Liberals Not Wasting Time On Confirmation of USSC Kennedy Retiring Rumor To Engage In Fear-Mongering


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Liberals Freak Out About The Possibility Of Justice Kennedy Retiring Today

"If Kennedy leaves, women, POC, and LGBT people will have their lives ruined."
— J. Michael Kell (@jmichaelkell)
June 22, 2017

"That would be an act of war. I’m serious. I am not a lesser human b’cuz I’m female. Gorsuch is a stolen nom. whose ruling’s are void to me.
— Moola (@MooPersists)
June 23, 2017"

"Idea of “how things are done” has been thrown out the window. They’ll go after everything. We’ll be back in the dark ages before u know it."
— therapeuticretweets (@thehappylizard)
June 22, 2017"


The snowflakes are frothing at the mouth, 'preaching' their 'End of Days' prophecies to their radicalized snowflakes, spreading the fear-mongering thicker than bull crap in a rose garden. :p

The funniest thing is their reaction to REALITY BEGINNING TO SINK IN:

"And the horror STILL doesn’t end there. Two very old liberals on the court could croak. We could have a 6-3 or 7-2 right wing SCOTUS soon.
— Steph Bello (@steph_bello)
June 24, 2017"

Yes, lil' snowflake - as Obama declared, "ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!"


What's funny is this rumor got started over an 80th birthday party planned for him. Wish it were true, but doubt it right now.
They should be very frightened. If Trump gets 2-3 Justices on the Supreme Court, it's Game Over for the Left/Democrats for the foreseeable future. We all know the Courts are running this country now. So, GO TRUMP! :)
What's funny is this rumor got started over an 80th birthday party planned for him. Wish it were true, but doubt it right now.
Actually it was a reunion of his old clerks and it was moved up from next year to this year,his birthday isn't until next month.
Yo, I see maybe two more Conservative Constitutionalist appointed to the SCOTUS, and this Country will look bright again, and run smooth by the Constitution!!! Just look at how they vote now? The Commies vote against the Constitution everytime, 5-4, yes, we know who you Commies are on the SCOTUS!!! Replace Kennedy, and when Ginsberg kicks-the-bucket this year, we will be set, we can all exhale, relax, and enjoy the rest of our life, LOVE IT!!!!!

Hopefully he'll get one more. 6-3 would would derail the Communists/Democrats for a long time.

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