Liberals Fail at Chick-Fill-A Check Out the Pics I Took

I have a video I took with my phone and I'm contemplating posting it here! :eusa_think:

Did you ask people if they were there solely for the fact that the owner made anti-gay statements? If not troll fail.

You fucking cock smoker - Cathy didn't make anti-gay statements - he said he supported "traditional marriage."

How the fuck is that anti-gay?

Oh yeah because you're a progressive retard with a serious reading comprehension problem with an intellect flaw that leaves you brainwashed ...

Now shut the fuck up and let reality play out...
I have a video I took with my phone and I'm contemplating posting it here! :eusa_think:

Did you ask people if they were there solely for the fact that the owner made anti-gay statements? If not troll fail.

You fucking cock smoker - Cathy didn't make anti-gay statements - he said he supported "traditional marriage."

How the fuck is that anti-gay?

Oh yeah because you're a progressive retard with a serious reading comprehension problem with an intellect flaw that leaves you brainwashed ...

Now shut the fuck up and let reality play out...

Shut up you stupid bitch. You live in bright blue, home of Obama Chicago, why did you take it down from your information? Hate looking like a hypocrite? :lmao:
[ame=]MSNBC Host: If You Support Chick-Fil-A, "You're A Chicken-Eating Judas" - YouTube[/ame]
I have a video I took with my phone and I'm contemplating posting it here! :eusa_think:

Did you ask people if they were there solely for the fact that the owner made anti-gay statements? If not troll fail.

Hey mental midget. I didn't give a fuck if they were there to protest or not. I was taking pictures of the CUSTOMERS!!! Protesters that were customers are not that great of protesters, no?

Word to Bonehead and Black "I Label Everyone," the anti-chick-fill-A protesters were EASY to SPOT! They had signs, yell facist homophobes at everyone and weren't waiting in line to put in a order!!!

So Bonehead and Label take your self-rigtheousness and stick it up your ass!
No I didn't go in, the line to just ORDER was 2 hours long. I guarantee they run out of food!

Guess they better figure out how to better serve their customers. I would never wait two hours for fast food. There is a small chain in Chicago called Portillo's. They've been around for a long time. At lunchtime many of their restaurants see lines of 100 plus people or more on the inside and up to 30 or more cars in line at the drive through. No matter which line you are in, you'll have your food within ten to fifteen minutes, and they make your food to order, it's not sitting around under a warmer.

Very familiar with Portillos. Literally portillos is walking distance from this Chick-Fill-A. They have traffic police at every lunch time and YES they have the most efficient drive through I have ever seen. Portillos is always busy (for good reasont he food is awesome), but nothing like this!
I have a video I took with my phone and I'm contemplating posting it here! :eusa_think:

Did you ask people if they were there solely for the fact that the owner made anti-gay statements? If not troll fail.

Hey mental midget. I didn't give a fuck if they were there to protest or not. I was taking pictures of the CUSTOMERS!!! Protesters that were customers are not that great of protesters, no?

Word to Bonehead and Black "I Label Everyone," the anti-chick-fill-A protesters were EASY to SPOT! They had signs, yell facist homophobes at everyone and weren't waiting in line to put in a order!!!

So Bonehead and Label take your self-rigtheousness and stick it up your ass!

So you have absoutly no proof they were there for the sole reason to support anti-gay sentiment. Typical of you right wing hacks to spread lies.

It's lunchtime at a fast food place. Virtually all of them are packed to the gills every day. Hell you should know most portillo's restaurants have 2 to 4 separate lines with numerous people that come outside to take your order because the place becomes such a clusterfuck at lunch time.
and none of those people are liberals right?

stop making an idiot of youself

Could very well be some liberals there. Some simply because it's lunch time and like to eat there. But some might be there because they realize the whole issue is a non-issue, just more made up bullshit from some of the overzealous on their side of the political aisle.

Regardless of why folks are there it's one hell of a turnout. And that's just one store.
Did you ask people if they were there solely for the fact that the owner made anti-gay statements? If not troll fail.

Hey mental midget. I didn't give a fuck if they were there to protest or not. I was taking pictures of the CUSTOMERS!!! Protesters that were customers are not that great of protesters, no?

Word to Bonehead and Black "I Label Everyone," the anti-chick-fill-A protesters were EASY to SPOT! They had signs, yell facist homophobes at everyone and weren't waiting in line to put in a order!!!

So Bonehead and Label take your self-rigtheousness and stick it up your ass!

So you have absoutly no proof they were there for the sole reason to support anti-gay sentiment. Typical of you right wing hacks to spread lies.

It's lunchtime at a fast food place. Virtually all of them are packed to the gills every day. Hell you should know most portillo's restaurants have 2 to 4 separate lines with numerous people that come outside to take your order because the place becomes such a clusterfuck at lunch time.

We're still waiting on your link to where anti-gay satetments were made.
Did you ask people if they were there solely for the fact that the owner made anti-gay statements? If not troll fail.

Hey mental midget. I didn't give a fuck if they were there to protest or not. I was taking pictures of the CUSTOMERS!!! Protesters that were customers are not that great of protesters, no?

Word to Bonehead and Black "I Label Everyone," the anti-chick-fill-A protesters were EASY to SPOT! They had signs, yell facist homophobes at everyone and weren't waiting in line to put in a order!!!

So Bonehead and Label take your self-rigtheousness and stick it up your ass!

So you have absoutly no proof they were there for the sole reason to support anti-gay sentiment. Typical of you right wing hacks to spread lies.

It's lunchtime at a fast food place. Virtually all of them are packed to the gills every day. Hell you should know most portillo's restaurants have 2 to 4 separate lines with numerous people that come outside to take your order because the place becomes such a clusterfuck at lunch time.

Hey smokey. Would you wait 2 hours in line to order fast food anywhere? Didn't thingk so. If you were waiting in line, then you were SUPPORTING THE CAUSE!!!

And I don't give a fuck what they were there for. Green is green. A customer is a customer! I know your a worthless socialist, but you should be able to understand at least that much!
There are some companies that support everything liberal, but I don't recall the right ever trying to put them out of business.

Planned Parenthood.

I knew that would come up, but, boy, was that quick. I don't seek to put planned parenthood out of business, I just don't want to fund them to stay in business. They get millions in tax payer money each year and they make millions. They are not a business really, more of a government program, run by people in the private sector and funded with public money. They are clearly a liberal organization and, yes, some religious people don't like them. It hasn't hurt them yet and there is not an effort on the part of politicians to shut them down, merely to defund them. If they can turn a profit, they shouldn't take tax payer money, especially when they use it to support liberal candidates.

Chick-fil-A and other similar businesses create wealth, provide jobs and pay taxes. They aren't subsidized by government. For the left to seek to put them out of business is anti-American. If Chick-fil-A donates to political campaigns with the profits they earned, it's their business. You don't have to contribute by eating there. With organizations, like ACORN or PP, people are forced to contribute by way of government taking more taxes from us. Huge difference and you cannot compare the two.

If we are paying for a business to exist, then they shouldn't lean one way or the other politically because the people shouldn't be forced to support something that goes against their religious beliefs.

As far as those who try to shut something down because it goes against their beliefs and I'm talking to the left and right here, they are out of line. It's especially wrong when politicians get involved.
So you have absoutly no proof they were there for the sole reason to support anti-gay sentiment. Typical of you right wing hacks to spread lies.

IF it's a lie, then you have proof they were NOT there to support the owners comments? Please, produce the proof... you lying sack of waffle fries.

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