Liberty movement not ready to pass torch to Rand Paul

POLITICO: Ron Paul movement not ready to pass torch to Rand | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

Christ I hope that little weasel never gets the torch of the liberty movement...nothing but an opportunist and scum bag.
It was quite the speech that lyin' little prick made, this evening!

He kept railing, on-and-on, about how Obama said people "didn't build" whatever.

He kept talking about how immigrants came to this Country & prospered.

My question, to him, would be....if those people were so come they couldn't make it, in their OWN Country??!!!

The PERKS of living in this Country....just like Obama SAID....are what make it POSSIBLE to prosper in this Country!!!!

Only some stupid, fuckin' inbred, White trash racist can't understand what Obama has others, BEFORE HIM!!!!!!

"Now I’m not against hard work, saving money, or taking care of your family—in fact I believe strongly in all of those things. But I also believe that the person who has worked hard, saved money and accumulated wealth to take care of their family was NOT able to do that independently.

A more careful look would disclose another fundamental factor in wealth creation—being born in America. (What Warren Buffett refers to as winning the game of ovarian roulette.)

What is so special about place of birth?

First off, economists agree that the presence of a stable market for goods and assets adds 30% to the value of everything we own—we have that in America, and that increases wealth.

Second, economists tell us that 50% of the annual growth in our economy is a function of the introduction of new technology—we have that in America, and my family knows first-hand about how new technology can increase wealth.

But the benefits of being an American don’t stop there.

In no other country in the world is the federal government spending more money on research. The United States spends some $96 billion every year on fundamental research in universities and laboratories all over this country.

And what comes of this research? Well for starters how about things like jet engines, integrated circuits, the human genome, or the Internet. Clearly the largest and most generous venture capitalist in the universe is Uncle Sam.

It is clear that the folks who have become wealthy from this significant social investment did not do it alone."

I forgot all about his speech...have to look it up and listen...should be in for a laugh. It wouldn't be so bad if he hadn't used his fathers coat tails and supporters to get elected only to turn his back on them and his fathers and we thought his principles.

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