Believe it or not, there are still anti-science lefties who won't give up their masks

Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual. If my mom lived with me I’d use extreme caution next few months still.

Yeah, you should definitely talk about "triggered" from the side of the aisle that verbally assaults total strangers in the supermarket. We'll get right on caring what you think of us. Any moment now, it's sure to happen.
Utterly off topic.

Not in the slightest, twerp. You're talking about being "triggered by masks", and I pointed out that leftists have been "triggered by masks" for the last year, to the point of screaming at and verbally abusing total strangers in public. So you have zero victim cred to whine about "mask triggering" now.

But please excuse me for overestimating your intelligence the first time and not drawing you a frigging picture with labels to help you understand all those scary word things.
Triggered. Can you cry victim any harder? I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask and you cried about your friends (you?) being persecuted. You are triggered.
Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual. If my mom lived with me I’d use extreme caution next few months still.

Yeah, you should definitely talk about "triggered" from the side of the aisle that verbally assaults total strangers in the supermarket. We'll get right on caring what you think of us. Any moment now, it's sure to happen.
Utterly off topic.

Not in the slightest, twerp. You're talking about being "triggered by masks", and I pointed out that leftists have been "triggered by masks" for the last year, to the point of screaming at and verbally abusing total strangers in public. So you have zero victim cred to whine about "mask triggering" now.

But please excuse me for overestimating your intelligence the first time and not drawing you a frigging picture with labels to help you understand all those scary word things.
Triggered. Can you cry victim any harder? I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask and you cried about your friends (you?) being persecuted. You are triggered.
What are "normal reasons" I have been immune since April 2020...I see zero danger in COVID to myself. Why should I wear a mask?
Despite the CDC and MANY states (both red and blue) removing their mask mandates, there is still a hardcore group of fascists who will not stop trying to control everyone else's bodies.

They need to be mocked and shamed until they give up their fascist dreams.

A key point:

“For the last year, anyone questioning let alone rejecting CDC/WHO guidance on COVID was vilified as an anti-science crank, to the point of being censored off the internet,” tweeted heterodox liberal Glenn Greenwald. “Yet it’s now totally common for liberals with no scientific training to go on TV & reject new CDC guidance.” He included a clip from MSNBC.

New York is lifting its mask mandate for vaccinated people in most locations on Wednesday. It will join New Jersey and Connecticut in easing the bulk of its remaining COVID-19 restrictions on businesses the same day. Massachusetts will follow suit on May 29.

With vaccination rates rising, blue states are gradually embracing masklessness and reopening, in accordance with revised guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that were issued last week. “We have to get back to life and living — and we have to do it the way New Yorkers do it,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced from an empty Radio City Music Hall.

There’s just one problem — will rank-and-file liberal voters in these states go along?

Polling showed throughout the pandemic that liberals and Democrats were more worried about the virus. A Quinnipiac poll taken last March as the outbreak was beginning found that two-thirds of Democratic voters were concerned about the coronavirus disrupting their lives, while nearly 6 in 10 Republicans said the opposite.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted around the same time found 68% of Democrats were fearful of someone in their family contracting the coronavirus, compared to 40% of Republicans and 45% of independents. The partisan divide on many COVID-related issues has persisted over time, according to a year of surveys by the Pew Research Center.

The New York Times reported on vaccinated people who refuse to take off their masks despite the new guidance. The newspaper quoted one woman as saying, “Even if I’m the only person on planet Earth that continues to wear the mask, if that’s what makes me feel comfortable, I’ll wear the mask.”

The Left does "Consensus"; they treat science like Dracula meeting the morning sun
Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual. If my mom lived with me I’d use extreme caution next few months still.

Yeah, you should definitely talk about "triggered" from the side of the aisle that verbally assaults total strangers in the supermarket. We'll get right on caring what you think of us. Any moment now, it's sure to happen.
Utterly off topic.

Not in the slightest, twerp. You're talking about being "triggered by masks", and I pointed out that leftists have been "triggered by masks" for the last year, to the point of screaming at and verbally abusing total strangers in public. So you have zero victim cred to whine about "mask triggering" now.

But please excuse me for overestimating your intelligence the first time and not drawing you a frigging picture with labels to help you understand all those scary word things.
Triggered. Can you cry victim any harder? I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask and you cried about your friends (you?) being persecuted. You are triggered.
What are "normal reasons" I have been immune since April 2020...I see zero danger in COVID to myself. Why should I wear a mask?
CDC says you don’t need to. But if you live with a sick mother who isn’t healthy enough for a vaccine maybe you want to be extra careful and wear one... who cares? Why does it attack your sensibilities? Like I said in Asia if you are sick and heading out of the house you wear a mask FOR OTHERS. Pregnant women will sometimes wear them. Why be triggered?

Morons on the right, back when no one was vaccinated, bitched about wearing a mask, and hated social distancing. Acted like it was an infringement on their liberty and all a hoax. How many threads on here about that shit?
Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual. If my mom lived with me I’d use extreme caution next few months still.

Yeah, you should definitely talk about "triggered" from the side of the aisle that verbally assaults total strangers in the supermarket. We'll get right on caring what you think of us. Any moment now, it's sure to happen.
Utterly off topic.

Not in the slightest, twerp. You're talking about being "triggered by masks", and I pointed out that leftists have been "triggered by masks" for the last year, to the point of screaming at and verbally abusing total strangers in public. So you have zero victim cred to whine about "mask triggering" now.

But please excuse me for overestimating your intelligence the first time and not drawing you a frigging picture with labels to help you understand all those scary word things.
Triggered. Can you cry victim any harder? I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask and you cried about your friends (you?) being persecuted. You are triggered.
What are "normal reasons" I have been immune since April 2020...I see zero danger in COVID to myself. Why should I wear a mask?
CDC says you don’t need to. But if you live with a sick mother who isn’t healthy enough for a vaccine maybe you want to be extra careful and wear one... who cares? Why does it attack your sensibilities? Like I said in Asia if you are sick and heading out of the house you wear a mask FOR OTHERS. Pregnant women will sometimes wear them. Why be triggered?

Morons on the right, back when no one was vaccinated, bitched about wearing a mask, and hated social distancing. Acted like it was an infringement on their liberty and all a hoax. How many threads on here about that shit?
Don't care if you wear it but don't make my kids wear it while they play it sports. My issue is leftists like you always take it to the next level. It is called a slippery slope. First it was gay marriage and now we have trans girls playing sports vs. my biological girls.
Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual. If my mom lived with me I’d use extreme caution next few months still.

Yeah, you should definitely talk about "triggered" from the side of the aisle that verbally assaults total strangers in the supermarket. We'll get right on caring what you think of us. Any moment now, it's sure to happen.
Utterly off topic.

Not in the slightest, twerp. You're talking about being "triggered by masks", and I pointed out that leftists have been "triggered by masks" for the last year, to the point of screaming at and verbally abusing total strangers in public. So you have zero victim cred to whine about "mask triggering" now.

But please excuse me for overestimating your intelligence the first time and not drawing you a frigging picture with labels to help you understand all those scary word things.
Triggered. Can you cry victim any harder? I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask and you cried about your friends (you?) being persecuted. You are triggered.
What are "normal reasons" I have been immune since April 2020...I see zero danger in COVID to myself. Why should I wear a mask?
CDC says you don’t need to. But if you live with a sick mother who isn’t healthy enough for a vaccine maybe you want to be extra careful and wear one... who cares? Why does it attack your sensibilities? Like I said in Asia if you are sick and heading out of the house you wear a mask FOR OTHERS. Pregnant women will sometimes wear them. Why be triggered?

Morons on the right, back when no one was vaccinated, bitched about wearing a mask, and hated social distancing. Acted like it was an infringement on their liberty and all a hoax. How many threads on here about that shit?

Sure there are times people are better off wearing a mask.

But that is not really the point because we are not talking about individual cases, but what is the best over all national response to another future epidemic?

And the clear answer is that "flattening the curve" for 16 months has shown why it is a total and complete failure, which must NEVER ever be used as a national strategy again.

Because it is actually the high magnitude of the initial spike that helps quickly end the epidemic completely.
When it is not lethal enough to warrant a total quarantine lock down, then what ends any epidemic is herd immunity, which means the virus runs out of easy local hosts. And that is best achieved by ACCELERATING infections locally. This is traditionally done through variolation of those known to be least at risk. And by ending it then as quickly as possible, you prevent the most deaths.
The greatest death toll comes from "flattening the curve", preventing herd immunity, essentially conserving easy local hosts, and keeping the epidemic around possibly forever.
Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual. If my mom lived with me I’d use extreme caution next few months still.

Yeah, you should definitely talk about "triggered" from the side of the aisle that verbally assaults total strangers in the supermarket. We'll get right on caring what you think of us. Any moment now, it's sure to happen.
Utterly off topic.

Not in the slightest, twerp. You're talking about being "triggered by masks", and I pointed out that leftists have been "triggered by masks" for the last year, to the point of screaming at and verbally abusing total strangers in public. So you have zero victim cred to whine about "mask triggering" now.

But please excuse me for overestimating your intelligence the first time and not drawing you a frigging picture with labels to help you understand all those scary word things.
Triggered. Can you cry victim any harder? I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask and you cried about your friends (you?) being persecuted. You are triggered.
What are "normal reasons" I have been immune since April 2020...I see zero danger in COVID to myself. Why should I wear a mask?
CDC says you don’t need to. But if you live with a sick mother who isn’t healthy enough for a vaccine maybe you want to be extra careful and wear one... who cares? Why does it attack your sensibilities? Like I said in Asia if you are sick and heading out of the house you wear a mask FOR OTHERS. Pregnant women will sometimes wear them. Why be triggered?

Morons on the right, back when no one was vaccinated, bitched about wearing a mask, and hated social distancing. Acted like it was an infringement on their liberty and all a hoax. How many threads on here about that shit?
Don't care if you wear it but don't make my kids wear it while they play it sports. My issue is leftists like you always take it to the next level. It is called a slippery slope. First it was gay marriage and now we have trans girls playing sports vs. my biological girls.
Slippery slope arguments are intellectually lazy. Pandemic is ending/ended. Mask restrictions are off. There were restrictions you hated during the pandemic for some reason. I don’t know. Was easy to comply and help out. Don’t be a perpetual victim.
Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual. If my mom lived with me I’d use extreme caution next few months still.

Yeah, you should definitely talk about "triggered" from the side of the aisle that verbally assaults total strangers in the supermarket. We'll get right on caring what you think of us. Any moment now, it's sure to happen.
Utterly off topic.

Not in the slightest, twerp. You're talking about being "triggered by masks", and I pointed out that leftists have been "triggered by masks" for the last year, to the point of screaming at and verbally abusing total strangers in public. So you have zero victim cred to whine about "mask triggering" now.

But please excuse me for overestimating your intelligence the first time and not drawing you a frigging picture with labels to help you understand all those scary word things.
Triggered. Can you cry victim any harder? I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask and you cried about your friends (you?) being persecuted. You are triggered.
What are "normal reasons" I have been immune since April 2020...I see zero danger in COVID to myself. Why should I wear a mask?

Being immune only means being asymptomatic if re-infected.
So you could still get infected and even possibly spread, but unlikely.
But I agree it is better to not wear a mask.
If we want to have the epidemic end, we have to not "flatten the curve".
Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual. If my mom lived with me I’d use extreme caution next few months still.

Yeah, you should definitely talk about "triggered" from the side of the aisle that verbally assaults total strangers in the supermarket. We'll get right on caring what you think of us. Any moment now, it's sure to happen.
Utterly off topic.

Not in the slightest, twerp. You're talking about being "triggered by masks", and I pointed out that leftists have been "triggered by masks" for the last year, to the point of screaming at and verbally abusing total strangers in public. So you have zero victim cred to whine about "mask triggering" now.

But please excuse me for overestimating your intelligence the first time and not drawing you a frigging picture with labels to help you understand all those scary word things.
Triggered. Can you cry victim any harder? I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask and you cried about your friends (you?) being persecuted. You are triggered.
What are "normal reasons" I have been immune since April 2020...I see zero danger in COVID to myself. Why should I wear a mask?
CDC says you don’t need to. But if you live with a sick mother who isn’t healthy enough for a vaccine maybe you want to be extra careful and wear one... who cares? Why does it attack your sensibilities? Like I said in Asia if you are sick and heading out of the house you wear a mask FOR OTHERS. Pregnant women will sometimes wear them. Why be triggered?

Morons on the right, back when no one was vaccinated, bitched about wearing a mask, and hated social distancing. Acted like it was an infringement on their liberty and all a hoax. How many threads on here about that shit?

Sure there are times people are better off wearing a mask.

But that is not really the point because we are not talking about individual cases, but what is the best over all national response to another future epidemic?

And the clear answer is that "flattening the curve" for 16 months has shown why it is a total and complete failure, which must NEVER ever be used as a national strategy again.

Because it is actually the high magnitude of the initial spike that helps quickly end the epidemic completely.
When it is not lethal enough to warrant a total quarantine lock down, then what ends any epidemic is herd immunity, which means the virus runs out of easy local hosts. And that is best achieved by ACCELERATING infections locally. This is traditionally done through variolation of those known to be least at risk. And by ending it then as quickly as possible, you prevent the most deaths.
The greatest death toll comes from "flattening the curve", preventing herd immunity, essentially conserving easy local hosts, and keeping the epidemic around possibly forever.
Youre fucked up. Getting to herd immunity requires infecting everyone and whoever doesn’t die is immune. That would have ended in millions of deaths.
I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask…

Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual. If my mom lived with me I’d use extreme caution next few months still.

Yeah, you should definitely talk about "triggered" from the side of the aisle that verbally assaults total strangers in the supermarket. We'll get right on caring what you think of us. Any moment now, it's sure to happen.
Utterly off topic.

Not in the slightest, twerp. You're talking about being "triggered by masks", and I pointed out that leftists have been "triggered by masks" for the last year, to the point of screaming at and verbally abusing total strangers in public. So you have zero victim cred to whine about "mask triggering" now.

But please excuse me for overestimating your intelligence the first time and not drawing you a frigging picture with labels to help you understand all those scary word things.
Triggered. Can you cry victim any harder? I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask and you cried about your friends (you?) being persecuted. You are triggered.
What are "normal reasons" I have been immune since April 2020...I see zero danger in COVID to myself. Why should I wear a mask?
CDC says you don’t need to. But if you live with a sick mother who isn’t healthy enough for a vaccine maybe you want to be extra careful and wear one... who cares? Why does it attack your sensibilities? Like I said in Asia if you are sick and heading out of the house you wear a mask FOR OTHERS. Pregnant women will sometimes wear them. Why be triggered?

Morons on the right, back when no one was vaccinated, bitched about wearing a mask, and hated social distancing. Acted like it was an infringement on their liberty and all a hoax. How many threads on here about that shit?

Sure there are times people are better off wearing a mask.

But that is not really the point because we are not talking about individual cases, but what is the best over all national response to another future epidemic?

And the clear answer is that "flattening the curve" for 16 months has shown why it is a total and complete failure, which must NEVER ever be used as a national strategy again.

Because it is actually the high magnitude of the initial spike that helps quickly end the epidemic completely.
When it is not lethal enough to warrant a total quarantine lock down, then what ends any epidemic is herd immunity, which means the virus runs out of easy local hosts. And that is best achieved by ACCELERATING infections locally. This is traditionally done through variolation of those known to be least at risk. And by ending it then as quickly as possible, you prevent the most deaths.
The greatest death toll comes from "flattening the curve", preventing herd immunity, essentially conserving easy local hosts, and keeping the epidemic around possibly forever.
Youre fucked up. Getting to herd immunity requires infecting everyone and whoever doesn’t die is immune. That would have ended in millions of deaths.
No exactly. It is infecting enough to where the virus has no where to go and dies.
Morons on the right, back when no one was vaccinated, bitched about wearing a mask, and hated social distancing. Acted like it was an infringement on their liberty and all a hoax. How many threads on here about that shit?

And we were (and still are) right.

That's why we're the RIGHT, and you're the LEFT WRONG.

You're the ones who stupidly allowed corrupt politicians, tyrants, and criminals lie to you and deceive you into living in fear and submission. And you continue to believe that they did this for your benefit. How stupid do you have to be to fall for that as completely as you have?
Of course no one calls them state drones. That would be because the state would kill them for saying it. Moron.

If you think Asia is so greatly superior in their handling of Covid, you're perfectly free to go join them. I can promise you that no one at all will make an effort to keep you here
Straw man = Argue against a point I didn’t make. Now you know what that is dipshit.

At some point, someone really needs to explain to you that all those squiggles you're making on the screen are called "words" and they have actual meanings.

Quoted from YOUR post, shitbrick:

"Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual."

And then, in response to Bob deriding the idea that we should look to China to see how to behave, you said:

"In Asia sick people wear a mask so not to spread germs and pregnant women and people with conditions that are susceptible to illness wear masks."

So your next post will tell me how it is "an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument" - the actual meaning of the term "straw man" - for me to say you think Asia is greatly superior in its handling of Covid, or it will be an admission that you're a lying dumbass trying to deflect from the fact that you've made a fool of yourself. Won't matter what you actually say; that'll be the real message.

So did you want to make some more fallacious and incorrect accusations at me? I can point out what a fucktard you are all day.
Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual. If my mom lived with me I’d use extreme caution next few months still.

Yeah, you should definitely talk about "triggered" from the side of the aisle that verbally assaults total strangers in the supermarket. We'll get right on caring what you think of us. Any moment now, it's sure to happen.
Utterly off topic.

Not in the slightest, twerp. You're talking about being "triggered by masks", and I pointed out that leftists have been "triggered by masks" for the last year, to the point of screaming at and verbally abusing total strangers in public. So you have zero victim cred to whine about "mask triggering" now.

But please excuse me for overestimating your intelligence the first time and not drawing you a frigging picture with labels to help you understand all those scary word things.
Triggered. Can you cry victim any harder? I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask and you cried about your friends (you?) being persecuted. You are triggered.
What are "normal reasons" I have been immune since April 2020...I see zero danger in COVID to myself. Why should I wear a mask?
CDC says you don’t need to. But if you live with a sick mother who isn’t healthy enough for a vaccine maybe you want to be extra careful and wear one... who cares? Why does it attack your sensibilities? Like I said in Asia if you are sick and heading out of the house you wear a mask FOR OTHERS. Pregnant women will sometimes wear them. Why be triggered?

Morons on the right, back when no one was vaccinated, bitched about wearing a mask, and hated social distancing. Acted like it was an infringement on their liberty and all a hoax. How many threads on here about that shit?
Don't care if you wear it but don't make my kids wear it while they play it sports. My issue is leftists like you always take it to the next level. It is called a slippery slope. First it was gay marriage and now we have trans girls playing sports vs. my biological girls.
Slippery slope arguments are intellectually lazy. Pandemic is ending/ended. Mask restrictions are off. There were restrictions you hated during the pandemic for some reason. I don’t know. Was easy to comply and help out. Don’t be a perpetual victim.

This epidemic was ended by luck, that the 2009 SARS was also a coronavirus so its vaccine work transferred over.
But there will be another epidemic in 5 to 10 years.
What if we again still used the known failed strategy of "flattening the curve"?
That could take normal 2 month epidemics, and make them last essentially forever.
Likely causing the eventual extinction of the human race.
For vaccines take too long to develop, ( 6 years at least), and each vaccination likely hypes the immune system into greater allergic over responses.
The mask strategy in general is the greatest threat our species has ever faced.
These last 16 months should have shown to everyone it is a total and complete failure.
Never delay the end of an epidemic.
And delaying the end is all masks do, in general.
Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual. If my mom lived with me I’d use extreme caution next few months still.

Yeah, you should definitely talk about "triggered" from the side of the aisle that verbally assaults total strangers in the supermarket. We'll get right on caring what you think of us. Any moment now, it's sure to happen.
Utterly off topic.

Not in the slightest, twerp. You're talking about being "triggered by masks", and I pointed out that leftists have been "triggered by masks" for the last year, to the point of screaming at and verbally abusing total strangers in public. So you have zero victim cred to whine about "mask triggering" now.

But please excuse me for overestimating your intelligence the first time and not drawing you a frigging picture with labels to help you understand all those scary word things.
Triggered. Can you cry victim any harder? I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask and you cried about your friends (you?) being persecuted. You are triggered.
What are "normal reasons" I have been immune since April 2020...I see zero danger in COVID to myself. Why should I wear a mask?
CDC says you don’t need to. But if you live with a sick mother who isn’t healthy enough for a vaccine maybe you want to be extra careful and wear one... who cares? Why does it attack your sensibilities? Like I said in Asia if you are sick and heading out of the house you wear a mask FOR OTHERS. Pregnant women will sometimes wear them. Why be triggered?

Morons on the right, back when no one was vaccinated, bitched about wearing a mask, and hated social distancing. Acted like it was an infringement on their liberty and all a hoax. How many threads on here about that shit?
Don't care if you wear it but don't make my kids wear it while they play it sports. My issue is leftists like you always take it to the next level. It is called a slippery slope. First it was gay marriage and now we have trans girls playing sports vs. my biological girls.
Slippery slope arguments are intellectually lazy. Pandemic is ending/ended. Mask restrictions are off. There were restrictions you hated during the pandemic for some reason. I don’t know. Was easy to comply and help out. Don’t be a perpetual victim.
Kids aren't vaccinated but they ended the restriction for them....why? What changed suddenly. And no slippery slope arguments are not lazy when we have a precedent.
Right winger triggered by masks. If you've been to China any year before now masks were not unusual. If my mom lived with me I’d use extreme caution next few months still.

Yeah, you should definitely talk about "triggered" from the side of the aisle that verbally assaults total strangers in the supermarket. We'll get right on caring what you think of us. Any moment now, it's sure to happen.
Utterly off topic.

Not in the slightest, twerp. You're talking about being "triggered by masks", and I pointed out that leftists have been "triggered by masks" for the last year, to the point of screaming at and verbally abusing total strangers in public. So you have zero victim cred to whine about "mask triggering" now.

But please excuse me for overestimating your intelligence the first time and not drawing you a frigging picture with labels to help you understand all those scary word things.
Triggered. Can you cry victim any harder? I explained some normal reasons to still wear a mask and you cried about your friends (you?) being persecuted. You are triggered.
What are "normal reasons" I have been immune since April 2020...I see zero danger in COVID to myself. Why should I wear a mask?
CDC says you don’t need to. But if you live with a sick mother who isn’t healthy enough for a vaccine maybe you want to be extra careful and wear one... who cares? Why does it attack your sensibilities? Like I said in Asia if you are sick and heading out of the house you wear a mask FOR OTHERS. Pregnant women will sometimes wear them. Why be triggered?

Morons on the right, back when no one was vaccinated, bitched about wearing a mask, and hated social distancing. Acted like it was an infringement on their liberty and all a hoax. How many threads on here about that shit?
Don't care if you wear it but don't make my kids wear it while they play it sports. My issue is leftists like you always take it to the next level. It is called a slippery slope. First it was gay marriage and now we have trans girls playing sports vs. my biological girls.
Slippery slope arguments are intellectually lazy. Pandemic is ending/ended. Mask restrictions are off. There were restrictions you hated during the pandemic for some reason. I don’t know. Was easy to comply and help out. Don’t be a perpetual victim.

This epidemic was ended by luck, that the 2009 SARS was also a coronavirus so its vaccine work transferred over.
But there will be another epidemic in 5 to 10 years.
What if we again still used the known failed strategy of "flattening the curve"?
That could take normal 2 month epidemics, and make them last essentially forever.
Likely causing the eventual extinction of the human race.
For vaccines take too long to develop, ( 6 years at least), and each vaccination likely hypes the immune system into greater allergic over responses.
The mask strategy in general is the greatest threat our species has ever faced.
These last 16 months should have shown to everyone it is a total and complete failure.
Never delay the end of an epidemic.
And delaying the end is all masks do, in general.
Rigby you are deranged when it comes to Israel but I agree with you on this topic.
Morons on the right, back when no one was vaccinated, bitched about wearing a mask, and hated social distancing. Acted like it was an infringement on their liberty and all a hoax. How many threads on here about that shit?

And we were (and still are) right.

That's why we're the RIGHT, and you're the LEFT WRONG.

You're the ones who stupidly allowed corrupt politicians, tyrants, and criminals lie to you and deceive you into living in fear and submission. And you continue to believe that they did this for your benefit. How stupid do you have to be to fall for that as completely as you have?

I agree with you, (even though I am extreme leftist), but you are not making an argument with points.
Stick to the fact masks prevent herd immunity and preserve the epidemic, making it last longer.

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