Liberation of the Jews from Babylonian captivity

Most likely Aryānam Dahyunam was a Median state and not Ahamenid. It's just close to the Media

But it remains unclear where Aryānam Xšaθram come from. Why not Parsa Xšaθram
There is one more confusion. Since Cyrus was a Parsi, it means that it cannot be argued that the Achaemenid state was an Aryan country. The Parsis were not Aryans. Apparently their descendants are modern Tats in the Caucasus and Parsis in India, many consider them to be Jews.
But in this case, it is not clear where the names Aryānam Dahyunam and Aryānam Xšaθram came from at that time
Moreover, the name Dahyunam obviously comes from the Dakhs, who later formed the Parthian Empire.

Zoroastrianism - HISTORY
Cyrus the Great, founder of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, was a devout Zoroastrian. By most accounts, Cyrus was a tolerant ruler who allowed his non-Iranian subjects to practice their own...
Zoroastrianism - HISTORY
Cyrus the Great, founder of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, was a devout Zoroastrian. By most accounts, Cyrus was a tolerant ruler who allowed his non-Iranian subjects to practice their own...
At that time there could be no Zoroastrianism, it spread only during the Sassanids
At that time there could be no Zoroastrianism, it spread only during the Sassanids

Pretty confusing.....

Sasanian Empire - World History Encyclopedia
May 17, 2013 · The Sasanian Empire (224-651 CE, also given as Sassanian, Sasanid or Sassanid) was the last pre-Islamic Persian empire, established in 224 CE by Ardeshir I, son of Papak, descendant of Sasan.The Empire lasted until 651 CE when it was overthrown by the Arab Rashidun Caliphate.It is considered by the Iranian people to be a highlight of their civilization for, after the fall of the …
From this, in any case, one thing is clear. The Aryans were never Kshatriyas. Kshatriyas were Parsis. It turns out that Brahmanism in India, the Kshatriya caste associated with it, was brought there by the Parsis.
History of Iran: Sassanid Empire
Nov 15, 2021 · The Sassanids established an empire roughly within the frontiers achieved by the Achaemenids, with the capital at Ctesiphon.The Sassanids consciously sought to resuscitate Iranian traditions and to obliterate Greek cultural influence. Their rule was characterized by considerable centralization, ambitious urban planning, agricultural development, and technological improvements.
Pretty confusing.
Zoroastrianism was the religion that directly influenced Abrahamism and was its immediate beginning, monotheism, witnesses, the concept of heaven and hell, and much more appeared there.
This is 100% the religion that destroyed the Aryan religions in the East. It was in Zoroastrianism that the first inversion appeared, where the good Aryan gods became evil demons (Devas)
Zoroastrianism was the religion that directly influenced Abrahamism and was its immediate beginning, monotheism, witnesses, the concept of heaven and hell, and much more appeared there.
This is 100% the religion that destroyed the Aryan religions in the East. It was in Zoroastrianism that the first inversion appeared, where the good Aryan gods became evil demons (Devas)

I don't know.. Seems to me that the Canaanite pantheon had more influence. See Ugarit at Ras Shamra.
obliterate Greek cultural influence
There was no Greek influence. The Seleucids were there only for several decades and they did not have time to establish themselves there, they were driven out of there by the Parthians (Dahae, Aryānšahr), and the Sassanids came after the Parthians
There was exactly the Parthian culture, there was their rule for about 500 years
And besides, the Seleucids were not Greeks, but Macedonians
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There was a semblance of Greek, but this was not the influence of the Macedonians. On the contrary, ancient Greek was brought to Greece from the east, it is a branch of the Proto-tocharyan, and probably was in Media before the Achaemenids
Before that, there was a Mycenaean language in Greece, I think it was the language of the Semites of the Levant
The common ancestor was probably the Avestan language, this is just the pre-Achaemenid language. The oldest records in Avestan are almost completely identical to Vedic and Mitanian.
From here there is the "Greek influence"
Returning to the topic.
It is quite clear here that there was a series of palace coups, and not the direct conquests of Cyrus. We already see two reliable evidence of this: the change of religion in the new Babylon and the revolt in the army of Media.
And in fact there was no creation of the Achaemenid state. This state was created by the Median king Phraortes. These were just palace coups and civil war, after which the Medes power was replaced by the power of the Parsis.

Deiok had a son, Fraort. After a 53-year reign, Deyok died, and the kingdom was inherited by Fraort. Having received power, Fraort was not content with dominion over the Medes, but went to war against the Persians. The Persians were the first to obey the Medes. Ruling over these two and, moreover, powerful peoples, Fraort then began the conquest of Asia nation by nation.

(from Herodotus)

The last they subdued Assyria
So it was the Medes who created this empire. The Achaemenids simply seized power there.
By the way, the Sassanids did the same.
To be more precise, the Medes did not create it either, these were lands that had previously been subordinate to Assyria, they just knocked out the Assyrian power from there. Media was the first country to get rid of the yoke of Assyria.
But it is clear that the Pars were loyal to the Assyrians

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