault from the left and their media cohorts. Is this an improvement?



This picture is totally backwards. Liberals want tax-dollars to be spent on killing people (abortion). All Conservatives want is to be able to keep more of their own money. When was the last time liberals gave a shit about the military? When Bush was president? Since Obama became president, liberals could care less if over 2000 of them have died in Afghanistan under his watch. The only reason it hasn't been more is he keeps running away from conflicts. Now, more are dying waiting for treatment in our VA system than on the battlefield.


Obama freed 5 terrorists for one traitor......


Some of them have already gone back to terrorism....even though we were promised they wouldn't. So all of the blood and treasure that was spent capturing them is going to waste....intentionally.

But Obama got his photo-op.....

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Black Judge Hands Armed Robbers a Light Sentence – Calls THREE YEAR OLD White Victim a ‘Racist’
By Top Right News on April 13, 2015 in Crime, Race, Video, Viral

by Brooke Bosca | Top Right News


A Black judge in Kentucky handed two home invaders who committed armed robbery a light sentence because he thought a White family’s three-year-old daughter was a “racist.”

In her victim statement the little toddler said she is now afraid of Black people after they broke into her home and threatened her with a gun.

As Warner Huston reported:

In an outrageous statement from the bench, Louisville Judge Olu Stevens attacked the tiny white toddler and her parents for their “racism” calling the little girl’s statement “disturbing” while at the same time excusing the actions of the criminals who traumatized her.

That’s right, this judge was more upset at a little girl for being scared by armed robbers than he was at the armed robbers.

Black Judge Hands Armed Robbers a Light Sentence Calls THREE YEAR OLD White Victim a Racist Top Right News
BREAKING: Federal Judge Halts Obama’s Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
By Top Right News on February 17, 2015 in amnesty, Immigration, Obama, Politics

by Brian Hayes | Top Right News

In a huge victory for the more than half of America’s states suing to stop Barack Obama’s amnesty for 5 million illegal aliens, a federal judge has halted Obama’s order from being implemented, ruling he overstepped his powers in trying to grant them legal status.

The order, signed by U.S.District Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, also allows the lawsuit filed last month by 26 states to proceed on its merits, according to Fox News.

In his 50-page opinion, Hanen wrote that “it has been recognized that the resources of the states are drained by the presence of illegal immigrants,” and that “these damages unquestionably continue to grow.”

He also stated that the Obama executive action “genie would be impossible to put back into the bottle” once released.

It’s a decision that throws the White House’s plans into complete disarray just one day before applications were to be accepted.

Judge Hanen’s ruled:

“The court finds, when taking into consideration the interests of all concerned, the equities strongly favor the issuance of an injunction to preserve the status quo,” Judge Hanen wrote. “It is preferable to have the legality of these actions determined before the fates of over four million individuals are decided. An injunction is the only way to accomplish that goal.

Mounting anger over Obama’s November 20, 2014 announcement of the action originally prompted 17 states to file a lawsuit in U.S. District Court against the White House. Soon, over half of states joined the lawsuit in the critical move to prevent the president’s directive from occurring.

BREAKING Federal Judge Halts Obama s Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Top Right News

Breaking Video: Author of de Blasio’s NYC Municipal ID Card Legislation Admits ID’s May Be Used To Allow Non-Citizens To Vote, No Security or Anti-Terror Protections

New York, N.Y. – 02/17/2014 – On Sunday morning, New York City Council Member Daniel Dromm (D-Jackson Heights), author of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s New York City’s municipal identification card legislation, appeared on the ABC show Up Close with Diana Williams to debate Senator Greg Ball (R, C, I – Patterson) on a proposal, mentioned in Mayor Bill de Blasio’s State of the City, that would provide ID cards to illegal aliens.

During the interview, when Council Member Dromm was asked if the ID cards would be used for voting, he admitted the ID cards could be used to allow non-citizens to vote.

“It is a possibility that it may be a way we can have people for the first time when they come in to vote, if they are non-residents, non-citizens,” said Council Member Dromm.

Senator Greg Ball, Chairman of the New York State Senate Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs Committee, who dubbed the proposal the ‘de Blasio Terrorist Empowerment Act’ believes the ID cards will simply provide a mask to those seeking to harm the United States. After Sunday’s debate, Senator Ball said New York City’s vote-getting scheme is absolutely shameful.

“Should we be upset that New York City liberals plan to use the municipal ID cards to permit illegal aliens to vote? Yes, extremely. Should we be surprised? No. It is absolutely shameful that a decade plus after 9-11, New York’s extremist Mayor is laying out a hair brained scheme that is simply a way to garner more votes, while enabling terrorists and criminals to harm New York City and the United States. The proposal can simply be named a homeland security nightmare,” said Senator Greg Ball.

“We do not have the luxury of getting it wrong when it comes to our national security. This Mayor’s plan will create breeder documents to be used not just by illegal alien workers, but by criminals and terrorists looking to open bank accounts, board planes and trains, execute lease agreements and ultimately harm New Yorkers. In 2011, 7,500 plus illegal aliens who came illegally across our Southern Border hailed from places like Iraq, Syria, Iran and Sudan, including state sponsors of terrorism. This Mayor is telling illegal aliens, criminals and terrorists alike, ‘Break the law and get to New York as fast as you can. When you do, we will issue you an identity; any identity. Your word is good enough for us.’ Among the September 11th terrorists, 19 of them had more than 60 driver’s licenses and over 300 aliases and identifications. They went to other states with lax identification laws and that’s why the U.S. Congress enacted the Real ID Act, to save lives. Now this crazed Mayor wants to forget all that and empower the terrorist thugs looking to kill New Yorkers. New York’s security is America’s security. While this new Mayor is now free to focus on carriage horses and beyond, he should look back in recent memory when more responsible Mayors took terrorism and security more seriously. This Mayor’s proposal is a homeland security nightmare, and must be stopped,” said Senator Greg Ball.

Now that your latest meltdown has paused,

name enough liberals who want to repeal the 2nd amendment that justify your broadbrush generalization about them.
Wow, so you have become a looney like Polichic and Crusader Frank...and I thought you a pretty mentally healthy fellow...oh well, another unhealthy mind to deal with....
Have you ever noticed how fucked up people such as yourself, live this strange fantasy life?

It's like you know that Bush was the most fucked up President we have ever had, so your kind started to fantasize about what would make a Democrat President SEEM worse than a Bush. He would have to hold office illegally, he would have to be a racist, he would have to be a commie and a Muslim and hate America, love illegals and want to give everyone food stamps and welfare. And take away all the guns. And whatever other weird shit you all come up with.

And the above articles is the type of bullshit you all use to make your selves feel better about your Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Weird mother fuckers.
Now that your latest meltdown has paused,

name enough liberals who want to repeal the 2nd amendment that justify your broadbrush generalization about them.
I'm not about to give up my weapons, not as long as we have cops and murderers around...
Now that your latest meltdown has paused,

name enough liberals who want to repeal the 2nd amendment that justify your broadbrush generalization about them.
There are practically none but the NRA would lose a lot of power if they admitted it.
Now that your latest meltdown has paused,

name enough liberals who want to repeal the 2nd amendment that justify your broadbrush generalization about them.
There are practically none but the NRA would lose a lot of power if they admitted it.

There are few who will admit it knowing it's political suicide to do so,just look at Colorado.
And they sure as hell support the back door legislation to curtail the 2nd.
If we didnt have the NRA we'd be in Australia's shoes right now.
They did the same type of thing in 2008, when the Bush administration warned 17 times about the housing bubble. However, being that was a critical election year, the democrat controlled house and senate allowed the bubble to burst so they can tie it ALL on the Boooooosh administration.

It of course worked on the morons on the left.

Yes, Mud has presented nothing but facts. The morons on the left will not care. They are not worth a bag of human shit.
Now that your latest meltdown has paused,

name enough liberals who want to repeal the 2nd amendment that justify your broadbrush generalization about them.
There are practically none but the NRA would lose a lot of power if they admitted it.

There are few who will admit it knowing it's political suicide to do so,just look at Colorado.
And they sure as hell support the back door legislation to curtail the 2nd.
If we didnt have the NRA we'd be in Australia's shoes right now.
Fantasy, the Supreme court handed you guys the final word on gun control several years ago and to the NRA it was like it never happened, they went right on with the liberal gun-grabber narrative even though the actual liberal gun-grabbers pretty much gave up, conservatives are such sore winners.
Well Geke...why dont you go down that list and point out the fallacies for us?
Should be easy for a genius such as yourself,right?

Dude. lets just make it easy on you. Start at the top, go to the bottom and you will have covered it all. It's all bullshit.
Now that your latest meltdown has paused,

name enough liberals who want to repeal the 2nd amendment that justify your broadbrush generalization about them.
There are practically none but the NRA would lose a lot of power if they admitted it.

There are few who will admit it knowing it's political suicide to do so,just look at Colorado.
And they sure as hell support the back door legislation to curtail the 2nd.
If we didnt have the NRA we'd be in Australia's shoes right now.

So your defense of the claim that most liberals want to repeal the 2nd amendment amounts to nothing more than your claim that liberals want to repeal the 2nd amendment?

lol, good one.
They did the same type of thing in 2008, when the Bush administration warned 17 times about the housing bubble. However, being that was a critical election year, the democrat controlled house and senate allowed the bubble to burst so they can tie it ALL on the Boooooosh administration.

Ah another of the fantasies of the right wingers trotted out.

Hey, this is a good lie. If you just repeat it often enough you may get two or three more whacked out right wingers to go; oh yea oh yea. You all are consistent I will give you that. Consistently wrong. But wtf is wrong with you all?
Obama Derangement Syndrome is the answer to that question.
They did the same type of thing in 2008, when the Bush administration warned 17 times about the housing bubble. However, being that was a critical election year, the democrat controlled house and senate allowed the bubble to burst so they can tie it ALL on the Boooooosh administration.

It of course worked on the morons on the left.

Yes, Mud has presented nothing but facts. The morons on the left will not care. They are not worth a bag of human shit.
2008 was much too late to do a goddamned thing about the bubble, the tipping point came around 2004 when republicans refused to deal with worrying trends in the real estate market and the banks took it as a signal that they were free to rig things as they pleased.
They did the same type of thing in 2008, when the Bush administration warned 17 times about the housing bubble. However, being that was a critical election year, the democrat controlled house and senate allowed the bubble to burst so they can tie it ALL on the Boooooosh administration.

It of course worked on the morons on the left.

Yes, Mud has presented nothing but facts. The morons on the left will not care. They are not worth a bag of human shit.

Nothing but facts?

He starts with this:

"Liberals think we should repeal the 2nd Amendment."

That is not a fact. Please apologize for lying.

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