Liberals, Unable To Defeat Trump, Calling For More Seditious Coups

Easy lol LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP More shoes to drop ,, trump is batshit crazy

I second that motion. LOL!


lol. Your dog is a better visionary....

She was a great dog. She could sniff out the truth no matter where I threw her pull toy. Except when we washed it. Was that wrong?

No. I had one that was blind and deaf. Her name was Susie. My brother called her Helen.

Aww, that's' cool. She was deaf a birth with bad eyes and eventually went blind, but she had a Seeing Eye Cat.

I just lost my golden named Cricket to lymphoma a couple weeks ago, i had to put her down. Sad, sad day.
What does a transition team lead contacting Russia to discuss how to work together to fight ISIS have to do with (false claims of) 'collusion' regarding the 'hacking of the DNC e-mails / server and/or collusion regarding interfering with US elections?


"ABC said later in an updated report that Flynn will say Trump asked him to make contact with Russia "initially as a way to work together to fight ISIS in Syria."
-- Stocks fall on report that Michael Flynn was directed by Trump to talk to Russians "


You should take you theory to Mueller, I'm sure he will take your stellar advice seriously.
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has done everything possible to get himself ousted as President. Had President Obama done half of what this clown has done, you would have been screaming for impeachment, conviction, and imprisonment. There are plenty of conservatives that wish to see this asshole gone from office. He is a detriment to the nation. It is only the 'Conservatives' that still support him. And they are a definite minority, one that is getting smaller.

What the FUCK did Trump do that could possibly compare to Obama's race-baiting, his open borders, his friendship with Al Sharpton, his treasonous Bowe Bergdahl deal, supporting the violent hate group BLM, etc. No, the real problem with you liberal monsters is that you have a deep-seated, obsessional, violent hatred of anything white male and/or American. Which made you people so reprehensible to sane Americans, you LOST 1000 elected seats nationwide.

And don't give me that Russia! Russia! Russia! zero-evidence bullshit that came directly out of the DNC's large intestine. Russia didn't make me vote for Trump; horrible human beings like YOU did that.
I second that motion. LOL!


lol. Your dog is a better visionary....

She was a great dog. She could sniff out the truth no matter where I threw her pull toy. Except when we washed it. Was that wrong?

No. I had one that was blind and deaf. Her name was Susie. My brother called her Helen.

Aww, that's' cool. She was deaf a birth with bad eyes and eventually went blind, but she had a Seeing Eye Cat.

I just lost my golden named Cricket to lymphoma a couple weeks ago, i had to put her down. Sad, sad day.

I'm very sorry to hear that. It is a h very hard thing to do.
Susie was strangely remarkable. She had only been to our family's business once.
After that, she would walk with me down the lane to catch the school bus, then would walk down the road to town and would be sitting on the porch at the business when my mom got there to open up.
I got married and had kids, and moved. We had only been in our new house for a week, she walked with the kids down our drive to wait for the bus, turned right and walked down the road, and we lost her.
A month later, I heard my husband say the familiar, "Watch out Susie", because she always laid on the top step of the porch. Then, "SUSIE!" I couldn't believe she found her way back. She was my dog as a kid and my kid's first dog. She lived to 22 years old.
Susie was strangely remarkable. She had only been to our family's business once.
After that, she would walk with me down the lane to catch the school bus, then would walk down the road to town and would be sitting on the porch at the business when my mom got there to open up.
I got married and had kids, and moved. We had only been in our new house for a week, she walked with the kids down our drive to wait for the bus, turned right and walked down the road, and we lost her.
A month later, I heard my husband say the familiar, "Watch out Susie", because she always laid on the top step of the porch. Then, "SUSIE!" I couldn't believe she found her way back. She was my dog as a kid and my kid's first dog. She lived to 22 years old.
Great story
Seriously, please don't try to attempt to justify 'SEDITION'. There is no justification for it.
Every new tweet provides more justification. The Trumpistas realize this or there wouldn't be this daily scramble to identify "sedition".
lol. Your dog is a better visionary....

She was a great dog. She could sniff out the truth no matter where I threw her pull toy. Except when we washed it. Was that wrong?

No. I had one that was blind and deaf. Her name was Susie. My brother called her Helen.

Aww, that's' cool. She was deaf a birth with bad eyes and eventually went blind, but she had a Seeing Eye Cat.

I just lost my golden named Cricket to lymphoma a couple weeks ago, i had to put her down. Sad, sad day.

I'm very sorry to hear that. It is a h very hard thing to do.

Thanks and yeah, hard, but the right thing to do.
She was a great dog. She could sniff out the truth no matter where I threw her pull toy. Except when we washed it. Was that wrong?

No. I had one that was blind and deaf. Her name was Susie. My brother called her Helen.

Aww, that's' cool. She was deaf a birth with bad eyes and eventually went blind, but she had a Seeing Eye Cat.

I just lost my golden named Cricket to lymphoma a couple weeks ago, i had to put her down. Sad, sad day.

I'm very sorry to hear that. It is a h very hard thing to do.

Thanks and yeah, hard, but the right thing to do.

I understand, we had to put Booboo down too.
Liberals jonesing for civil war?

Not unexpected as they flail in agony over their studding loss.

Notice, though, that they're turning on each other as they lash out blindly?
MSNBC 'MORNING JOE' Ups Ante: Calls for Cabinet-Led Coup

Yeah, THAT MSNBC, the one that used a white supremacist web site as 'legitimate news' to attack the President. they are now openly calling for a Coup.

"The hosts of Morning Joe are using their show to rally members of Trump's cabinet remove the president from office."

Liberals have done EVERYTHING they can to attempt to oust Donald Trump. This is not the 1st time they have openly called for 'Coups'.

Lib Comedian Chelsea Handler Calls on Generals to Launch Military Coup Against Trump

"This cabinet-led coup could happen via the 25th Amendment, host Joe Scarborough said Friday. That amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1967, deals with replacing a president who is no longer able to "discharge the powers and duties of his office," which these hosts say applies to Trump due to his apparent mental incapacitation.

"If you’ve been around mental health issues in your life ... the pressure heightens, it gets worse," Donny Deutsch said Friday. "And we should be frightened right now. We should be — there is nothing glib about it."

Fake News Joe Scarborough asked Donny Deutsch about the President's mental diagnosis as justification for his 'Call To Sedition'.

While I am sure many ignorant, Trump-hating morons were salivating and cheering at Deutsch's remarks and Scarborough's sedition, it should be pointed out that Deutsch is not a doctor...of any type, as neither is Scarborough.

Scarborough is a Fake News Reporter, and Deutsch is a Liberal American advertising executive and television personality.

According to Hillary Clinton, they have obviously not accepted the results of the 2016 election and therefore are 'threats to our Democracy'. Their acts of Sedition - using MSNBC to openly call for a COUP against the sitting President of the United States is evidence of that.

** SEDITION: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority

I guess i missed all of those earlier seditious coupes that reference.

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