Liberals Keep Accusing GOP Of Being Racists.So Why Wont They Name Them? Howard Dean?

Gutless repubs should fight back by calling dems racist for supporting affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.
Ok, Fine, so why haven't they named anyone on the right who hates any of the minorities? Why hasn't anyone (press/cable news) asked any of them to name at least one Republican who has gone on the record stating that He/She hates Blacks and Latino's? At least finally Sean Hannity has been asking (if not at least once) his liberal radio show guests to name someone on the right who is a racist. The Caller Refused To Answer.

Liberalism has neither logic nor empirical data to back up their idiotic ideology. So ad hominem attacks are all they have. Sadly they work.

You realize that statement is itself an ad hominem attack.

Nice fail, dude.

That's freaking hilarious. I criticized LIBERALISM. My God man, buy a dictionary. Or here's a tip, if you don't know what words mean, try Googling them. I will note two things:

1) That time it was ad hominem, I criticized YOU. But criticizing "liberalism" is by definition NOT ad hominem. Though it wasn't much of a personal attack. But I did say said you use words without knowing what they mean. Not exactly a big zinger, but it was about you.

2) Even if criticizing "liberalism" were ad hominem, what is the point of your observation in the context of my point? I don't see one.
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Democrats are racist against whites and our culture. They're hateful...

They think they have a right to destroy what we built.

haven't blacks, Hispanics and single&stupid women figured out that Democrats use them as pawns? Havent they figured out that Democrats assume that all Blacks , Hispanics and "Dumb-Informed Single Women" are all so god damn stupid?,,yet they keep voting for them.
I named some without even researching it. Where's my prize? Or we going to keep up this blind conservative circle jerk?

You get the prize of ignorant liberal nutcase, congrats on that. You didn't prove a thing. Now on the other side I can give quotes of racism.

Like Obama saying that the white cop "acted stupidly" for doing his job.

Like Obama saying saying "White man's greed"

I could go on but you are boring.
how about the racist who claimed that everyone one the right hates blacks? the one who performed the sermon during Obama's Easter Church visit? Maybe he can name some.

What exactly is "racist" about that.

You have the right to hate anyone you want.

You do not have the right to act on it.
Off the top of my head,

Rick Sanatorium
Rush Limbaugh
Mike Huckabee

Do you really want to get into this, because you're going to get bitch slapped in this argument.

How do you know they're racists?

Racism is the notion that one race is superior to other races. Those people feel that way. As do:

Michelle Bachmann
Newt Gingrich
Charles Buchanan
Ron Paul
Rand Paul
remember that cheech and chong skit where chong said something like,,,,oh god, a black dude, they always do it, had to put a G.D. Colored Dude in the scene (referring to an X-rated scene), so why aren't cheech and chong being declared racists?
oh also, remember when Mick Jagger said "Black Girls Just Wanna Get F#$!!ed" all night in one of his classic hits from the late 70's?,,,,hello NBC? is Mick Jagger a racist?
Off the top of my head,

Rick Sanatorium
Rush Limbaugh
Mike Huckabee

Do you really want to get into this, because you're going to get bitch slapped in this argument.

How do you know they're racists?

Racism is the notion that one race is superior to other races. Those people feel that way. As do:

Michelle Bachmann
Newt Gingrich
Charles Buchanan
Ron Paul
Rand Paul

"Racism is the notion that one race is superior to other races. Those people feel that way."

As do:

Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Tavis Smiley
Leo Terrell
Martin Bashir
Sheila Jackson Lee
Chris Matthews
Louis Farrakhan
Melissa Harris-Perry
Maxine Waters
Charlie Rangel

"Do you really want to get into this, because you're going to get bitch slapped in this argument".
Off the top of my head,

Rick Sanatorium
Rush Limbaugh
Mike Huckabee

Do you really want to get into this, because you're going to get bitch slapped in this argument.

How do you know they're racists?

Racism is the notion that one race is superior to other races. Those people feel that way. As do:

Michelle Bachmann
Newt Gingrich
Charles Buchanan
Ron Paul
Rand Paul


and who is Charles Buchanan?
I think I have Joe Biden figured out regarding his "Back In Chains" comment, wasn't he an infant around the latter years of slavery? maybe he just still thinks we have slavery here in the united states.

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