Believe it or not, there are still anti-science lefties who won't give up their masks

Despite the CDC and MANY states (both red and blue) removing their mask mandates, there is still a hardcore group of fascists who will not stop trying to control everyone else's bodies.

They need to be mocked and shamed until they give up their fascist dreams.

A key point:

“For the last year, anyone questioning let alone rejecting CDC/WHO guidance on COVID was vilified as an anti-science crank, to the point of being censored off the internet,” tweeted heterodox liberal Glenn Greenwald. “Yet it’s now totally common for liberals with no scientific training to go on TV & reject new CDC guidance.” He included a clip from MSNBC.

New York is lifting its mask mandate for vaccinated people in most locations on Wednesday. It will join New Jersey and Connecticut in easing the bulk of its remaining COVID-19 restrictions on businesses the same day. Massachusetts will follow suit on May 29.

With vaccination rates rising, blue states are gradually embracing masklessness and reopening, in accordance with revised guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that were issued last week. “We have to get back to life and living — and we have to do it the way New Yorkers do it,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced from an empty Radio City Music Hall.

There’s just one problem — will rank-and-file liberal voters in these states go along?

Polling showed throughout the pandemic that liberals and Democrats were more worried about the virus. A Quinnipiac poll taken last March as the outbreak was beginning found that two-thirds of Democratic voters were concerned about the coronavirus disrupting their lives, while nearly 6 in 10 Republicans said the opposite.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted around the same time found 68% of Democrats were fearful of someone in their family contracting the coronavirus, compared to 40% of Republicans and 45% of independents. The partisan divide on many COVID-related issues has persisted over time, according to a year of surveys by the Pew Research Center.

The New York Times reported on vaccinated people who refuse to take off their masks despite the new guidance. The newspaper quoted one woman as saying, “Even if I’m the only person on planet Earth that continues to wear the mask, if that’s what makes me feel comfortable, I’ll wear the mask.”
Rush's fill-in said leftists love the mask because it identifies who THEY think is the enemy. Kinda like the Star of David.

David Hogg even admitted he wears the cult mask so liberals will know what side he's on

I noted earlier while out to lunch yesterday where very few were wearing masks I saw one older lady with a walker wearing one. The thought never crossed my mind what politics she was trying to portray and I believe it a disease to think that way.
Yes, I have been reading the thread. I see people whining about being shamed for not wearing a mask. But is that happening now? Or are they still pissed about when they were shamed during the height of the covid pandemic and they wanted a haircut?

I don't care who has mocked who. I will speak out about it. If someone was mocked for not wearing a mask, it was because someone thought it was a threat to public health. But someone wearing a mask when it is no longer required does not effect you at all. Mocking them for that is just being a hostile asshole.

And before you start that "Are you saying it's only ok when you agree with it" bullshit, please point out where I ever said it was ok.

Sounds like you're upset that those who most truly deserve to be mocked—those who mocked others for failing to comply with an absurd and destructive hoax—are now getting some small part of the mockery and shaming that they deserve.

No, that is not it at all.

I am asking you why it matters so much to you? I am asking why don't you mind your own business? I am asking what possible effect someone else wearing a mask has on you?
No, that is not it at all.

I am asking you why it matters so much to you? I am asking why don't you mind your own business? I am asking what possible effect someone else wearing a mask has on you?

Why should I grant them the privilege of minding their own business in peace, without mockery or condemnation from me, who have been completely unwilling to grant me the same?
No, that is not it at all.

I am asking you why it matters so much to you? I am asking why don't you mind your own business? I am asking what possible effect someone else wearing a mask has on you?

Why should I grant them the privilege of minding their own business in peace, without mockery or condemnation from me, who have been completely unwilling to grant me the same?

I would say it is basic humanity and good manners, but that obviously doesn't apply to you.

But, and I repeat myself here, during the height of the pandemic it was widely thought that not wearing a mask was part of the problem with the spread of the covid-19 virus. The CDC even said it was.

So, when you were given a hard time it was because they thought you were part of the problem. You are now wanting to mock and shame people for no reason whatsoever.

So the difference is that one saw a serious health risk, and the other is just being an asshole.
I would say it is basic humanity and good manners, but that obviously doesn't apply to you.

But, and I repeat myself here, during the height of the pandemic it was widely thought that not wearing a mask was part of the problem with the spread of the covid-19 virus. The CDC even said it was.

So, when you were given a hard time it was because they thought you were part of the problem. You are now wanting to mock and shame people for no reason whatsoever.

So the difference is that one saw a serious health risk, and the other is just being an asshole.

It has to go in both directions.

You and yours are demanding courtesy from me, that you have been consistently and staunchly unwilling to grant to me; and on much less rational basis.

You've been demanding that I sacrifice my comfort, my health, and my well-being to pander to your irrational fear and stupidity; and yet, someone I am the one who is being an “asshole”.

What makes you so special that you think you are entitled to make such demands of others, and to generally show such utter disregard for the interest of others; and not expect to get some pushback?

Fuck you. Your kind of behavior has consequences. You should have thought of that before you engaged in it. But then, your kind never does.
I would say it is basic humanity and good manners, but that obviously doesn't apply to you.

But, and I repeat myself here, during the height of the pandemic it was widely thought that not wearing a mask was part of the problem with the spread of the covid-19 virus. The CDC even said it was.

So, when you were given a hard time it was because they thought you were part of the problem. You are now wanting to mock and shame people for no reason whatsoever.

So the difference is that one saw a serious health risk, and the other is just being an asshole.

It has to go in both directions.

You and yours are demanding courtesy from me, that you have been consistently and staunchly unwilling to grant to me; and on much less rational basis.

You've been demanding that I sacrifice my comfort, my health, and my well-being to pander to your irrational fear and stupidity; and yet, someone I am the one who is being an “asshole”.

More of this? "You and yours..."? I am simply asking why you think it is appropriate to mock and shame people for doing something that has absolutely no effect on you. If you were mocked and shamed for not wearing a mask at the height of the pandemic, the CDC said there WAS an effect on other people.

As for courtesy, you are again trying to lump me in with whoever hurt your feelings outside the 7/11. I have not mocked anyone for not wearing a mask. So spare me your bullshit lies on that side of things.

And yes, mocking someone for doing something that does not effect you at all is being an asshole.
More of this? "You and yours..."? I am simply asking why you think it is appropriate to mock and shame people for doing something that has absolutely no effect on you. If you were mocked and shamed for not wearing a mask at the height of the pandemic, the CDC said there WAS an effect on other people.

And you were stupid enough to believe it.

It is not the obligation of intelligent people to sacrifice anything, to pander to gullible cretins such as yourself who stupidly allow liars and tyrants and criminals to deceive and brainwash you into living in irrational fear and submission.

Fuck you, and every worthless, Gilletized, parasitic, brainwashed sheep such as you.

Go hide in your mother's basement, and leave the grownups alone.
More of this? "You and yours..."? I am simply asking why you think it is appropriate to mock and shame people for doing something that has absolutely no effect on you. If you were mocked and shamed for not wearing a mask at the height of the pandemic, the CDC said there WAS an effect on other people.

And you were stupid enough to believe it.

It is not the obligation of intelligent people to sacrifice anything, to pander to gullible cretins such as yourself who stupidly allow liars and tyrants and criminals to deceive and brainwash you into living in irrational fear and submission.

Fuck you, and every worthless, Gilletized, parasitic, brainwashed sheep such as you.

Go hide in your mother's basement, and leave the grownups alone.

I read Winterborns posts and I read your post full of insults and attacks on others and I believe you have no place calling others irrational.
More of this? "You and yours..."? I am simply asking why you think it is appropriate to mock and shame people for doing something that has absolutely no effect on you. If you were mocked and shamed for not wearing a mask at the height of the pandemic, the CDC said there WAS an effect on other people.

And you were stupid enough to believe it.

It is not the obligation of intelligent people to sacrifice anything, to pander to gullible cretins such as yourself who stupidly allow liars and tyrants and criminals to deceive and brainwash you into living in irrational fear and submission.

Fuck you, and every worthless, Gilletized, parasitic, brainwashed sheep such as you.

Go hide in your mother's basement, and leave the grownups alone.

Kiss my ass. Yes, I believed the CDC over some idiot on YouTube.

And fuck you and anyone who LOOKS like you for being such a hostile asshole and then wondering why people won't treat you with respect.
I read Winterborns [sic] posts and I read your post full of insults and attacks on others and I believe you have no place calling others irrational.

That from another ignorant sheep who is also stupid enough to fall for the #CoronaHoax2020; who also is willing to surrender his own comfort, health, and well-being to this hoax, and to demand that others who know better should do so as well.

Does anyone see the irony here...

...when people who need a rifle to go shopping

call the people who wear a mask during a pandemic while they shop "afraid"...
Despite the CDC and MANY states (both red and blue) removing their mask mandates, there is still a hardcore group of fascists who will not stop trying to control everyone else's bodies.

They need to be mocked and shamed until they give up their fascist dreams.

A key point:

“For the last year, anyone questioning let alone rejecting CDC/WHO guidance on COVID was vilified as an anti-science crank, to the point of being censored off the internet,” tweeted heterodox liberal Glenn Greenwald. “Yet it’s now totally common for liberals with no scientific training to go on TV & reject new CDC guidance.” He included a clip from MSNBC.

New York is lifting its mask mandate for vaccinated people in most locations on Wednesday. It will join New Jersey and Connecticut in easing the bulk of its remaining COVID-19 restrictions on businesses the same day. Massachusetts will follow suit on May 29.

With vaccination rates rising, blue states are gradually embracing masklessness and reopening, in accordance with revised guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that were issued last week. “We have to get back to life and living — and we have to do it the way New Yorkers do it,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced from an empty Radio City Music Hall.

There’s just one problem — will rank-and-file liberal voters in these states go along?

Polling showed throughout the pandemic that liberals and Democrats were more worried about the virus. A Quinnipiac poll taken last March as the outbreak was beginning found that two-thirds of Democratic voters were concerned about the coronavirus disrupting their lives, while nearly 6 in 10 Republicans said the opposite.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted around the same time found 68% of Democrats were fearful of someone in their family contracting the coronavirus, compared to 40% of Republicans and 45% of independents. The partisan divide on many COVID-related issues has persisted over time, according to a year of surveys by the Pew Research Center.

The New York Times reported on vaccinated people who refuse to take off their masks despite the new guidance. The newspaper quoted one woman as saying, “Even if I’m the only person on planet Earth that continues to wear the mask, if that’s what makes me feel comfortable, I’ll wear the mask.”
Rush's fill-in said leftists love the mask because it identifies who THEY think is the enemy. Kinda like the Star of David.

David Hogg even admitted he wears the cult mask so liberals will know what side he's on

You are an idiot.

Most normal people can wear a mask and work at same time until vaccination rates are up to a sufficient and the CDC changes it's recommendations. It's like chewing gum and walking at the same time.

Anyone who is stupid enough to fall for the #CoronaHoax2020 is in no position to call anyone else an “idiot”.

There is no reason why sane, intelligent people should feel any obligation, nor to make any other sacrifices, in order to pander to ignorant, gullible, cowardly sheep such as yourself.

It's your own fear, and your own ignorance, your own damn stupidity; you make whatever sacrifices you think you need to make to assuage it, but please leave us adults alone.
What are you so afraid of? I wasn't afraid, just used common sense and science. Same reason I wasnt afraid of getting vaccinated. But then, I do care about my 87 year old mother. Maybe that is the difference between us in this pandemic.

I am curious, since you think it is all a do you explain the higher rates of hospitalization for covid? Or what is happening in India?
And fuck you and anyone who LOOKS like you for being such a hostile asshole and then wondering why people won't treat you with respect.

Again, it has to go both ways.

When you demanded that I sacrifice anything to pander to the ignorance and fear of cretins such as yourself, you completely forfeited any right to expect or demand any respect from me or from any other sane person.
And fuck you and anyone who LOOKS like you for being such a hostile asshole and then wondering why people won't treat you with respect.

Again, it has to go both ways.

When you demanded that I sacrifice anything to pander to the ignorance and fear of cretins such as yourself, you completely forfeited any right to expect or demand any respect from me or from any other sane person.
What are you sacrificing?
And fuck you and anyone who LOOKS like you for being such a hostile asshole and then wondering why people won't treat you with respect.

Again, it has to go both ways.

When you demanded that I sacrifice anything to pander to the ignorance and fear of cretins such as yourself, you completely forfeited any right to expect or demand any respect from me or from any other sane person.
On the one hand you denigrate the CDC when it said you should wear a mask and then on the other you misrepresent what they say about the current situation and say we should follow that advice rigidly.

Hypocritical assholes
And fuck you and anyone who LOOKS like you for being such a hostile asshole and then wondering why people won't treat you with respect.

Again, it has to go both ways.

When you demanded that I sacrifice anything to pander to the ignorance and fear of cretins such as yourself, you completely forfeited any right to expect or demand any respect from me or from any other sane person.

When did I demand anything from you? Maybe.....never?

Your ignorance showed just fine when you were filling every container you could find with gas and creating the shortage.
I read Winterborns [sic] posts and I read your post full of insults and attacks on others and I believe you have no place calling others irrational.

That from another ignorant sheep who is also stupid enough to fall for the #CoronaHoax2020; who also is willing to surrender his own comfort, health, and well-being to this hoax, and to demand that others who know better should do so as well.

View attachment 491501
I see a Darwin Award in your future. I am sure it is well deserved, but sadly it will likely be too late to inhibit reproduction.

About this did they pull it off in India? Do you suppose it was just mass psychosis?
The New York Times reported on vaccinated people who refuse to take off their masks despite the new guidance. The newspaper quoted one woman as saying, “Even if I’m the only person on planet Earth that continues to wear the mask, if that’s what makes me feel comfortable, I’ll wear the mask.”

I don't understand and find it hard to believe why anybody has a problem towards folks exercising personal preferences? One thing that helps me believe people actually object to the actions of others this way is thinking back to how much worse some folks became tramatized seeing others wearing MAGA caps.
I read Winterborns [sic] posts and I read your post full of insults and attacks on others and I believe you have no place calling others irrational.

That from another ignorant sheep who is also stupid enough to fall for the #CoronaHoax2020; who also is willing to surrender his own comfort, health, and well-being to this hoax, and to demand that others who know better should do so as well.

View attachment 491501
I see a Darwin Award in your future. I am sure it is well deserved, but sadly it will likely be too late to inhibit reproduction.

About this did they pull it off in India? Do you suppose it was just mass psychosis?

I just hope he "mocks and shames" some little old lady wearing a mask and her grandson knocks him on his ass. Of course, it is far more likely that Bob here is one of those "badass" internet commandos, who would say shit in real life.
And Bob, bear in mind that some people wear masks for other reasons. Some have severe allergies. My 1st wife has a chronic pulmonary problem and uses a mask to protect her life.
Despite the CDC and MANY states (both red and blue) removing their mask mandates, there is still a hardcore group of fascists who will not stop trying to control everyone else's bodies.

They need to be mocked and shamed until they give up their fascist dreams.

A key point:

“For the last year, anyone questioning let alone rejecting CDC/WHO guidance on COVID was vilified as an anti-science crank, to the point of being censored off the internet,” tweeted heterodox liberal Glenn Greenwald. “Yet it’s now totally common for liberals with no scientific training to go on TV & reject new CDC guidance.” He included a clip from MSNBC.

New York is lifting its mask mandate for vaccinated people in most locations on Wednesday. It will join New Jersey and Connecticut in easing the bulk of its remaining COVID-19 restrictions on businesses the same day. Massachusetts will follow suit on May 29.

With vaccination rates rising, blue states are gradually embracing masklessness and reopening, in accordance with revised guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that were issued last week. “We have to get back to life and living — and we have to do it the way New Yorkers do it,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced from an empty Radio City Music Hall.

There’s just one problem — will rank-and-file liberal voters in these states go along?

Polling showed throughout the pandemic that liberals and Democrats were more worried about the virus. A Quinnipiac poll taken last March as the outbreak was beginning found that two-thirds of Democratic voters were concerned about the coronavirus disrupting their lives, while nearly 6 in 10 Republicans said the opposite.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted around the same time found 68% of Democrats were fearful of someone in their family contracting the coronavirus, compared to 40% of Republicans and 45% of independents. The partisan divide on many COVID-related issues has persisted over time, according to a year of surveys by the Pew Research Center.

The New York Times reported on vaccinated people who refuse to take off their masks despite the new guidance. The newspaper quoted one woman as saying, “Even if I’m the only person on planet Earth that continues to wear the mask, if that’s what makes me feel comfortable, I’ll wear the mask.”
They don't trust you. They don't trust you that are unvaccinated, to honor the honor system, and continue to wear your mask, until transmissions of the virus are really low.

5% of those vaccinated, the vaccine doesn't work. Those 5% are made up of immune compromised people receiving chemotherapy, and other immunity suppressants, and certain diabetics, and transplant patients etc.

They need many more of you that are unvaccinated, to be vaccinated, and not catching and then spreading, the order to stay alive....

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