Liberty Dollar is siezed. Owner convicted of domestic terrorism

Mini 14

Senior Member
Jun 6, 2010
Beukema's thread about "what is a dollar" came right on the heels of the Federal Government's conviction of Bernard VonNothaus for domestic terrorism in regard to the Liberty Dollar (which is now no more, the price of those remaining now going through the roof).

His story is a good one, and it really is a political statement by Government more than a criminal one.

Bernard was a great detractor of the Federal Reserve, and the story of the Liberty Dollar (from its inception) is one of those who are frustrated and see the damage the Fed has done/continues to do to the US Dollar. Basically, it was an ounce of silver, minted as a token to facilitate barter among those who chose to use it.

You have to go further than the reports of the trial, they will leave you with the impression that Bernard was just a forger, lunatic, terrorist. Look at older articles and watch the progression from "currency" to "forging" and ultimately to "domestic terrorism."

I think Bernie could have saved himself a lot of trouble if he hadn't been so pig-headed, but at the same time, I think the Government hiding their political motivation behind the veil of "domestic terrorism" is pretty shitty too.

Bottom line is, the Government just acquired $16,000,000 of silver for free, and an angry, hard-headed, eclectic genius will die in a Federal prison.
There are a bazillion in the past 2-3 days (since the conviction), but I am looking for one that gives more than just the cursory story of the recent trial. This one is "ok"

"Silver Coins A Unique Form Of Domestic Terrorism": Liberty Dollar Founder Convicted of Counterfeiting (Interview With Larry*Kudlow) - Home - The Daily Bail

The wiki entry is decent as well.

The trial has been going on for 2 years (well, the preparations for the actual trial which lasted 4 days).

Basically, Liberty Dollar was created to be a silver backed token for barter, and the Government was ok with it until it began to take off in a couple of towns in North Carolina and Arkansas. Local merchants were accepting it as easily as US currency, due to the fact that it is minted of silver.

The general thought process is that the government didn't like the competition, so they had to shut the guy down. The "pro government" position is that it was deceptive and too similar to US currency.

I haven't received a $5, $10, or $20 US coin in change in a LONG time, and as best I recall, they are ALL minted of gold, and not silver.

A google search:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=2be109a906644546
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Thank you...I'm interested in this.

I've met Bernie and he's a nice, harmless old man.
I hope the conviction is overturned on appeal and quickly.

Unlikely William, and the appeal will take a couple of years, if it is fast tracked :(

And Odd is right. Bernie is a very nice, VERY smart guy. He just doesn't agree with the whole concept of the Federal Reserve, in light of how it has been managed. And admittedly, Bernie can be a little bull-headed.

He was convinced he was going to win, and I think he was too......until the domestic terrorism thing came up. Several people saw the writing on the wall then, and tried to talk Bernie into a plea, but he was determined to "clear his name."

Its a real shame, honestly, because no one was harmed at all (LOTS of people actually made money, can't think of anyone who lost, including the Fed). He just had an idea that started to take off, and could ultimately have put a small squeeze on the Fed. They couldn't even risk that, so he had to be stopped.

Just a real shame, for everyone involved. It was a circus.
There are a bazillion in the past 2-3 days (since the conviction), but I am looking for one that gives more than just the cursory story of the recent trial. This one is "ok"

"Silver Coins A Unique Form Of Domestic Terrorism": Liberty Dollar Founder Convicted of Counterfeiting (Interview With Larry*Kudlow) - Home - The Daily Bail

The wiki entry is decent as well.

The trial has been going on for 2 years (well, the preparations for the actual trial which lasted 4 days).

Basically, Liberty Dollar was created to be a silver backed token for barter, and the Government was ok with it until it began to take off in a couple of towns in North Carolina and Arkansas. Local merchants were accepting it as easily as US currency, due to the fact that it is minted of silver.

The general thought process is that the government didn't like the competition, so they had to shut the guy down. The "pro government" position is that it was deceptive and too similar to US currency.

I haven't received a $5, $10, or $20 US coin in change in a LONG time, and as best I recall, they are ALL minted of gold, and not silver.

A google search:

Liberty Dollar Bills - Google Search

:eusa_whistle: I fought the law and the law won..

I fought the law and the law won

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