Liberals Keep Accusing GOP Of Being Racists.So Why Wont They Name Them? Howard Dean?

Off the top of my head,

Rick Sanatorium
Rush Limbaugh
Mike Huckabee

Do you really want to get into this, because you're going to get bitch slapped in this argument.

How do you know they're racists?

Racism is the notion that one race is superior to other races. Those people feel that way. As do:

Michelle Bachmann
Newt Gingrich
Charles Buchanan
Ron Paul
Rand Paul

You got us, we're a bunch of racists. We'd be fine with socialism ... except ... we hate blacks. Well done, swallow, nicely played. And keep swallowing.

We have all been hearing Libs and some "Rats" claim that The GOP/Tea Party/Conservatives hate Blacks,Latinos,Women,Muslims, ect. It's been going on even more intense since the 2008 election.
Ok, Fine, so why haven't they named anyone on the right who hates any of the minorities?
Why hasn't anyone (press/cable news) asked any of them to name at least one Republican who has gone on the record stating that He/She hates Blacks and Latino's?
At least finally Sean Hannity has been asking (if not at least once) his liberal radio show guests to name someone on the right who is a racist. The Caller Refused To Answer.
This would make for a great tactic for the right. A great commercial. Show footage of Democrats declaring the GOP racists, and end it with a statement disclosing that they never had any evidence.
Let's hope conservative hosts start doing this! Ask all of their liberal guests to start NAMING NAMES! if not, call them a Liar Live On Air !!!

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Liberals Keep Accusing GOP Of Being Racists.So Why Wont They Name Them?


Liberals have accurately observed the fact that racists, for the most part, are much more likely to vote for republican candidates, generally feel more comfortable in the GOP, and that republican leaders should recognize this as a red flag that’s there’s a problem with their message.

This does not mean republicans are ‘racist,’ nor does it mean that republicans advocate racist policies; it means that rhetoric from many on the right, such as ‘free stuff,’ is being understandably construed as racist, and this will clearly be a detriment to a Party seeking greater inclusiveness.
Liberals Keep Accusing GOP Of Being Racists.So Why Wont They Name Them?


Liberals have accurately observed the fact that racists, for the most part, are much more likely to vote for republican candidates, generally feel more comfortable in the GOP, and that republican leaders should recognize this as a red flag that’s there’s a problem with their message.

Conservatives have accurately observed the fact that communists, for the most part, are much more likely to vote for Democratic candidates, generally feel more comfortable in the Democratic Party,

So, should Democratic leaders recognize this as a problem with their message? Or is that "different?"
God, and to think of all of the liberals who have insulted every race they can think of. And who was it that told a group of blacks to "Put On Your Bedroom Slippers"???
Gingrich Says Poor Children Have No Work Habits - ABC News

After the shambles Republican policies left the country more and more people know what it means to be poor. It's why Republicans lost the last election. They can't turn Americans against the "other side" when it's Republicans who forced them to the "other side".

Don't believe the Democrats. Believe other Republicans. The party is 90% white for a reason.

Pulaski, Tennessee - The Ku Klux Klan officially disbanded today claiming that the Republican Party has co-opted all of their ideas concerning race, immigration and religion and that there was no longer any need for their existence.

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