Liberals who attend super spreader events and raise their masks to eat or drink in public are not scared of COVID.

Biden doesn't know how to wear a mask, when to wear a mask or when not to wear a mask, and not one Democrat & PROG can defend against those facts, I'd like to see one try.

They chose that for their leader.
There is NO time when a cloth mask is called for or useful in regard to covid-19.
Plenty of written material on why surgeons and nurses wear masks and shields in surgery, having nothing to do with silly facediapers while driving or walking outside.

No, it's for exactly the same reasons. Who told you otherwise, and why did you fall for such stupidity?

So why is being a grownup so hard for most conservatives? Understanding that you don't always get your way is something that most people grasp before adulthood, but conservatives ... don't. If they can't do what they want, instant tantrum. So why are you conservatives all like that? Growing up, did you parents keep telling you all that you were the most very special snowflakes who didn't have to act like decent people?
Plenty of written material on why surgeons and nurses wear masks and shields in surgery, having nothing to do with silly facediapers while driving or walking outside.

No, it's for exactly the same reasons. Who told you otherwise, and why did you fall for such stupidity?

So why is being a grownup so hard for most conservatives? Understanding that you don't always get your way is something that most people grasp before adulthood, but conservatives ... don't. If they can't do what they want, instant tantrum. So why are you conservatives all like that? Growing up, did you parents keep telling you all that you were all the most very special snowflakes who didn't have to act like decent people?
Who is throwing the tantrum? Look in a mirror looneytunes. I am simply an advocate for common sense and free choice, you are the one off the deep end whining about not getting your way...which as we all know is to control what people do. As for special snowflakes, you are the goofs who created the participation trophies for everyone not me. We work hard for what we have, heck we have to in order to support ourselves and your pathetic ilk.

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