Liberals want to burn the constitution/Trump: "every federal employee will be required to pass new civil test showing understanding of Constitution"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
The difference between night and day between Trump and his liberal haters

Besides, if you love America and our Constitution, you wouldn’t try so hard to deny ,Americans the constitutional right to vote.

Since Marxism has seriously encroached into our educational system from K-12 and beyond, I don't see much success in finding people who could pass a Constitutional questionaire for potential employees.
Knowing your Constitution is important. Trump has made comments in the past that illustrated.a lack of respect for Due Process and civil liberties though. I hope he has reflected on this over time now that the shoe is on the other foot.
I agree that knowing the Constitution and its Bill of Rights and why they exist is extremely important, but as the anti-Constitution leftists have control of many of the schools, I doubt that they would push it until a majority Republican government in all three branches were to mandate it in schools and universities.
The difference between night and day between Trump and his liberal haters

Besides, if you love America and our Constitution, you wouldn’t try so hard to deny ,Americans the constitutional right to vote.

It's clear that most of the usurpers in D.C. have no clue what the Constitution says and/or means. Or ... they know exactly what it says and means, but are hell-bent on destroying it.
Donald Trump has no clue what is in the Constitution. Many of the judges he has appointed has no clue what is in the Constitution. This whole flap over the abortion pill has nothing to do with any constitutional issues. Also the Constitution does give Congress the power to intervene in federal elections.
I agree that knowing the Constitution and its Bill of Rights and why they exist is extremely important, but as the anti-Constitution leftists have control of many of the schools, I doubt that they would push it until a majority Republican government in all three branches were to mandate it in schools and universities.
When someone takes an oath to uphold the Constitution then turns right around and does everything to ignore it or tear it down ... they should be prosecuted and arrested or deported or exiled.
Knowing your Constitution is important. Trump has made comments in the past that illustrated.a lack of respect for Due Process and civil liberties though. I hope he has reflected on this over time now that the shoe is on the other foot.
Yup. He needs to renounce "red flag laws" which sidestep due process. He supported them in the past.
There is a serious lack of concern for individual rights today. The concept of rights has been distorted to such a degree that the authors of the Constitution would not recognize what is today referred to as a "right." Demands for unearned wealth, based on needs and desires, are now casually accepted as rights. We see little value placed on the traditional concept of equal rights.

This change in the general attitude regarding rights is the most significant event of the twentieth century. It has literally torn us away from the constitutional guidelines given to us by the Founding Fathers two hundred years ago.

The media, the Congress, the courts, and the President reflect the prevailing philosophy of our thought leaders -- especially those in our teaching institutions. Without an understanding of the nature of rights, a solution to today's political problems is impossible. The gimmicks won't work, only philosophy works.

People must once again believe that it is in their best interest to support individual rights, just as they now believe it's in their best interest to vote for those who provide food stamps for the poor, corporate bailouts for the rich, and bankers aid for the powerful.

The purpose of government is now dramatically different than that which the eighteenth century writers of the Constitution intended. Government is now broader in scope and bigger in size with a corresponding reduction in individual liberty.
There is a serious lack of concern for individual rights today. The concept of rights has been distorted to such a degree that the authors of the Constitution would not recognize what is today referred to as a "right." Demands for unearned wealth, based on needs and desires, are now casually accepted as rights. We see little value placed on the traditional concept of equal rights.

This change in the general attitude regarding rights is the most significant event of the twentieth century. It has literally torn us away from the constitutional guidelines given to us by the Founding Fathers two hundred years ago.

The media, the Congress, the courts, and the President reflect the prevailing philosophy of our thought leaders -- especially those in our teaching institutions. Without an understanding of the nature of rights, a solution to today's political problems is impossible. The gimmicks won't work, only philosophy works.

People must once again believe that it is in their best interest to support individual rights, just as they now believe it's in their best interest to vote for those who provide food stamps for the poor, corporate bailouts for the rich, and bankers aid for the powerful.

The purpose of government is now dramatically different than that which the eighteenth century writers of the Constitution intended. Government is now broader in scope and bigger in size with a corresponding reduction in individual liberty.
I've warned you guys for a long time. God as my witness, I know details.that would make you realize what is at stake, not just for you , but also for your children, even as some try to paint me differently. I know what abuses of the meek and weak can do to a society.
More fearful predictions from the left? My goodness, how are we ever going to pass a test on the Constitution? It was once a given that every adult would have had at least a rudimentary understanding of the Constitution but not so much anymore since socialist democrats have been in charge.
The left want to go back to the 1700's where a monarch (government) has absolute power and the nobles (government employees) suck up all the wealth.
More fearful predictions from the left? My goodness, how are we ever going to pass a test on the Constitution? It was once a given that every adult would have had at least a rudimentary understanding of the Constitution but not so much anymore since socialist democrats have been in charge.
Those idiots can't even pass a drug test.
Besides, if you love America and our Constitution, you wouldn’t try so hard to deny ,Americans the constitutional right to vote.
So you're saying the current Republican war on voting is wrong? Good. That's progress.

It would be kind of funny, seeing the speshul revisionist PC version of the Constitution that conservatives would push. We already know the SpeshulPCKonservativeKonstitution has no Emoluments Clause, being how Trump cultists were so giddy with joy about Trump openly violating that part.
The difference between night and day between Trump and his liberal haters

Besides, if you love America and our Constitution, you wouldn’t try so hard to deny ,Americans the constitutional right to vote.

Does Trump have to pass the test??? I'll bet he can't
The difference between night and day between Trump and his liberal haters

Besides, if you love America and our Constitution, you wouldn’t try so hard to deny ,Americans the constitutional right to vote.

A test?
Sure. I'm up for it let's start with SCOTUS who thinks a corp is a person
Then every GOP member of Congress
Then every GOP office holder
Then every registered voter

The over under is 50% and I'll put it all on the under.
Since Marxism has seriously encroached into our educational system from K-12 and beyond, I don't see much success in finding people who could pass a Constitutional questionaire for potential employees.
The liberals can ask themselves questions they might know.

"Where is the Preamble?"

"What comes between Article IV and Article VI?"
Since Marxism has seriously encroached into our educational system from K-12 and beyond, I don't see much success in finding people who could pass a Constitutional questionaire for potential employees.
Yes, that whole
Dialectical materialism is sooo catchy...
The liberals can ask themselves questions they might know.

"Where is the Preamble?"

"What comes between Article IV and Article VI?"
A blank space to show the ending and beginning of a new statement.

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