Libertarian Terrorists?

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Looks like Brennan and company are specifically targeting libertarian minded people now in the establishment's effort to label any opposing view of policy a terrorist act...

The Department of Homeland Security issued on Wednesday a nationwide terror alert lasting until April 30. The alert warns of potential terrorist attacks from Americans who are “ideologically motivated” and have “objections to the exercise of government authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives.”

The language used in this alert suggests that millions of Americans are potential terrorists. Second Amendment supporting, antiwar, anti-tax, anti-politics, anti-militarization, pro-life, and anti-Federal Reserve activists certainly have “objections to the exercise of government authority.” They are certainly viewed by the political class and its handmaidens in big tech and the mainstream media as ideological extremists. Anyone who gets his news from sources other than mainstream media or big tech, or who uses certain “unapproved” social media platforms, is considered to have had his grievances “fueled by false narratives.” For something to be considered a false narrative, it need only contradict the “official” narrative.

The "domestic terrorist” alert is the latest sign that activities on January 6 on Capitol Hill, like the attacks of September 11, 2001, are being used to advance a long-standing anti-liberty agenda. Legislation expanding the federal government’s authority to use its surveillance and other unconstitutional powers against “domestic terrorists” is likely to soon be considered by Congress. Just as the PATRIOT Act was written years before 2001, this legislation was written long before January 6. The bill’s proponents are simply taking advantage of the hysteria following the so-called insurrection to push the bill onto the congressional agenda.

Former CIA Director John Brennan recently singled out libertarians as among the people the government should go after. This is not the first time libertarians have been smeared. In 2009, a federally-funded fusion center identified people who supported my presidential campaign, my Campaign for Liberty, or certain Libertarian and Constitution parties candidates as potentially violent extremists.

The idea that libertarianism creates terrorists is absurd. Libertarians support the non-aggression principle, so they reject using force to advance their political goals. They rely instead on peaceful persuasion.

Libertarianism is being attacked because it does not support just reforming a few government policies. Instead, it presents a formidable intellectual challenge to the entire welfare-warfare state.

The ultimate goal of those pushing for a crackdown on “domestic terrorism” is to make people unwilling to even consider “radical” ideas — to make people so afraid of certain ideas that they refuse to even give those ideas a fair hearing.

Progressives who are tempted to support what is being promoted as a crackdown on right-wing violence should consider the history of government harassment of progressive movements and leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. What do they think a future right-wing authoritarian would do if given power to go after “ideological extremists”?

All Americans who cherish the Bill of Rights should come together to stop this latest crackdown on liberty. My Campaign for Liberty will be mobilizing Americans to stop passage of any domestic terrorism legislation, while my Institute for Peace and Prosperity and my Liberty Report will provide Americas with the most up-to-date information about the continuing attempts to smear those who speak the truth about government lies.

Copyright © 2021 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

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Relevant viewing....(emphasis to relevance previously boldened....ahem)

Former US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) has been sounding the alarm over new "domestic terrorism" legislation introduced by Adam Schiff (D-CA) and highly charged claims by former CIA director (a partisan Democrat) that "even libertarians" are potential "domestic terrorists." A police state is coming unless people like Brennan and Schiff are denounced by President Biden himself. Also, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) sounds the alarm: are National Guard troops in DC the next "forever war"?
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Yes, it was libertarians who stormed the capitol on 1/6/2021

Apparently you don't understand libertarianism. And apparently you missed this:

"The idea that libertarianism creates terrorists is absurd. Libertarians support the non-aggression principle, so they reject using force to advance their political goals. They rely instead on peaceful persuasion."
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Yes, it was libertarians who stormed the capitol on 1/6/2021

Putting that particular screwery aside, now you know who you're fighting. Your bunch will not have the luxury of controlling the terms of controversy. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not any day. Huh uh...
Yes, it was libertarians who stormed the capitol on 1/6/2021

Apparently you don't understand libertarianism. And apparently you missed this:

The idea that libertarianism creates terrorists is absurd. Libertarians support the non-aggression principle, so they reject using force to advance their political goals. They rely instead on peaceful persuasion.
The yellow butthead is as ignorant of libertarians as anything else.

He's just in the thread to wave his unprepossessing and inconsequential ass around.
Yes, it was libertarians who stormed the capitol on 1/6/2021
Nope, it was liberal dumbocrats, BLM morons, and antifa children performing a false flag attack to shift attention away from the stolen election.
Looks like Brennan and company are specifically targeting libertarian minded people now in the establishment's effort to label any opposing view of policy a terrorist act...

The Department of Homeland Security issued on Wednesday a nationwide terror alert lasting until April 30. The alert warns of potential terrorist attacks from Americans who are “ideologically motivated” and have “objections to the exercise of government authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives.”

The language used in this alert suggests that millions of Americans are potential terrorists. Second Amendment supporting, antiwar, anti-tax, anti-politics, anti-militarization, pro-life, and anti-Federal Reserve activists certainly have “objections to the exercise of government authority.” They are certainly viewed by the political class and its handmaidens in big tech and the mainstream media as ideological extremists. Anyone who gets his news from sources other than mainstream media or big tech, or who uses certain “unapproved” social media platforms, is considered to have had his grievances “fueled by false narratives.” For something to be considered a false narrative, it need only contradict the “official” narrative.

The "domestic terrorist” alert is the latest sign that activities on January 6 on Capitol Hill, like the attacks of September 11, 2001, are being used to advance a long-standing anti-liberty agenda. Legislation expanding the federal government’s authority to use its surveillance and other unconstitutional powers against “domestic terrorists” is likely to soon be considered by Congress. Just as the PATRIOT Act was written years before 2001, this legislation was written long before January 6. The bill’s proponents are simply taking advantage of the hysteria following the so-called insurrection to push the bill onto the congressional agenda.

Former CIA Director John Brennan recently singled out libertarians as among the people the government should go after.
This is not the first time libertarians have been smeared. In 2009, a federally-funded fusion center identified people who supported my presidential campaign, my Campaign for Liberty, or certain Libertarian and Constitution parties candidates as potentially violent extremists.

The idea that libertarianism creates terrorists is absurd. Libertarians support the non-aggression principle, so they reject using force to advance their political goals. They rely instead on peaceful persuasion.

Libertarianism is being attacked because it does not support just reforming a few government policies. Instead, it presents a formidable intellectual challenge to the entire welfare-warfare state.

The ultimate goal of those pushing for a crackdown on “domestic terrorism” is to make people unwilling to even consider “radical” ideas — to make people so afraid of certain ideas that they refuse to even give those ideas a fair hearing.

Progressives who are tempted to support what is being promoted as a crackdown on right-wing violence should consider the history of government harassment of progressive movements and leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. What do they think a future right-wing authoritarian would do if given power to go after “ideological extremists”?

All Americans who cherish the Bill of Rights should come together to stop this latest crackdown on liberty. My Campaign for Liberty will be mobilizing Americans to stop passage of any domestic terrorism legislation, while my Institute for Peace and Prosperity and my Liberty Report will provide Americas with the most up-to-date information about the continuing attempts to smear those who speak the truth about government lies.

Copyright © 2021 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

The government DIDN'T name Libertarians. Ron Paul did.
I agree we need to watch out for another move to extend the government's snooping powers. They've obviously got enough.
The government DIDN'T name Libertarians. Ron Paul did.
I agree we need to watch out for another move to extend the government's snooping powers. They've obviously got enough.

To quote...

''Looking forward that the members of the Biden team who have been nominated and appointed to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we've seen overseas where they germinate in different parts of the country and gain strength and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians." - Fmr CIA Director Brennan.

You and coyote should leave the Baghdad Bobbing to Baghdad Bob. At least he's good at it.
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The government DIDN'T name Libertarians. Ron Paul did.
I agree we need to watch out for another move to extend the government's snooping powers. They've obviously got enough.

You and coyote should leave the Baghdad Bobbing to Baghdad Bob. At least he's good at it.
Here’s what Brennan said (And may I remind you he is not part of the Biden administration?):

"I know looking forward that the members of the Biden team, who have been nominated or have been appointed, are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas. Where they germinate in different parts of the country, and they gain strength, and it brings together an unholy alliance, frequently, of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists — even libertarians."

Brennan did not say the Biden administration would target libertarians. Brennan does not hold a position within the Biden administration.

Nick Shapiro, former deputy chief of staff to Brennan at the CIA, told PolitiFact that Brennan's comments in the interview referred to government efforts to find and charge people involved in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. "He said 'even libertarians,' since many self-identified libertarians acknowledged their participation in the disgraceful events of 6 January. He was not referring to the Libertarian Party," Shapiro said.

You can try to justify it how you want, but we'll be ready for your brood. Bring it!

We're the kings and queens of the political underground. And we've got our people in Congress.

We're not the clowns you're used to playing charades with. We know where the fight truly takes place. And we will be there. Eagerly. Have faith in that.
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You can try to justify it how you want, but we'll be ready for your brood. Bring it!

We're the kings and queens of the political underground. And we've got our people in Congress.

We're not the clowns you're used to playing charades with. We know where the fight truly takes place. And we will be there. Eagerly. Have faith in that.
Why are you trying so hard to create an enemy where it doesn't exist? No one called the Libertarians terrorists. Brennan listed off a shit load of people affiliated with many groups who chose violence on Jan 6.

And once again, Brennan has nothing to do with the government anymore and hasn't for a few years. His security clearance was revoked by Trump and he works as a pundit for hair on fire NBC.

Ron Paul for some reason named Libertarians as being on the hit list. Criticize him, not Biden or his administration, who has never said shit about Libertarians.
Why are you trying so hard to create an enemy where it doesn't exist? No one called the Libertarians terrorists. Brennan listed off a shit load of people affiliated with many groups who chose violence on Jan 6.

And once again, Brennan has nothing to do with the government anymore and hasn't for a few years. His security clearance was revoked by Trump and he works as a pundit for hair on fire NBC.

Ron Paul for some reason named Libertarians as being on the hit list. Criticize him, not Biden or his administration, who has never said shit about Libertarians.

There are times when Biden has to ask what he's signing when an Executive order is placed in front of him. He'll do as he's told. He's effectively governing by decree. That's what he's there for. He's not there to lead. He's incompetent. He's there to do what he's told.

No matter how you wanna justify what was said, the rug is being laid. There's no doubt about it.

So we're gonna dookie all over the rug. Then were gonna go giggle about it.
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Looks like Brennan and company are specifically targeting libertarian minded people now in the establishment's effort to label any opposing view of policy a terrorist act...

The Department of Homeland Security issued on Wednesday a nationwide terror alert lasting until April 30. The alert warns of potential terrorist attacks from Americans who are “ideologically motivated” and have “objections to the exercise of government authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives.”

The language used in this alert suggests that millions of Americans are potential terrorists. Second Amendment supporting, antiwar, anti-tax, anti-politics, anti-militarization, pro-life, and anti-Federal Reserve activists certainly have “objections to the exercise of government authority.” They are certainly viewed by the political class and its handmaidens in big tech and the mainstream media as ideological extremists. Anyone who gets his news from sources other than mainstream media or big tech, or who uses certain “unapproved” social media platforms, is considered to have had his grievances “fueled by false narratives.” For something to be considered a false narrative, it need only contradict the “official” narrative.

The "domestic terrorist” alert is the latest sign that activities on January 6 on Capitol Hill, like the attacks of September 11, 2001, are being used to advance a long-standing anti-liberty agenda. Legislation expanding the federal government’s authority to use its surveillance and other unconstitutional powers against “domestic terrorists” is likely to soon be considered by Congress. Just as the PATRIOT Act was written years before 2001, this legislation was written long before January 6. The bill’s proponents are simply taking advantage of the hysteria following the so-called insurrection to push the bill onto the congressional agenda.

Former CIA Director John Brennan recently singled out libertarians as among the people the government should go after.
This is not the first time libertarians have been smeared. In 2009, a federally-funded fusion center identified people who supported my presidential campaign, my Campaign for Liberty, or certain Libertarian and Constitution parties candidates as potentially violent extremists.

The idea that libertarianism creates terrorists is absurd. Libertarians support the non-aggression principle, so they reject using force to advance their political goals. They rely instead on peaceful persuasion.

Libertarianism is being attacked because it does not support just reforming a few government policies. Instead, it presents a formidable intellectual challenge to the entire welfare-warfare state.

The ultimate goal of those pushing for a crackdown on “domestic terrorism” is to make people unwilling to even consider “radical” ideas — to make people so afraid of certain ideas that they refuse to even give those ideas a fair hearing.

Progressives who are tempted to support what is being promoted as a crackdown on right-wing violence should consider the history of government harassment of progressive movements and leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. What do they think a future right-wing authoritarian would do if given power to go after “ideological extremists”?

All Americans who cherish the Bill of Rights should come together to stop this latest crackdown on liberty. My Campaign for Liberty will be mobilizing Americans to stop passage of any domestic terrorism legislation, while my Institute for Peace and Prosperity and my Liberty Report will provide Americas with the most up-to-date information about the continuing attempts to smear those who speak the truth about government lies.

Copyright © 2021 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

The fringe of any political philosophy can become radical, not one is immune to it. I would not take it personally.
The fringe of any political philosophy can become radical, not one is immune to it. I would not take it personally.

Well, we're different in that regard. Tyranny is painted with a broad brush.

Anti-liberty legislation applies to us all. Not just a select few.
No philosophy is immune to going over board. Not a single one.
No philosophy is immune to going over board. Not a single one.

Nor is government.

In fact, the Founders were wise to leave us the means to keep them strictly limited. Limited for liberty! Which is a lost art, apparently. There's certainly a lack of interest in it.
Yes government included. Unfortunately anything can go bad. Hell I myself have had some ideas I am not so proud of, especially at 230 in the morning. Lol of course the only terror created was in my own eyes when I woke up beside them. Well maybe some of them were as upset with my presence.

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